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Latest revision as of 01:02, 19 January 2021

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Oceania is a french nation in Australia who has business and expansions objectives. This nation is rank #11 in the ranking of the number of inhabitants (International).


In the beginning, La Oceania was created by Xternz. It was called Torrens and for a long time it had only 2 towns. Xternz had to rename it Strzelecki and sold his nation to the Oz.

PasobossMFG took the nation for his city (he made a city of 1 chunk inside his city) to have a spawn.

Following the war between Oz and South Australia, these two nations decided to merge into a single nation, Oceania in November 2020.

The Strzelecki Nation was therefore renamed "Océnia"


Towns Leaders Residents Chunks
MFG PasobossMFG 15 226
MFG_Spawn Ralph_Yt 1 1
SaintSiege DeltaScorpior 1 241
Brisbane Wiked13 75 315
Faromix FatalSun_Yt 8 127
Esperance xetaflex 1 148
Fatality FatalMoon_Yt 1 52
Fort_Azertrix GamekingYT 2 36
Fort_Celeste Diams57 1 7
Fort_Fire RedFire2500 1 17
Imperia_III katiegame 2 24
FuzeCity gbaguette 2 16
Fortown Deltadrunki 1 36
Imperatoris Farfal 3 8
TOTAL 14 towns 122 1254