Nova:Ethiopia: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 03:57, 30 July 2020

Reworking it

☀There had been rising tensions after Twomoo returned to Earthmc, Jackjackons and Twomoo were ‘friends’ for a bit. Jackjackson left South-Mersa and returned to Ethiopia and assumed leadership. Roughly 3 days later Nubia planted a town south of Addis_Ababa the Capital of Ethiopia, then the town claimed up to Addis and blocked the easiest expansion route for Addis. A battle took place within Addis_Ababa, there were 3 Ethiopians (Jackjackson, John_of_Aus, Recruit4days) 10 Nubians, the result ended with a Nubian rout, the battle took place at a southern part of Addis around the ‘Loin statue’, the Ethiopians toggle pvp and would fight then retreat into claims, the Nubians followed this strategy as well. Then the Sri-lankans showed up and aided the Ethiopians as they chased the Nubians back to the town and then the Nubians didn’t toggle pvp as some of their members had returned to their towns, which resulted in the Ethiopians/Sri-lankans out numbering the Nubians. “Recruit4days managed to get his dumb-arse into the Nubian house” – John_of_Aus, once Recruit was in the house, the town mayor started pouring lava within the house, “most likey under the orders of Twomoo” – Recruit4days, this is considered trapping once Recruit had been trapped for longer for 15mins, Recruit logged off to survive the lava, 30mins later he re-joined and escaped. Then outsiders arrived and started pvping, including rainingoranges, and that was the opening stages of the Ethiopian-Nubian war/second Jackjackson-Twomoo war.