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Newmanism (also named Neo-Newmanism to differentiate to Old Newmanism) is an Oceano-Asiatic religion based mainly on Old Newmanism, Sheepism, Stonism & Shrekism.

Religious Texts


In the beginning, Chaos was the sole entity in existence. From this Chaos emerged Stonius, an omnipotent god who, unable to contain his own power, was forced to divide into four distinct deities: Stonius, Dark Stonius, Dioritus, Granischus & Andesita. These four gods attempted to create our reality on multiple occasions, but their efforts were in vain.

To overcome this impasse, the gods created ogre gods, each successive generation inheriting a fraction of their divine power. Over billions of generations, the world became fragmented into millions of small ogre kingdoms. However, a singular ogre god, Shrek, possessed an unprecedented power that enabled him to vanquish all other ogre gods and their respective kingdoms.

Seeking to harness the collective powers of his defeated opponents, as well as his own, while preserving his consciousness, Shrek created The Craft. This divine entity was forged from the essence of Shrek himself and the combined powers of all the ogre gods. The Craft brought an end to the ogre world, birthing our reality in its place.

Advent of Newman

The advent of Newman begin with the grand prophete Newman6611 who went to hear the words of Kobi to create a land inland protected by the Craft. Newman6611 agreed to follow Kobi's words and with his army of Teutonic Knights and Hussites, he created New-Prague, the sacred land of the gods on the vaunted Terra Australis. After all this Newman6611 began the education of of his principles which Newmanism will inherit to his disciples, he taught them to help each other and thanks to mystical powers, he knew how to calm all famines and make all kinds of toxic herbs edible. This power attracted Woomy2k9's jealousy and killed him by pushing him towards a ravine. Newman6611 was no longer from the world of the living and was reincarnated as a divinity unter the name of God Newman who subdued Woomy2k9 from his peach trees and purified him to put him at his orders.