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Winslow is a town on the Island of Anticosti. The town's building style is Native American.


Founding and Attacks

The town of Winslow was founded on December 31, 2018 by LoganCreeper50, becoming the last town to join the nation of Iroquois/Wabanaki in 2018. The town of Winslow was founded on the western side of the Island of Anticosti. When the town was founded the town on the eastern side of the island came over to Winslow and started attacking LoganCreeper50. LoganCreeper50 would go hide in the capital of Iroquois.


The player named DDime would join the town of Winslow the day after its founding. The town would start to expand a build a lot. Politics in Wabanaki started getting crazy. A government official that goes by the name of CrispyChipotle showed up at Winslow. He started attacking the people of Winslow. During this time the Winslownians hid under their wigwams and started constructing a tunnel system under the town. Then the Winslownians called for backup they called the player that went by the name of Proda. Proda showed up and killed CrispyChipotle easily.

The Vinnish Plan

CrispyChipotle was running for Hoyenah of Wabanaki, and he looked like he was going to win. The town of Winslow in the town of Acadia were planning on leaving if he did. They were going to create the nation of Vinland. They raised 300 gold themselves and took a 200 gold loan from Tibet so they have 500 gold saved. When the day came the leader of Winslow hesitated, he decided to wait instead of make the nation before the election results were released. CrispyChipotle didn't win Hoyenah and instead MylesRatliff became Hoyenah and The Vinnish Plan was abolished.

A Holder

After the fall of Washington D.C. the mayor LoganCreeper50 decided to place a holder in the town named Dinotrakker while he went and made Washington. LoganCreeper50 planned on going back to Winslow soon but soon turned into a long time. Once the player DDime was available to take Washington, LoganCreeper50 decided to take over Newark instead of go back to Winslow. LoganCreeper50 was even getting ready for Dinotrakker to disband it for LoganCreeper50. During this time the town Anticosti which was on the eastern side of the island fell. Newark was getting boring for LoganCreeper50 so he planned his return.

The Return

LoganCreeper50 decided to return to Winslow on April 13, 2019, after 59 days. LoganCreeper50 would start building more buildings and designing more on a different server. He also continued the tunnel system underground.

Buildings (In Order of Creation)

LoganC's Wigwam

As soon as Winslow was founded on western Anticosti, LoganCreeper50 built his Wigwam in the center of the town. Being the first building and the oldest building in Winslow. This building was used as a safety shelter during the Siege of Winslow.

Potato Terrace (Wheat Terrace)

The Wheat Terrace farm was originally created right after Logan's wigwam was created. He used the terrain that was already there to create the farm. The farm was raided during the Skirmish of Anticosti when the people from the eastern Anticosti attacked Winslow. The farm was later turned into the Potato Terrace after the regional plant of Winslow became Potatos.

DDime's Wigwam

After the Skirmish of Winslow, LoganC wanted to make the town able to occupy another citizen. He knew that DDime planned on joining but Dime was busy in Sea_Berlin when Winslow was created.

Socialist Hall {(Communist Hall) Storage Hut}

The Storage Hut was built after DDime joined the town. They wanted to bring back more buildings from Anticosti on EarthMc Classic. The Storage Hut was built and they started sharing items by putting them in the hut, this is why its name was later changed to the Communist Hall as a joke. Winslow would ban Communism later so it was changed to the Socialist Hall.

Totem of Flight

The Totem of Flight is a totem pole that is a, Beaver, Bear, and an Eagle on top. It is called the totem of flight because of the Eagles big wings.

Dino's Wigwam

Dino's Wigwam was built when the citizens of Winslow wanted to expand the town so they squeezed Dino's Wigwam in between the Socialist Hall and the Totem of Flight.

In-Ground Animal Pen

The In-Ground Animal Pen is a animal pen that goes into the ground and is covered by a glass roof. It can be accessed using the Winslow tunnels or using the trap door and latter from the glass.

Anticosti Town hall

Anticosti Flag Pole (Vinnish Flag Pole)

Anticosti Museum

Wigwam (simon7625's Wigwam)

Anticosti Library [Demolished]

Winslow Tower [Demolished while Building]

Tipi 1

Tipi 2

Llamaist Museum