Nova:Madagascan Navy: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "The industrial heart of Madagascar, Malagasy_Docks is a very unique town in that it is by far the largest industrial dockyard on the server and one of only a few industrial-ba...")
m (209035053697728513 moved page Madagascan Navy (Terra Nova) to Nova:Madagascan Navy without leaving a redirect)
(72 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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The industrial heart of Madagascar, Malagasy_Docks is a very unique town in that it is by far the largest industrial dockyard on the server and one of only a few industrial-based towns on the entire server. It is home to the vast majority of the steadily-growing Madagascan Navy, officially called the Royal Malagasy Navy, which is the largest navy on the server by an ever increasing margin. It hosts two drydocks, the largest of which is large enough to comfortably fit the largest warship on the server to date - the Aircraft Carrier HMS Jutland of the British Royal Navy. Both of the drydocks are currently occupied, however, by the Battleship RMNS C.Eagle and the Coastal Defence Battleship RMNS Reunion. The town is also host to a small residential area where workers and residents live. There were plans to found it on the north coast above Tsalbarivo, however the waters there were deemed to be too shallow to allow anything larger than a Destroyer to be moored there without extensive underwater excavation, so a relatively flat location was chosen on the east coast instead, situated below Tsalbarivo.
The '''Madagascan Navy''', officially called the '''Royal Malagasy Navy''', is the largest navy on EMC.
== '''Full List of Ships in the Madagascan Navy''' ==
{| class="article-table"
|+21 In Service |43 In Service | 0 Under Construction | 3 Preparing for Construction | 65 Planned for the Future
|RMNS Krazy
|Chancellor Class Fleet Carrier
|RMNS Explodingmelons
|Chancellor Class Fleet Carrier
|RMNS Add123
|Chancellor Class Fleet Carrier
|RMNS CloakedEagle
|Malagasy Class Battleship
|In Service
|RMNS Poppykai
|Malagasy Class Battleship
|RMNS Reunion
|President Class Battlecruiser
|In Service
|RMNS Mauritius
|President Class Battlecruiser
|RMNS Sainte Marie
|City Class Heavy Cruiser
|RMNS Tsalbarivo
|City Class Heavy Cruiser
|RMNS Trondro
|City Class Heavy Cruiser
|RMNS Cape Janga
|Town Class Light Cruiser
|RMNS Paralía
|Town Class Light Cruiser
|RMNS EcoHaven
|Town Class Light Cruiser
|RMNS Tsivory
|Town Class Light Cruiser
|RMNS Zilla
|Battle Class Scout Cruiser
|In Service
|RMNS Weston
|Battle Class Scout Cruiser
|In Service
|RMNS Hulk00
|Battle Class Scout Cruiser
|Battle Class Scout Cruiser
|RMNS Barbasmas
|Liberty Class Seaplane Tender
|Preparing for Construction
|RMNS MyDivineFury
|Liberty Class Seaplane Tender
|RMNS Nimble
|N Class Destroyer
|RMNS Nymph
|N Class Destroyer
|RMNS Nettle
|N Class Destroyer
|RMNS Nemesis
|N Class Destroyer
|RMNS Neptune
|N Class Destroyer
|RMNS Nautilus
|N Class Destroyer
|RMNS Narwhal
|N Class Destroyer
|RMNS Nomad
|N Class Destroyer
|RMNS Musketeer
|M Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Marksman
|M Class Destroyer
|RMNS Might
|M Class Destroyer
|RMNS Mosquito
|M Class Destroyer
|RMNS Mermaid
|M Class Destroyer
|RMNS Meteor
|M Class Destroyer
|RMNS Lemur
|L Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Lightning
|L Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Lancer
|L Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Lion
|L Class Destroyer
|RMNS Leopard
|L Class Destroyer
|RMNS Liberty
|L Class Destroyer
|RMNS Lookout
|L Class Destroyer
|RMNS Loyal
|L Class Destroyer
|RMNS Legion
|L Class Destroyer
|RMNS Lively
|L Class Destroyer
|RMNS Haste
|H Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Hurricane
|H Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Havock
|H Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Hunter
|H Class Destroyer
|RMNS Meadow
|Meadow Class Frigate
|RMNS Orchard
|Meadow Class Frigate
|Flower Class Type-F Frigate
|RMNS Azure Bluet
|Flower Class Type-E Frigate
|In Service
|RMNS Lilac
|Flower Class Type-D Frigate
|In Service
|Flower Class Type-D Frigate
|Flower Class Type-D Frigate
|RMNS Allium
|Flower Class Type-C Frigate
|In Service
|Flower Class Type-C Frigate
|RMNS Tulip
|Flower Class Type-B Frigate
|In Service
|RMNS Bali
|Eritrea Class Sloop (Colonial Gunboat)
|In Service
|RMNS Kingfisher
|Kingfisher Class Minelayer
|In Service
|RMNS Kookaburra
|Kingfisher Class Minelayer
|In Service
|RMNS Horn
|Insect Class Gunboat
|In Service
|RMNS Fire
|Insect Class Gunboat
|In Service
|RMNS Bubble
|Insect Class Gunboat
|Preparing for Construction
|RMNS Tube
|Insect Class Gunboat
|RMNS Mangoky
|River Class Training Ship
|In Service
|Isle Class Minesweeper
|In Service
|Isle Class Minesweeper
|Preparing for Construction
|Isle Class Minesweeper
|Isle Class Minesweeper
|Isle Class Minesweeper
|Isle Class Minesweeper
|Ox Class Armed Tugboat
|In Service
|Ox Class Armed Tugboat
|In Service
|Ox Class Armed Tugboat
|Ox Class Armed Tugboat
|Ox Class Armed Tugboat
|Ox Class Armed Tugboat
|RMNS Betsiboka
|Delta Class Type-C Gunboat
|In Service
|RMNS Sofia
|Delta Class Type-C Gunboat
|In Service
|RMNS Onilahy
|Delta Class Type-C Gunboat
|In Service
|Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat
|In Service
|Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat
|In Service
|Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat
|In Service
|Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat
|In Service
|Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|S-01 Class Submarine
|In Service
|S-02 'Axolotl'
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|In Service
|S-03 'iRadd'
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|In Service
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
|Dolphin Class Submarine
== '''Main Battle Fleet''' ==
The Main Battle Fleet is the main force of the Madagascan Navy. It consists of the bulk of the navy's strength as well as the vast majority of the navy's Bluewater Warships. This Fleet alone is larger than the entirety of the second largest navy on the server, the British Royal Navy.
{| class="article-table"
|RMNS Krazy
|Monarch Class Fleet Carrier
|RMNS TerraAustralis
|Monarch Class Fleet Carrier
|RMNS CloakedEagle
|Malagasy Class Battleship
|In Service
|RMNS Poppykai
|Malagasy Class Battleship
|RMNS Explodingmelons
|Admiral Class Battlecruiser
|RMNS Sainte Marie
|City Class Heavy Cruiser
|RMNS Tsalbarivo
|City Class Heavy Cruiser
|Town Class Light Cruiser
|Town Class Light Cruiser
|RMNS Mozambique
|Territory Class Anti-Air Cruiser
|RMNS Jacob van Heemskerck
|Tromp class Flotilla Leader
|In Service
|RMNS Musketeer
|M Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Marksman
|M Class Destroyer
|RMNS Might
|M Class Destroyer
|RMNS Lemur
|L Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Lightning
|L Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Lancer
|L Class Destroyer
|Preparing for Construction
|RMNS Lion
|L Class Destroyer
|RMNS Liberty
|L Class Destroyer
== '''Coastal Defence Fleet''' ==
The Coastal Defence Fleet consists primarily of short-ranged craft and older warships that are not as capable as the current generation warships in the Main Battle Fleet. It operates primarily around the coastline of Madagascar and its territories such as Reunion and Mozambique to a limited degree and is primarily tasked with the defence of Madagascar, although some units are capable of operating along side the Main Battle Fleet if an engagement were to take place in regional waters. The short-ranged craft and ships tend to be fairly powerful for their size.
{| class="article-table"
|RMNS Reunion
|Åland Class Coastal Defence Battleship
|In Service
|RMNS Haste
|H Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Kingfisher
|Kingfisher Class Minelayer
|In Service
|RMNS Mangoky
|River Class Gunboat
|In Service
|Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat
|In Service
|Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Unidentified Class of Submarine
|In Service
== '''Colonial Defence Force''' ==
The Colonial Defence Force is a collection of smaller forces scattered throughout Madagascar's Colonial Territories and not a single unified Fleet. Hence why it is classed as a Force. Their role is primarily to carry out colonial policing, while during wartime they're also required to fight off small craft such as motor boats and to deter enemy forces from trying to invade, such as laying mines around the colonies, maintaining torpedo and submarine nets and torpedoing any fleet warship that may try to attack and occupy a colony. This Fleet consists of just the ships permanently stationed in Colonial Territories, not every ship that could be used to defend the Colonial Territories.
{| class="article-table"
|RMNS Bali
|Eritrea Class Sloop (Colonial Gunboat)
|In Service
|RMNS Betsiboka
|Delta Class Type-C Gunboat
|In Service
|Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|In Service
=='''Convoy Escort Force'''==
This group of warships are classed as a Force as they usually operate independently or in small groups, not as a combined Fleet. The primary role of these ships is to protect merchant vessels and fleet supply vessels outside of coastal waters from attack by convoy raiders such as submarines. Certain ships from the Main Battle Fleet and Coastal Defence Fleet may be assigned to this Fleet if there is a shortage of dedicated convoy escort ships, these ships are listed in italics. For certain highly important and/or highly vulnerable convoys, more powerful warships such as cruisers and capital ships may be used to assist in convoy escort duties.
{| class="article-table"
|''RMNS Musketeer''
|M Class Destroyer
|In Service
|''RMNS Marksman''
|M Class Destroyer
|''RMNS Might''
|M Class Destroyer
|''RMNS Lemur''
|L Class Destroyer
|In Service
|''RMNS Lightning''
|L Class Destroyer
|In Service
|''RMNS Lancer''
|L Class Destroyer
|Preparing for Construction
|''RMNS Lion''
|L Class Destroyer
|''RMNS Liberty''
|L Class Destroyer
|''RMNS Haste''
|H Class Destroyer
|In Service
|RMNS Azure Bluet
|Flower Class Type-E Frigate
|In Service
|RMNS Lilac
|Flower Class Type-D Frigate
|In Service
|RMNS Allium
|Flower Class Type-C Frigate
|In Service
|RMNS Tulip
|Flower Class Type-B Frigate
|In Service
|RMNS Horn
|Coral Class Corvette
|In Service
|RMNS Fire
|Coral Class Corvette
|In Service
|RMNS Bubble
|Coral Class Corvette
|Preparing for Construction
=='''Former Madagascan Ships sold to other Nations'''==
{| class="article-table"
!Original Name
!Original Fleet/Force Deployment
!New Name
!New Town
!New Nation
|RMNS Mauritius
|Åland Class Coastal Defence Battleship
|RCS Deutschland
|RMNS Comoros
|Åland Class Coastal Defence Battleship
|RQS Laurentides
|RMNS Hurricane
|H Class Destroyer
|RCS Legacy
|RMNS Heroic
|H Class Destroyer
|RMNS Hunter
|H Class Destroyer
|HIMS Chumphon
|RMNS Hotspur
|H Class Destroyer
|HMS Majan
|RMNS Antelope
|A Class Destroyer
|Kursk Act V
|RMNS Archer
|A Class Destroyer
|In transit
|RMNS Betsiboka
|River Class Gunboat
|RCS Birb
|RMNS Ikopa
|River Class Gunboat
|RCS Jewel of Angeles
|RMNS Manambolo
|River Class Gunboat
|HMES Greg
|RMNS Onilahy
|River Class Gunboat
|SMS Nordstern
|RMNS Paralia Bay
|Bay Class Torpedo Boat
|In transit
[[Category:Unique Page]]

Latest revision as of 07:50, 20 May 2023

The Madagascan Navy, officially called the Royal Malagasy Navy, is the largest navy on EMC.

Full List of Ships in the Madagascan Navy

43 In Service | 0 Under Construction | 3 Preparing for Construction | 65 Planned for the Future
Name Class Status
RMNS Krazy Chancellor Class Fleet Carrier Planned
RMNS Explodingmelons Chancellor Class Fleet Carrier Planned
RMNS Add123 Chancellor Class Fleet Carrier Planned
RMNS CloakedEagle Malagasy Class Battleship In Service
RMNS Poppykai Malagasy Class Battleship Planned
RMNS Reunion President Class Battlecruiser In Service
RMNS Mauritius President Class Battlecruiser Planned
RMNS Sainte Marie City Class Heavy Cruiser Planned
RMNS Tsalbarivo City Class Heavy Cruiser Planned
RMNS Trondro City Class Heavy Cruiser Planned
RMNS Cape Janga Town Class Light Cruiser Planned
RMNS Paralía Town Class Light Cruiser Planned
RMNS EcoHaven Town Class Light Cruiser Planned
RMNS Tsivory Town Class Light Cruiser Planned
RMNS Zilla Battle Class Scout Cruiser In Service
RMNS Weston Battle Class Scout Cruiser In Service
RMNS Hulk00 Battle Class Scout Cruiser Planned
Unnamed Battle Class Scout Cruiser Planned
RMNS Barbasmas Liberty Class Seaplane Tender Preparing for Construction
RMNS MyDivineFury Liberty Class Seaplane Tender Planned
RMNS Nimble N Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Nymph N Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Nettle N Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Nemesis N Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Neptune N Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Nautilus N Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Narwhal N Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Nomad N Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Musketeer M Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Marksman M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Might M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Mosquito M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Mermaid M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Meteor M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lemur L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lightning L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lancer L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lion L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Leopard L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Liberty L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lookout L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Loyal L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Legion L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lively L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Haste H Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Hurricane H Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Havock H Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Hunter H Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Meadow Meadow Class Frigate Planned
RMNS Orchard Meadow Class Frigate Planned
Unnamed Flower Class Type-F Frigate Planned
RMNS Azure Bluet Flower Class Type-E Frigate In Service
RMNS Lilac Flower Class Type-D Frigate In Service
Unnamed Flower Class Type-D Frigate Planned
Unnamed Flower Class Type-D Frigate Planned
RMNS Allium Flower Class Type-C Frigate In Service
Unnamed Flower Class Type-C Frigate Planned
RMNS Tulip Flower Class Type-B Frigate In Service
RMNS Bali Eritrea Class Sloop (Colonial Gunboat) In Service
RMNS Kingfisher Kingfisher Class Minelayer In Service
RMNS Kookaburra Kingfisher Class Minelayer In Service
RMNS Horn Insect Class Gunboat In Service
RMNS Fire Insect Class Gunboat In Service
RMNS Bubble Insect Class Gunboat Preparing for Construction
RMNS Tube Insect Class Gunboat Planned
RMNS Mangoky River Class Training Ship In Service
RMNS MS-A-01 Isle Class Minesweeper In Service
RMNS MS-A-02 Isle Class Minesweeper Preparing for Construction
RMNS MS-A-03 Isle Class Minesweeper Planned
RMNS MS-A-04 Isle Class Minesweeper Planned
RMNS MS-A-05 Isle Class Minesweeper Planned
RMNS MS-A-06 Isle Class Minesweeper Planned
RMNS TG-A-01 Ox Class Armed Tugboat In Service
RMNS TG-A-02 Ox Class Armed Tugboat In Service
RMNS TG-A-03 Ox Class Armed Tugboat Planned
RMNS TG-A-04 Ox Class Armed Tugboat Planned
RMNS TG-A-05 Ox Class Armed Tugboat Planned
RMNS TG-A-06 Ox Class Armed Tugboat Planned
RMNS Betsiboka Delta Class Type-C Gunboat In Service
RMNS Sofia Delta Class Type-C Gunboat In Service
RMNS Onilahy Delta Class Type-C Gunboat In Service
RMNS MGB-01 Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat In Service
RMNS MGB-02 Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat In Service
RMNS MGB-03 Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat In Service
RMNS MGB-04 Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat In Service
RMNS MGB-05 Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat In Service
RMNS MTB-01 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-02 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-03 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-04 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-05 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-06 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-07 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-08 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
S-01 S-01 Class Submarine In Service
S-02 'Axolotl' Dolphin Class Submarine In Service
S-03 'iRadd' Dolphin Class Submarine In Service
S-04 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-05 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-06 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-07 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-08 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-09 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-10 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-11 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-12 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-13 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-14 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-15 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-16 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned
S-17 Dolphin Class Submarine Planned

Main Battle Fleet

The Main Battle Fleet is the main force of the Madagascan Navy. It consists of the bulk of the navy's strength as well as the vast majority of the navy's Bluewater Warships. This Fleet alone is larger than the entirety of the second largest navy on the server, the British Royal Navy.

Name Class Status
RMNS Krazy Monarch Class Fleet Carrier Planned
RMNS TerraAustralis Monarch Class Fleet Carrier Planned
RMNS CloakedEagle Malagasy Class Battleship In Service
RMNS Poppykai Malagasy Class Battleship Planned
RMNS Explodingmelons Admiral Class Battlecruiser Planned
RMNS Sainte Marie City Class Heavy Cruiser Planned
RMNS Tsalbarivo City Class Heavy Cruiser Planned
Unnamed Town Class Light Cruiser Planned
Unnamed Town Class Light Cruiser Planned
RMNS Mozambique Territory Class Anti-Air Cruiser Planned
RMNS Jacob van Heemskerck Tromp class Flotilla Leader In Service
RMNS Musketeer M Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Marksman M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Might M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lemur L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lightning L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lancer L Class Destroyer Preparing for Construction
RMNS Lion L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Liberty L Class Destroyer Planned

Coastal Defence Fleet

The Coastal Defence Fleet consists primarily of short-ranged craft and older warships that are not as capable as the current generation warships in the Main Battle Fleet. It operates primarily around the coastline of Madagascar and its territories such as Reunion and Mozambique to a limited degree and is primarily tasked with the defence of Madagascar, although some units are capable of operating along side the Main Battle Fleet if an engagement were to take place in regional waters. The short-ranged craft and ships tend to be fairly powerful for their size.

Name Class Status
RMNS Reunion Åland Class Coastal Defence Battleship In Service
RMNS Haste H Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Kingfisher Kingfisher Class Minelayer In Service
RMNS Mangoky River Class Gunboat In Service
RMNS MGB-01 Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat In Service
RMNS MGB-02 Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat In Service
RMNS MTB-01 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-02 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-03 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-04 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-05 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-06 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
Unnamed Unidentified Class of Submarine In Service

Colonial Defence Force

The Colonial Defence Force is a collection of smaller forces scattered throughout Madagascar's Colonial Territories and not a single unified Fleet. Hence why it is classed as a Force. Their role is primarily to carry out colonial policing, while during wartime they're also required to fight off small craft such as motor boats and to deter enemy forces from trying to invade, such as laying mines around the colonies, maintaining torpedo and submarine nets and torpedoing any fleet warship that may try to attack and occupy a colony. This Fleet consists of just the ships permanently stationed in Colonial Territories, not every ship that could be used to defend the Colonial Territories.

Name Class Status
RMNS Bali Eritrea Class Sloop (Colonial Gunboat) In Service
RMNS Betsiboka Delta Class Type-C Gunboat In Service
RMNS MGB-03 Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat In Service
RMNS MTB-07 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-08 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service

Convoy Escort Force

This group of warships are classed as a Force as they usually operate independently or in small groups, not as a combined Fleet. The primary role of these ships is to protect merchant vessels and fleet supply vessels outside of coastal waters from attack by convoy raiders such as submarines. Certain ships from the Main Battle Fleet and Coastal Defence Fleet may be assigned to this Fleet if there is a shortage of dedicated convoy escort ships, these ships are listed in italics. For certain highly important and/or highly vulnerable convoys, more powerful warships such as cruisers and capital ships may be used to assist in convoy escort duties.

Name Class Status
RMNS Musketeer M Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Marksman M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Might M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lemur L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lightning L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lancer L Class Destroyer Preparing for Construction
RMNS Lion L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Liberty L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Haste H Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Azure Bluet Flower Class Type-E Frigate In Service
RMNS Lilac Flower Class Type-D Frigate In Service
RMNS Allium Flower Class Type-C Frigate In Service
RMNS Tulip Flower Class Type-B Frigate In Service
RMNS Horn Coral Class Corvette In Service
RMNS Fire Coral Class Corvette In Service
RMNS Bubble Coral Class Corvette Preparing for Construction

Former Madagascan Ships sold to other Nations

Original Name Original Fleet/Force Deployment New Name New Town New Nation Status
RMNS Mauritius Åland Class Coastal Defence Battleship RCS Deutschland Athlone Cascadia Arrived
RMNS Comoros Åland Class Coastal Defence Battleship RQS Laurentides Saguenay Quebec Arrived
RMNS Hurricane H Class Destroyer RCS Legacy Athlone Cascadia Arrived
RMNS Heroic H Class Destroyer Unnamed DildoVersion3 Ontario Arrived
RMNS Hunter H Class Destroyer HIMS Chumphon Chumphon Indochina Arrived
RMNS Hotspur H Class Destroyer HMS Majan Salalah Oman Arrived
RMNS Antelope A Class Destroyer Kursk Act V Santa_Clara Cuba Arrived
RMNS Archer A Class Destroyer Unnamed Alert Ellesmere In transit
RMNS Betsiboka River Class Gunboat RCS Birb Athlone Cascadia Arrived
RMNS Ikopa River Class Gunboat RCS Jewel of Angeles Athlone Cascadia Arrived
RMNS Manambolo River Class Gunboat HMES Greg Addis_Ababa Ethiopia Arrived
RMNS Onilahy River Class Gunboat SMS Nordstern Frisia Netherlands Arrived
RMNS Paralia Bay Bay Class Torpedo Boat Unnamed Alert Ellesmere In transit