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(Various stuff. Did a lot on history.)
(Various stuff. Did a lot on history.)
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Revision as of 19:17, 15 April 2019

Bangladesh flag.png
Town Information
Economic System
Official Language
Official Religion
Government Information
Political System
Mayor ImmortalDanger
Historical Information
Past Nations
Past Mayors
Past Councillors


Dhaka was founded on the 8th of April, 2019, by ImmortalDanger, in the area of Bengal.

Dhaka is part of the Nation Burma.



Plans for Dhaka developed as much as 2 weeks before its founding. The founder of Dhaka, ImmortalDanger, had a deal with then-Burma Nation, to join a then-Burmese town, use the /t spawn command, and then leave the town to create Dhaka (and then to join then-Burma as Mayor of Dhaka). However, this did not entirely go as planned, due to timezone differences, so ImmortalDanger temporarily joined the town of Suar (India), located just West of where Dhaka is now situated. After joining Suar, ImmortalDanger used the /t spawn command, teleporting to Suar. ImmortalDanger then acquired several diamond utensils, before heading out and traveling 5 minutes due East, before leaving Suar and founding Dhaka.

Free City (Pre-Burma)

Dhaka was founded on April 8th, 2019, by ImmortalDanger. Immediately after the founding of Dhaka, a failed assassination attempt against ImmortalDanger was made by Niko20055, the Mayor of Suar (India). More about the assassination attempt can be found in the Wars and Conflicts section of this page. During the time where Dhaka was a Free City, ImmortalDanger built up agriculture, namely Wheat and Sugarcane, on the shores of the small river running through Dhakan territory, and built a 1-2 block high town border, to indicate the edges of claimed area. On the 9th of April, 2019, 1 day after Dhaka's founding, Dhaka joined then-Burma Nation as the 2nd town in the nation in the Bengal area (the other being then-Burma's capital, Naypyidaw.


Current Buildings

Italics means not yet completed.

  • Town Border

The border of Dhaka is drawn in Dirt and Cobblestone, to prevent accidentally building outside of protected areas.

  • Farm

There is a small Wheat and Sugar Cane farm on the shores of the river going through Dhaka. Likely this farm will be temporary, but currently it does provide food for the citizens of Dhaka.

Proposed Buildings

  • Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban

The capital building of Bangladesh. The proposition for this building to be the interim spawn area, until more land is acquired. Likely this building will be built primarily out of Stone, Stone Bricks, and Concrete.

  • Spawn

Other spawn ideas are being considered.

  • Park

Parks will likely only be implemented once Dhaka has sufficient land to sustain this.

  • Friendship Centre

A building complex in Bangladesh, Friendship Centre is a monument dedicated to Friendship (NGO). Primarily built out of bricks and grass, Friendship Centre could serve as a spawn area for Dhaka.

Notable People

  • ImmortalDanger
    • Founder
    • Mayor

If one wishes to join Dhaka, please contact the Mayor through Burma Nation's discord.



Dhaka is based on the Western Bank of the Meghna River, and on the Southern Bank of the Dhaleshwari River. It has jungle terrain, and is very flat, with part of a river running through the North edge of the claim.


To be added. In the meantime, Dhaka can be found on the Map, with the correct coordinates, at:


Politics and Government


Currently, decisions in Dhaka are made unilaterally my its Mayor, as a result of the Mayor currently being the only citizen of Dhaka. A real government will be set up once it makes sense to.


Dhaka has no official standing military. However, all citizens are expected to defend Dhaka if it is attacked. Dhaka, being part of Burma, is also part of the House of Uesugi, and should defend the other members of the House.

Foreign Relations




  • All other entities

Wars and Conflicts

Assassination Attempt (8 April 2019)

Shortly after the creation of Dhaka, before Dhaka was part of Burma, Niko20055, the Mayor of Suar, India, attempted to carry out an assassination of Mayor ImmortalDanger of Dhaka. The motivation for the assassination attempt was simply a miscommunication between the two mayors, in which ImmortalDanger acquired several diamond mining utensils.

Despite the significant gear advantage of Niko20055, the assassination failed, due to the non-PVP zone created by the establishment of Dhaka.

Following Niko20055's failure to assassinate ImmortalDanger, Niko20055 swore to kill ImmortalDanger.

This conflict is ongoing.