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Imperial Brazil, originally, Império do Brasil, is a nation that occupies the eastern part of South America.


Imperial Brazil borders only one country, the Federation of Brazil. The nation currently has four cities, being Londrina (the capital), Brasilia, Vitória and Witmarsum. However, there are already plans for new cities.


The nation is a monarchy, being ruled by the Emperor Aettos. The current chancellor is Mad_Nekros. The Senate is still in the making.


Fundation and New Projects

Imperial Brazil was founded by Aettos on January 6, 2018, being a second option for those who did not want to live under the dictatorship in the Federation of Brazil. The first two cities were Londrina and Brasilia, which used to be part of the Federation of Brazil.

Shortly after the country was founded, the city of Brasilia, formerly an abandoned city, was adopted by BlackQuartz, who started a reconstruction project in the city.

Later, the player DeusJabu when joining the nation formed the city of Vitoria. Since then the country has started a project connecting cities through a road and an underground connection. Except Witmarsum, all the cities are connected via the iceways.

Brazilian War

After TwisterSelvagem separated from Brazil and founded the Confederation of Ecuador with the cities of Porto Alegre and Juazeiro, Emperor Aettos declared war on Brazil and an alliance between the Empire and the Confederation of Ecuador began.

The next day, there was a battle near the cities of Londrina, Rio de Janeiro (Confederador do Quador), São Paulo and Curitiba (Brazil).

Throughout the conflict, the mayor of Witmarsum, Roki017, remained detached from the rest of the nation. He didn't know about the conflict and didn't know what to do. So while walking around his city, he was killed by MareshallZorn and lost the items of his chest, which was outside the protected area. He blamed Emperor Aettos and was expelled from the nation. Soon after he finished the city and left the server.


The Imperial Brazil currently has four cities, these being:

Name Mayor Number of Users Size Founded
Londrina Star.png Aettos 14 67 December 24th, 2018
Brasilia BlackQuartz 15 36 December 14th, 2018
Vitória DeusJabu 1 10 January 11th, 2019

Conflicts and War