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WeirdNicholas(Spawned in July 11th, 2022) is the current mayor of Billings and a prominent miner

Before Civilization

WeirdNicholas had a basic understanding of how the server worked due to his experience of vanilla Minecraft prior to joining the server. WeirdNicholas checked the map and he was in the middle of China, this made him question the positioning of the spawn but he ignored it, you see, WeirdNicholas had a goal in mind; to become someone. WeirdNicholas, with this goal in mind ventured on trying to get to North America through the Pacific Ocean, a feat which he was not entirely sure was possible.

WeirdNicholas did not know at the time that there were 2 servers on EarthMC and thus took a shot in the dark when joining the one he played before, a choice which was obviously wrong.

He then decided that traveling through the Pacific may not be possible on the server and thus he started traveling west instead of east, he got to about halfway between Warsaw and Tokyo before he just joined a country and left.


WeirdNicholas by this point had been spammed with multiple invites to multiple different nations which most of them he refused without thinking about it, but when California invited him he decided to join. After this choice he immediately quit the nation and went north while not regretting his choice. WeirdNicholas on the way to Montana ran into a player who he thought would attack him, but instead this player gave him simple enchanted diamond gear and they parted ways after this.


The reason WeirdNicholas left California was that he had a different goal in mind; reach Montana and make a city there, he at first only wanted to make Billings but then later on decided any town would do in Montana. WeirdNicholas calculated roughly where Billings would be and made a simple civilization there, he was dead wrong and was in fact, in north Montana, he moved his position 3 times before finally moving to yet another, wrong location.

The First Billings

WeirdNicholas looked for towns in Montana to join to get on his feet and while doing this discovered a town already named Billings; This town was made by the players fatherof90 and whatwhat969. WeirdNicholas decided to contact this town as it was one of 3 towns in Montana at the time and he had no connection to the other towns. WeirdNicholas met with the mayor of Billings whatwhat969 halfway across the vast Montanan desert on EarthMC.

WeirdNicholas followed the player back to the town and joined it, he did not expect to be challenged to a 1v1 duel with the other resident; fatherof90. This fight was meant to be a jumping against the player, However assuming WeirdNicholas was a new player was a mistake they players made as he defeated fatherof90 and talked his way out of fighting whatwhat969. After this incident, WeirdNicholas began making his own house which would serve as his second house on the server so far, this house was in a chunk given to him by whatwhat969 for him to do whatever in it. WeirdNicholas used the town as a main base for mining and building and didn't plan to stay long. WeirdNicholas wouldn't leave the town that easily but the later it got into the month the less attached he was to the town and eventually left the town and made a different town