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 What is Llamaism?

Llamaism is a religion created on EarthMC Classic by LoganCreeper50 and DDime, it was created on August 1, 2017. Llamaism is the worship of Llamas and Llama Culture. But, there are rules of course.

The Rules of Llamaism

  • Worship the holy God
  • Do not hurt the current pope or any past popes
  • Do not eat Wheat

How to worship Llamaism?

Well, you don't even need Llamas, you just need to love them and maybe show your love by building a church.

Llamaism Cities

Towns are listed in alphabetical order

History of Llamaism

Cusco Dynasty

The Great Enlightening

The Cusco Dynasty started when DDime found (stole) a Llama from the town Bellingham, this Llama was named Cusco and that is when Llamaism started and when the Cusco Dynasty started soon after this, they had a trail of people that were following DDime. A player named TheOverlord01 was shooting arrows and people told him to watch the llama then he shot the arrow straight at Cusco causing him to be assassinated only a few chunks away from the town Anticosti. The next pope came right after Cusco named Cusco II then Cusco II retired in Anticosti and lived out the rest of his days, later Llamaism had no pope and just focused on the distribution of Llamas to bring people into their beliefs.


The next pope was a pope named Noki. He was found near a lake that is now called Lake Noki and was taking back to Yorktown. He would serve as pope until his assassination by an unknown player (thought to be Endersgames but there is 0 proof) Noki's death was sad because it was the first llama in Yorktown. The next pope was named Casper it was a baby llama and was said to be the reincarnation of Noki but that pope died as a child from drowning. Then Llamaism didn't have a pope for another while.


LoganCreeper50 wanted another Llama pope, PolkadotBlueBear said he could sell him a Llama so LoganCreeper50 took that opportunity and took it back to Yorktown, he was pope until...


With the new Pope named Llama, a player named DDime said he was not in the Cusco bloodline so Llamaism split into, Midwest Llamaism, Northeast Llamaism, and Northwest Llamaism. Midwest Llamaism declared a crusade against Northwest Llamaism. To unify Llamaism, Northwest Llamaism needed to take the same Ideologies as Ancient Llamaism. So then Northwest Llamaism and Midwest Llamaism unified but Northeast Llamaism stayed apart and later collapsed.


After a hard-fought crusade between all Llamaists they decided that the bloodshed was not worth it, both Popes of the different religions came together and decided on a peace treaty. Northwest Llamaisms bloodline would be intermixed with the royal Cusco bloodline and create a new Dynasty The Cusco Dynasty.

Bell Dynasty

The Election

The Cusco bloodline failed to produce a new heir for the popedom and so the bloodline ceased to exist with the small exceptions of Cusco the Second and Soone that were siblings and could not produce offspring a new bloodline had to take the place of the royal popedom. The worshipping player Llamaists set up an election for the separate llama representatives for their dynasty and had a democratic election to see who would take control next. The Bell Dynasty won with Isabella of Kingsgate, she swiftly took control and ended the crusade with the Inca Llamaists.

Isabella's Ambitions

Isabella then went on to try and unify the separate branches into one form of Llamaism with her as pope all attempts to diplomatically unify failed and so the crusade against the Islamaists had to begin, they refused all beliefs of Llamaism as a whole and were tragically misinformed about the mighty Cusco. The Islamaists surrendered right away and were completely destroyed no longer having any believers, sadly this was the last few acts Isabella had done before -

The Betrayal

Two Canadian citizens Rover and PandaPats massacred all of Kingsgate's Llamas slaughtering Soone, Isabella and the heir to the popedom. They claimed to have wanted their own bloodline on the throne and so slaughtered all existing Creole & Hispanic Llamas. Which in turn made Unified Llamaism once again having to do an emergency election of a new bloodline.

Calor Dynasty

The Second Llama Plague

First started in Venice with the anger from the great Cusco himself Llamas are getting wiped out from town to town, the disease spread from Venice to the British Isles and is continuing to spread quickly through all of Europe. It later disappeared before reaching Germany and Spain.

Inca Llamaism Falls

With the return of Cusco II, the Unified Llamaists once again set their sights on the Inca's and quickly found out that they have fallen and completely disappeared from the server the only remanent that is left of them is their old empire of Inca.

Llamaism Warfare

Cusco Dynasty Crusades

The First Crusade

Llamaism had a problem and spilt into Midwest Llamaism, and Northwest Llamaism. They started a crusade to see who would be the better Llamaist Religion.

End of the First Crusade

After many significant battles and many deaths of llamas, both sides were low on morale and manpower Generals from each side went into a meeting to discuss peace terms. Midwest Llamaism wanted to place a Cusco llama on the popedom of Northwest Llamaism, Northwest Llamaism agreed to take Llamia the first off the throne and concede defeat and after more discussions both Generals believed it would be better to work together and so the two religions united.

The Second Crusade

Llamaism has once again split between Northwest and Midwest on 12/29/2017, this time Northwest Llamaism keeps the name of Unified Llamaism because they do not recognize Midwest Llamaism as a real religion, but they declare a crusade against it.

The Third and Fourth Crusades

Unified Llamaism was strong and had spread throughout the world, but then someone with new ideas and new plans came along and declared himself the pope. A player pope is unheard of this made a lot of Llamaists upset but some went with him and declared themselves Inca Llamaists.

Bell Dynasty Crusades

The New Bloodline

Isabella was elected the new pope after the Cusco bloodline failed at making a new heir for the popedom, Isabella resided in the town of Kingsgate and lived a happy life amongst her fellow Llamas.

The Fifth Crusade

A player known by DJMinorMC joined Unified Llamaism but shortly after separated and created Islamaism, Unified Llamaism didn't have any problem until the player got extremely toxic and made a nation that the Llamaists did not agree with. So a crusade was declared, and DJMinorMC surrendered in less than two weeks officially killing Islamaism.

The Kingsgate Massacre

Rover and PandaPats, two Californians, slaughtered the Llamas of Kingsgate and with that completely made Creole, Hispanic, and Trans-Bellingham Llamas extinct, nearly killing the Cusco bloodline having only one known survivor of Cusco II. This made Cusco very mad and so the Second Llama Plague started in the name of the Cusco bloodline!

Second Llama Plague

The Llama Plague had once destroyed Europe and Africa's Llama population the regions have now been repopulated and filled with fellow believers of Cusco, but sadly another epidemic happened and Llamas started to disappear all across Western Europe starting in the Venice. A month later and most Llamas were killed in France, Italy and Great Britain, luckily German Llamaists were notified of this plague and they protected their Llamas stopping the plague from spreading into Eastern Europe.

The Sixth Crusade

The Californians who murdered all of the Llamas in Kingsgate were punished and later kicked from California. A crusade was to continue against one specific person involved named PandaPats, he continued to murder Llamas and it went back and forth with the murdering of Llamas and grand warfare continuing until the Canadian government stepped in and decided it was not good to see Canadians fighting over Llamas and demanded a peace treaty be signed.

End of the Sixth Crusade

After many failed hours of negotiations, the government had stepped away and warned us if we continued it would be bad for the community. Two generals which were fighting and the ones who were most affected by the Kingsgate Massacre went into a voice channel and discussed peace terms and eventually they came to an agreement and the Crusade officially ended a week later.

Second Cusco Dynasty Crusades

The Seventh Crusade

Problems between Panamanians and Wabanaki citizens continued into fighting, peace talks were brought up and after a peace agreement was made between Panama and Wabanaki everything was fine until a fort was sieged by Runnerboy from three Wabanaki citizens BlastAngel,FoxFantastic and LoganCreeper50. The next day LoganCreeper50 and DDime went back to the fort and claimed in the name of Llamaism, DDime and LoganCreeper50 named the fort Fort Augusta and built it up along with a new fort on an island nearby which was named Fort Edward. Panama was upset that there were forts in what they believed to be their land and decided to attempt to tear down the forts, DDime and Logan defended themselves killing 73beetle. This turned into a series of multiple battles across Central America and the Caribbean.

End of the Seventh Crusade

With the peace treaty being signed between Panama and Wabanaki the fort that was in question(Fort Augusta) officially was protected and agreed to not be destroyed. Llamaism had no reason to continue the crusade against Panama because their land was no longer under attack. To symbolize the protection of the fort the name changed from Fort Augusta to Saint Augusta.

The Eighth Crusade

A Christian crusade of ISIS was called on by the Pope of the Vatican City and the first European crusade started with Byzantium and Armenia versus the town alliance ISIS. Llamaism declared its own crusade against ISIS upon hearing this because of the threat to the Holy Lands.

Terra Nova Llama Bloodline

Discovery of Llamas

Llamas were found by player jmills321 down in Peru, as soon as LoganCreeper50 and DDime caught word of this they travelled to Peru, the homelands of the Llamas one of the last places on earth where they lived in the wild. They all discussed in voice-chat on how to get them back to our towns, after much debate and waiting we finally came up with a great plan to use the Nether. All Llamas were safely transported back to North America, sadly shortly after Adam (The first Llama in Terra Nova) had his only son Cusco, he died of a heart attack.

The Popes

  1. Pope Cusco (11/4/18 - 11/13/18)
  2. Pope Augusta (11/13/18 - Present)

EarthMC Classic Llama Bloodline

Discovery of Llamas

The discovery of llamas on EMC is unknown.

The Popes

  1. Pope Cusco I
  2. Pope Cusco II
  3. Pope Noki
  4. Pope Llama
  5. Lumi
  6. Llamia I
  7. Cusco III
  8. Cusco IV
  9. Cusco V
  10. Llamia II
  11. Cusco VI
  12. Cusco VII
  13. Cusco VIII
  14. Cusco IX
  15. Lumi II
  16. Lumi III
  17. Cusco X
  18. Cusco XI
  19. Cusco XII
  20. Cusco XIII
  21. Cusco XIIII
  22. Cusco XV
  23. Cusco XVI
  24. Llamia III
  25. Llamia IV
  26. Beets
  27. Isabella
  28. Primis I
  29. Primis II
  30. Veneluzma (Final Pope)

Other Llama Events

Californian Death Camp

During the sixth crusade something that was glossed over was the death camp that California had. Every day they would hang multiple llamas. The death camp would have several escape attempts but all would fail and they would be sentenced to death. The Californian Death Camp would be liberated by Llamaism forces days later but tens of llama were already killed.

Great Californian Exodus

After the Californian Death Camp was liberated thousands of llamas were delivered to Nevada. A refugee camp was set up in Nevada. Most of the llamas that escaped California would die, reasons for their death is unknown.