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Svalbard is a young and decently powerful European nation.

The Kingdom Of Svalbard
Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name The Kingdom Of Svalbard
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Capital City Longyearbyen
Largest City Xy7gm6puhi721.jpg Longyearbyen
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System Crown.png Provisional Absolute Monarchy
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information


Prior to Formation 

Old Svalbard was a large kingdom which established authority over the central portions of the archipelago. It eventually collapsed, leaving many ruins and city-states behind.

Foundation of Svalbard 


Thundorlord and other residents of Longyearbyen worked for just over half a month amassing the gold necessary to form the nation.


As of November 8, 2019, the nation has annexed neighboring Nordaustlandet, as the borders of Longyearbyen itself have grown.




ThundorLord spent just under a week gathering the gold necessary to form the future capital, burying the gold to prevent it from being stolen. It was founded on the exact spot where Longyearbyen is in the real world.


Not long after it's founding, the town began to expand, as the town expanded slowly, a few players joined, (most of the now 'Lords'). These players would help fund the nation. During the save up for the nation, Longyearbyen put expansion on hold, as all funds, and all resident's gold, would go towards Nationhood. After Nationhood was reached, Longyearbyen began expanding rapidly, in population, and territory size. The capital has reached a size of around 82 chunks. The current population is 30.

Other info

Longyearbyen is where the majority of the population of Svalbard lives, and where most national trade takes place as it is /n spawn. Longyearbyen is also the world's northernmost Capital City.



Not much is known on the formation of Nordaustlandet because of it's isolation from the capital. But it was planned to join the nation for a few weeks before the founding took place.


Nordaustlandet remains a 1-man-town, with only enough claims to protect the mayor's house. Despite many prompts to expand, by the King. The small town remains this way. This small town has a size of 6 chunks.

Other info

Nordaustlandet was the capital of Svalbard for 3 hours on the 11th of November 2019, because of a command mistake by the King. This makes Nordaustlandet a past capital of the nation, and the mayor, Maineri, a past ruler.



Svenskoya was founded by Matburnx, not long after Svalbard was founded. The soon-to-be-mayor of the island town, told the King that it was to be founded soon, so the nation granted him the remaining gold necessary to found the town.


Since it's founding Svenskoya has admitted one new resident and claimed the whole island. Meaning it has at least 12 chunks in area.



Snofortbyen was founded by Lopatomil sveral days after joining Svalbard. During that time he saved up almost 3 stacks of gold. Then he announced his plans about rebuilding ruins of the old republic to ThundorLord. He agreed and contributed with more gold.


As of today Snofortbyen consists of 6 residents and 32 chunks. That makes it the third largest city on Svalbard.

Other info

The walls of the fort are the only part, of the Old republic ruins, that remains. Snofortbyen is connected to every town on Svalbard by ice roads.



The town was founded in early december by tarnfire,in western Svalbard. It has good size, but needs buildings.


The town has growed 16 chunks in the course of a month. Has 2 residents.


In real life spitsbergen is the name of the island svalbard is on.



Kaldbyen was founded by Gladed and Differ3nt on 14th December 2019 settled on mountains on south of Svalbard Island. At the beginning it was very small and poor settlement. GL4D has decided to put the town on sale for 128G. Reason unknown. Eventually he managed to sell it for 100 gold to Milacekjsem, who is now Mayor of Kaldbyen.


The town under Milacekjsem is 19 chunks and only he is there, no residents.


In Kaldbyen there are ruins of Old Svalbard's fort. Construction date unknown.

Other info

Lopatomil is the biggest investor in Kaldbyen. He gave best tools and gold for town to make it grow up. Kaldbyen owes him such rapid development.



The town was founded theopgamingpig in mid december. It was made over the ruins of old svalbard.


The mayor still has to invite the other two founding members, B123 and Dag0th_Ur. It has 9 chunks, rebuilding is still going on.

Other info

It was planned to be founded in mid december, decision was made in November.



The town was founded just north of longyearbyen by Weias. The mayor had around 2000 gold saved up, enough to make his town currently 13 chunks larger than the capital, 91 chunks. The town was sold to TheLootcrate for an unknown price, after weias decided to quit.


The town became so large in just two days, it still has only one resident though, because the mayor wants the town to be set up before people come.

Other info

It is expected to be the second most populated town, considering the size. Surprisingly, its larger than the capital.



The town was founded by TreePapi on December 30, 2019. It was created north of Snofortbyen. It has another resident who is a builder, Bobberson07.


The town has grown 14 chunks, it will grow more still.

Other Info

The town name means "Flowering town".



The town was founded by Afaukiz on December 30, 2019. It is close to Kjernebyen.


It has only 6 chunks and will grow later on.

Other Info

The name of this town means "New Year City"

Towns in order of size

Kjernebyen- 91 chunks

Longyearbyen- 82 chunks (capital)

Snofortbyen- 32 chunks

Kaldbyen- 19 chunks

Spitsbergen- 16 chunks

Blomstringenbyen- 14 chunks

Svenskoya- 12 chunks

Antikkenbyen- 9 chunks

Nyttårbyen- 6 chunks

Nordaustlandet- 6 chunks

Planned towns

Two towns are being planned, Barentsburg by Bobberson07 on the island below Spitsbergen, expected creation date within a month. Another town called Edge, will be built over the ruins of Sos-Kablyat, a former town not in Svalbard. The mayor isnt decided as it is a nation project. One by Nordaustlandet will be called Stornordbyen, "Great north city". Mayor undecided as it is a nation project.


Svalbard's current government has not been properly designed, though Thundorlord currently rules as the king of the nation.


Svalbard does not operate with a standing army nor organized militia.


Throughout the Island of Svalbard, multiple ruins of old cities exist. The ruins of Old Svalbard's capital remain largely intact. A residential area in Longyearbyen, Valley street, provides amazing views of the mountains, along with beautiful homes. Snofortbyen is made from ruins, and looks like a castle, with a city in it.

Notable People

  • Thundorlord
  • Lopatomil
  • Theopgamingpig

National Subdivisions

None at Present


A ice road called the 'Boat Yeeter', connects 7 of the 8 cities of Svalbard. Connections for the other two are being made.


Kalmar union, became allies after signing a treaty with Svalbard on Nov 20, 2019. No discrimination of trade, together in wars, and work together, building an ice road between the capitals. Longyearbyen and Nya Asgard. Its called Trans-Barents boaterway. Svalbard is part of an alliance called The Northern Lights, the nations in the alliance are Kalmar Union, Godthab, Solor and Svalbard.


Svalbard has no current enemies.