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Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name Nederlandsch Guyana
Towny Name Dutch_Guiana
/n list
Formed July 16th, 2024
National Anthem
Motto Ad maiorem Dei gloriam
Population 17
Towns 5
Capital City New-Amsterdam
Largest City
Oldest City
Region South America
Language(s) English, Dutch
Religion(s) Agnostic, Christian
Government Information
Political System Meritocracy
Count ConfiqSon
Chancellor JuztinVestigium
Councillor Christastick
Economic System Free capitalism
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

Dutch-Guiana (Dutch: Nederlandsch-Guyana) is a small colonial nation in the north of South America. Its name is derived from the indigenous word ‘Guyana’ (land of many rivers) and the settlers that originated from the Netherlands. Its population mainly consists of traders, builders, and fishermen. They are known as having a strong sense of self-determination, some even showing a dwarven attitude. With its capital of New-Amsterdam on the mainland, Dutch-Guiana seeks to diplomatically expand throughout the north of the continent.


After the founding of the town of New-Amsterdam on June 24th, 2024, and with the independence from Brazil, the nation of Dutch-Guyana was created on July 16th. On July 20th, the very first outsider town, Tabago, joined the nation. After that, other towns had joined as well, some of which sprouted from New-Amsterdam.

Independence from Brazil

The independence gained, after breaking off from Brazil had sadly caused some friction between the two nations. Brazil’s emperor, Olivio90 and Count ConfiqSon, having had tough conversations, eventually ended in a stalemate over the claimblock next to New-Amsterdam. After some more talk, Dutch-Guyana had reached a diplomatic solution on July 27th, since neither sides wanted war. They concluded that it all was a misunderstanding. As of now, Brazil will not bother Dutch-Guyana if they do not bother them. Thus, citizens have been told to not cause any provocations.


The political structure of Dutch-Guyana is a continuation of New-Amsterdam’s. This means that the triumvirate of the council, made up of ConfiqSon, JuztinVestigium and Christastick, is in merocratic control in service of its citizens. Newcomers can attain citizenship by appealing to one of the council members, which, when successfully initiated, will result in the right have a personal quarter, the possibility to set up shop, and acces the Discord channels.


In principle, Dutch-Guyana does not seek out far and therefore does not have an army. It may, however, call to arms when it is threatened in its self-determination.


While every town in Dutch-Guiana is free to determine its own building style, the nation’s capital is themed as an early Dutch colony, including a Catholic church. Its main architect, JuztinVestigium, aimed to do some fully tailored city planning. This includes immersive paths, meaningful positions of buildings, and paying attention to details.

Notable People

This is a required field to detail important members of the town historically or currently, so it's easier to tell which people are in which area and to get a better idea of the region. This can be organized in a list, for example:

  • Player 1
  • Player 2
  • WTF
  • Player 3

National Subdivisions

This isn't required but is highly recommended to help add space and add meat to your article, mostly for larger or federal nations. This refers to towns, states, provinces, autonomous regions, or other smaller sections of a nation that can be described individually. This IS optional however. This is specified so it's more clear, for example you could have a subdivision for each province or colony. Generally it's at your discretion.

Other Recommended Headings

The following are not required but it's recommended to have at least something extra for your town page. Most are applicable to most nations.

  • Political Affiliation
  • Political Parties
  • Politics
  • Economics (This may be made required depending on it's role in terra nova)
  • Diplomacy (highly, highly, highly recommended)
  • Maps
  • Pictures
  • Culture
  • Navy (gl making this work though lol)
  • Anything else that isn't ridiculous and can with reason fit into the wiki