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|image2 = [[File:Joseonwangbo (Royal Seal Treasure of the Joseon King).svg (1).png|320px]]
|image2 = [[File:Joseonwangbo (Royal Seal Treasure of the Joseon King).svg (1).png|320px]]
|image3 =  
|image3 =  
|language = English, Korean  
|language = English, Korean
|name_in_towny= Korea
|name_in_towny= Korea
|national_anthem =   
|national_anthem =   
Line 16: Line 16:
|continent = [[Asia]]
|continent = [[Asia]]
|past_leaders = [[Atomica]] I
|past_leaders = [[Atomica]] I
|chunks= 3260
|chunks= 5657
|established= May 6 2022  
|established= May 6 2022  
|political_system = Monarchy}}
|political_system = Monarchy}}
'''Korea''' is a country and nation on the Korean Peninsula of Asia, on the Aurora World of EarthMC. The mountainous geography has been tamed by settlers over the course of several months, and the peninsula is filled with dense Joseon-era architecture. Korea is bordered by nations like Dian, Ming, and Japan, and carries an extended presence in Manchuria. Korea is the 3rd most populated nation in Asia, and the 13th most populated nation in Terra Aurora.
== History ==
=== Initial Formation of the Nation (April 21 2022 - May 4 2022) ===
Korea as a concept was initially floated by various Koreans in small towny servers, who agreed to link up together to jointly create the nation of Korea. On April 21, the Korean Discord server was created by NaPeng (nice_pengguin), followed by a quick rush from ethnic Koreans in servers such as Planet Universe and NewEarth. The Koreans quickly formalized Alliances to 32Basil's Bokkai and Fenriru's Japan before May, which then formally transitioned into a tripartite pact of alliance between the Asian nation states. On May 2, notable blogger Mileway was the one to create the town of Seoul merely a couple hours after the servers opening. The still-leaderless Korean community became extremely worried, as Mileway was an outcast who would repeatedly go on to leak King Atomica's Instagram photos, mass ping citizens, and had a terrible relationship with the ethnic Korean public. After frantic discussions including whether Korea should have a backup plan in case Mileway does something stupid regarding Seoul, the people of Korea decided to ignore the situation and simply elect prominent leader Atomica as their King. He won the democratic vote with 33/47 votes and declared the national era of 개국 (Founding of the Nation)
=== Atomica Dynasty (May 4 2022- September 1 2023) ===
Under the Atomica Dynasty, Korea was a parliamentary monarchy with bi-monthly votes determining the nation's prime Minister and its slate of senators. Thus, this era can be divided by the terms of each Prime Minister.
==== Prime Minister a_Mango ====
After rapidly hitting 50 citizens, consensus was reached on the electoral system and an election was held on June 5. Out of 36 votes, aMango of the Liberty Party won the election with 15 votes, becoming Prime Minister. Other parties included the Imperial Association and the Social Liberals. Problem number one for the government was the question of North Korea. The perfidious mayor of Pyongyang RekectedPluto99 had, despite multiple concessions, declared the Rebel State of North Korea on May 26, and he was immediately declared KOS by King Atomica.
NaPeng received ownership of Seoul and thus the ingame nation of Korea, along with a dozen spanners, on June 14th. Holding the Nation discord and in-game nation at once  he would be later dubbed as Regent of Korea, though he never called himself as such. Multiple attempts at King Atomica trying to gain the nation discord and towny nation would continue over the following year.
==== Prime Minister NaPeng ====
==== Prime Minister Toblerone_Agent ====
==== Prime Minister Nidomas ====
==== The August Coup ====
Fed up with inactive leadership, KenDibnah plotted to separate his town of Hirakata and form a separate nation in late August, named Baekje. After getting official sanction from NaPeng to create a satellite nation, KenDibnah then thought of a greater plan. On August 31, KenDibnah and Prime Minister Nidomas declared a Coup d’etat, demanding the inactive leadership of Korea to step down. The coup plotters plan to create a separate nation, Joseon, in case the Korean leadership refused the requests.
Much chaos followed. Part of the remaining ethnic Korean minority demanded the suppression of the Coup, while fifteen towns rapidly signed up to leave Korea together of their demands were not met. Confused citizens and foreign nations inquired what was going on, and the greatest moment of tension came when NaPeng attempted a round of foot-dragging regarding to the conduction of negotiations.
On the next day, King Atomica and Nation Holder NaPeng saw the hopelessness of their situation and submitted, accepting the requests of the Coup d'etat and stepped down from their positions. They are appointed as National Elders by the new regime without no real authority. The nation was transferred first to Eimantas175 and then to KenDibnah, beginning the Ken Dynasty.
== Ken Dynasty (September 2023-January 2024) ==
==== Golden Age of Korean Expansion ====
The beginning of the Ken Dynasty saw the unprecedented growth of cities all across the peninsula, with King KenDibnah providing subsidies to budding towns, as well as negotiating the transfer of towns under foreign influence to Korean hands. The growing culture and economic prosperity of Korea led to the development of expanded ice road infrastructure, an enthusiastic football community, ambitious construction projects, commercial districts, and much more during this time.
==== Rising Tensions and Mass Mobilization ====
The Golden Age at hand became largely overshadowed by concern regarding the influence of Ming, which had begun seeping onto the Korean peninsula. Citizens who took initiative in fending off Ming hunters were recognized by the Korean government, who responded by forming the Righteous Army (의병), a volunteer army with the objective of defending their fellow countrymen from encroachment by foreign hunters and invaders. Many attempts to make peace with Ming ended up in failure, with the majority of Korean grievances becoming lost inside the Ming bureaucratic system. To the Koreans, this meant they needed to get stronger through mobilization and diplomacy.
In attempts at extending an olive branch to the Japanese, King KenDibnah opened dialogue with Japanese Bureaucrats in attempts at drafting a treaty and forming an alliance. Disputes between the two, however, began after constant disagreements on where to draw their colonial borders in Manchuria. Failure to charter a proper treaty by both parties in the negotiations left a sour relationship between Korean and Japanese bureaucrats, which combined with an increasing war support from both Korean and Japanese citizens to create rising tensions which would soon cross a dangerous threshold into war.
On the 5th of January 2024 North Korean rebel leader dogmason surrendered to KenDibnah and unified with Korea marking an end to North Korea.
==== First Korean-Japanese War (December 1 2023-December 15 2023) ====
Tensions between Korea and Japan continued with Korea demanding Japan to recognize its borders with Japan refusing. Korea began border talks with Japan as a final hope for peace, however the talks broke down. On the 30th November 2023, King KenDibnah uncovered Japanese plans to invade Northern Korean regions with the opening of 3 new towns. 2nd December 2023 Japanese soldiers attacked Korean troops in the Northern Regions. In response to the attack, Korea opened 2 new towns in Japan, the following day Japan declared war on Korea and called for support from its allies. On the 7th of December 2023, the Japanese attacked Korea at the Battle of Daejeong. Korea had 3 soldiers (KenDibnah,Eimantas175 & RoseCidear) fighting off over 14 Japanese. Japan losses were 9 and Korean losses were 0. 14th December, Peace talks begun with Korea and Japan. A Peace treaty was signed on the 15th December which saw the Korean borders being extended 10 chunks North and Manchuria being a shared area with Korea and Japan. Mali also paid 15,000 Gold to Korea.
==== End of the Ken Dynasty ====
After the end of the Japan war, tensions began to rise with Ming. A declaration of war was soon passed by Ming on Korea on January 1, 2024. Korea begin the Invasion of Mainland China after Ming declared war and began opening towns on the mainland such as Shanghai_City, Yencheong, Sansiseong, Jeongjeousi, Jaxa and Osan. The Korean Army led by KenDibnah and Bulln began hunting down Ming players with 5 confirmed kills and zero losses.
As the war continued, Ken felt as though a transition of power was necessary. After the Unification of Korea (Still led by RejectedPluto99) in January 5, ending the year-old conflict, Ken stepped down on January 13, 2024, passing the throne to nidomas and ending the First Ken Dynasty. He transferred the nations wealth to nidomas and donated all of his personal items to his friends in Korea.
[[File:KoreanExpansion.jpg|thumb|800x800px|Korean Expansion under KenDibnah|none]]
=== Nidomas Dynasty (January 14 2024 - February 16 2024) ===
The Nidomas Dynasty saw a gradual decline of Korean power from the height of the Ken Dynasty, with nation members dipping under 150 and a couple towns here and there disbanding from inactivity. Due to his busy real life, King nidomas enacted several democratic measures such as elections for PM and senators, in which TheMagicTom, bulln, and Nxggetz were elected respectively. This era also saw the opening of the Korean Town Forum, which worked well to advertise the beauty of Korean towns and their happenings. Other notable events include the Coronation of King Nidomas at the Royal Palacr (Jan 29), Korean China's attempt at self-government flopping, and the celebration of the Lunar New Year led by Event Minister NixWolvercraft.
== Second Ken Dynasty (Feb 16 2024 - Present Day) ==
A month after his exit, KenDibnah returned as King of Korea with Nidomas becoming Crown Prince again on the 16th of February, declaring the era of 천계 (Opening of the Heavens). During the first few weeks internal struggles between Ken and Nidomas (The Order faction) began with lots of arguments taking place.
=== Korean Civil War ===
The_Order Faction led by Crown Prince Nidomas believed that KenDibnah was not fit to be King following taxation disputes and wanted somebody else to take over. KenDibnah refused to step down and in response 7 towns connected to The Order left Korea and joined Japan, almost causing the nation to split into two governments. Some in The Order faction demanded a vote for who should be King, and on the 20th February a vote between KenDibnah and Nidomas took place with 18 and 6 votes respectfully. After around a month or so, relations began to improve with TheMagicTom and Eimantas175 (leaders of the towns Korea_Disneyland the_order) returning to Korea. All 7 towns rejoined Korea by the 31st of March 2024 and the Civil War ended.
=== Second Korean-Japanese War ===
With the Korean Civil War taking place, 7 The Order Faction towns joined Japan. Korea protested this as it violated the Korea-Japan Peace Treaty signed in December 2023. The Japanese side ignored Korean protests and used this to capitalize on Korean internal strife. Korea also protested to Mali, who was supposed to guarantee the Peace Treaty but they simply ignored Korea.
On the 21st of February, Japan officially recognized the breakaway Korean "rebels" and allowed them to stay in Japan.
3rd March 2024, the Japanese opened 5 new towns in Korean territory in the northern regions and began to plan further towns. In response Korea opened 2 towns in Japan.
The Battle of Incheon occurred on the 3rd of March 2024 with a massive Japanese army flooding the northern regions of Korea while they were opening towns. 4 Koreans (KenDibnah, mCurly, sjm_8 & RoseCidear) fighting over 25 Japanese invaders. The outnumbered Korean army killed over 13 Japanese players gaining a flood of armour and equipment and Korea having 0 losses.
On the 11th of March 2024 Korea and Japan signed Peace. The December Peace Treaty was resigned and Japan agreed to hand over 5 towns to Korea for 2 Korean towns inside Japan. Relations between Korea and Japan improved after this.
=== Korean Unification ===
After the Second Korea-Japanese war, KenDibnah wanted to try and improve relations with the Southern Chinese nations, such as Dian and Han. For the past 2 years Korea never had decent relations with any Chinese nation. Korea and Dian began becoming closer and closer with the leaders of both nations building strong ties. On the 1st of April 2024 Korea and Dian signed an official alliance. A few days later, on the 3rd of April 2024, Dian declared war on Ming and called on all of Chinese to rise up. Korea, who had been fighting Ming for 2 years, agreed to support them. Korea declared war on Ming on the same day and announced massive support for its Chinese allies. Korea would give 500 Gold to Dian and over 60 Double chests of potions. King KenDibnah and Eimantas also began hunting down Chinese players in the wild, scoring a kill each. The Chinese Civil war carried on for 2 weeks before Ming morale lowered. Korea overclaimed Ming in Qingdao which seemed to be the final nail in coffin. Ming began peace talks with Dian and Korea.
On the 20th April 2024, Korea was finally unified. Ming agreed to Korean terms and handed over CCTV6 which had long plagued Korea. For the first time in EarthMC history, Korea was united.
On the 4th of May Korea held its largest ever event to celebrate Unification. 26 Koreans, 25 Chinese and 8 Japanese players joined the event which included a Gold Drop and a group photo. Korean skins were specially made by Alex.
[[File:Korean Celebration.png|Korean Celebration.png]]
=== Korean Prosperity Era ===
After the nation was fully unified King KenDibnah declared a new era called "태화 or Grand Harmony". During this time a era of new players began joining Korea with many of them later becoming a important part of future Korea. Players such Rendiem, mCurly and Dutifulflame along with a great many others joined Korea during this time and began making a name for themselves. Rendiem, later RenDibnah, would often help brew potions for war materials and quickly became a central part of Seoul's structure under KenDibnah. mCurly too, quickly rose through the ranks to became a important part of Korea and was known for her skills in building Automatic farms. Dutifulflame, later DiggaDibnah or Dake, would also quickly rise. He was known for recruitment tens of players to his various towns especially in Bonguri.
KenDibnah in the background during this time spent a long time organising a regional Alliance with the Huaxia Union (China) and the Japanese Empire. An alliance was signed on the 18th of May 2024 with over 15 nations taking part making it one of the largest alliances on the server.
During the prosperity era, Seoul began to form a new identity with majestic palaces, a new State Council building, parks and other attractions being built. KenDibnah and RenDibnah spent a long time building the new areas of Seoul and hoped to transform it into a city of Jade and Quartz.
=== Democratic Era? ===
As KenDibnah started working in June, the idea was floated around establishing a secondary power position in Korea that would be fully democratic. The State Council was formed which included all town mayors. A Chief State Councillor was chosen for the name of the De-facto Prime Minister of Korea. On the 22nd of June mCurly became the first CSC in Korean history.
Later, Korea celebrated reaching 300 population for the first time in its history, thanks to the rapid expansion of Korean Manchuria.
During the summer months new players began flooding to Korea. Players such as Platnm/PlatDibnah, Mishidia, C_Micheal along with a great number of others helped make Korea more and more active.
Korea began to implement more plans for Korean Manchuria which seemed to be the final frontier for Korean expansion under King KenDibnah.
=== The Final Era of King KenDibnah ===
During the summer months, there was sometimes some infighting in Korea, which made the stability of the nation increase. Often arguments and different ideas were thrown around and caused issues. At one point, DiggaDibnah/Dake threatened the Government with a potential separate nation in Manchuria. However Peace was made and stability once again increased. Sadly for KenDibnah, more and more separations in Korea was forming with cliques such as "K-Cod" led by mCurly, RoseCidear and Nxggetz. Ken warned of a potential downfall should the nation not be unified in all areas. Eventually things would calm down and things would go back to normal.
During July 2024 massive Korean building projects were being undertaken. A new Iceline, new Auto Farms in Seoul and a brand new Palace in the Capital. Korea also began to play national Football in the world cup.
On the 10th of August 2024, King KenDibnah held a State Council meeting with 18 players attending. He informed the nation of his Retirement as King to take place on October 1st 2024. He chose RenDibnah to be his successor, Ken would continue to be the Mayor of Seoul after he retired and would become Taesangwang or Retired King and help Ren become the new leader.
== Culture ==
=== Architecture ===
=== Football ===
=== Literary Arts ===
== Politics ==
== Notable Towns ==
This list is incomplete and details are sparse for towns with little recorded information. Please add to this section if you have any insights on the history of certain towns.
=== Seoul (서울) ===
Seoul is the first town to be created in EMC Korea, beginning the very day EarthMC was opened to donators. As capital of the nation, Seoul hosts the nation's casino, main shopping alley, and various historic builds.
=== Sejong (세종) ===
formerly Cheongju (청주)
=== The_Order ===
=== Gyeongju (경주) ===
Gyeongju (경주) is a town located in the south-eastern region of Korea. Led by Mayor Alex70982. It has a population of 1, and is the site of many ancient ruins.
==== History ====
Gyeongju resides on the site of the ruined cities Silla, Pohang, and 284. With an emphasis on cultural heritage and tradition, many of these old buildings have been left in disrepair, and debates on whether or not restoration should occur remains unresolved.
In the early weeks of Gyeongju's founding, the settlement struggled through border conflicts with Busan and Changwon, who both at the time belonged to Japanese nations, and wished to extend their influence into Gyeongju's path of expansion, but in due time, Gyeongju was able to expand west to neighbor the Korean town Taegu.
As the city expanded, Gyeongju and it's architecture slowly matured and improved, leading to the eventual construction of the Half-Moon Palace.

Latest revision as of 00:49, 11 August 2024

Flag of Korea.png
Coat of Arms
Joseonwangbo (Royal Seal Treasure of the Joseon King).svg (1).png
National Information
Full Name Korea
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Population PopulationSymbol.PNG282
Chunks 5657
Capital City Seoul
Largest City
Oldest City
Language(s) English, Korean
Government Information
Political System Monarchy
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

Korea is a country and nation on the Korean Peninsula of Asia, on the Aurora World of EarthMC. The mountainous geography has been tamed by settlers over the course of several months, and the peninsula is filled with dense Joseon-era architecture. Korea is bordered by nations like Dian, Ming, and Japan, and carries an extended presence in Manchuria. Korea is the 3rd most populated nation in Asia, and the 13th most populated nation in Terra Aurora.


Initial Formation of the Nation (April 21 2022 - May 4 2022)

Korea as a concept was initially floated by various Koreans in small towny servers, who agreed to link up together to jointly create the nation of Korea. On April 21, the Korean Discord server was created by NaPeng (nice_pengguin), followed by a quick rush from ethnic Koreans in servers such as Planet Universe and NewEarth. The Koreans quickly formalized Alliances to 32Basil's Bokkai and Fenriru's Japan before May, which then formally transitioned into a tripartite pact of alliance between the Asian nation states. On May 2, notable blogger Mileway was the one to create the town of Seoul merely a couple hours after the servers opening. The still-leaderless Korean community became extremely worried, as Mileway was an outcast who would repeatedly go on to leak King Atomica's Instagram photos, mass ping citizens, and had a terrible relationship with the ethnic Korean public. After frantic discussions including whether Korea should have a backup plan in case Mileway does something stupid regarding Seoul, the people of Korea decided to ignore the situation and simply elect prominent leader Atomica as their King. He won the democratic vote with 33/47 votes and declared the national era of 개국 (Founding of the Nation)

Atomica Dynasty (May 4 2022- September 1 2023)

Under the Atomica Dynasty, Korea was a parliamentary monarchy with bi-monthly votes determining the nation's prime Minister and its slate of senators. Thus, this era can be divided by the terms of each Prime Minister.

Prime Minister a_Mango

After rapidly hitting 50 citizens, consensus was reached on the electoral system and an election was held on June 5. Out of 36 votes, aMango of the Liberty Party won the election with 15 votes, becoming Prime Minister. Other parties included the Imperial Association and the Social Liberals. Problem number one for the government was the question of North Korea. The perfidious mayor of Pyongyang RekectedPluto99 had, despite multiple concessions, declared the Rebel State of North Korea on May 26, and he was immediately declared KOS by King Atomica.

NaPeng received ownership of Seoul and thus the ingame nation of Korea, along with a dozen spanners, on June 14th. Holding the Nation discord and in-game nation at once he would be later dubbed as Regent of Korea, though he never called himself as such. Multiple attempts at King Atomica trying to gain the nation discord and towny nation would continue over the following year.

Prime Minister NaPeng

Prime Minister Toblerone_Agent

Prime Minister Nidomas

The August Coup

Fed up with inactive leadership, KenDibnah plotted to separate his town of Hirakata and form a separate nation in late August, named Baekje. After getting official sanction from NaPeng to create a satellite nation, KenDibnah then thought of a greater plan. On August 31, KenDibnah and Prime Minister Nidomas declared a Coup d’etat, demanding the inactive leadership of Korea to step down. The coup plotters plan to create a separate nation, Joseon, in case the Korean leadership refused the requests.

Much chaos followed. Part of the remaining ethnic Korean minority demanded the suppression of the Coup, while fifteen towns rapidly signed up to leave Korea together of their demands were not met. Confused citizens and foreign nations inquired what was going on, and the greatest moment of tension came when NaPeng attempted a round of foot-dragging regarding to the conduction of negotiations.

On the next day, King Atomica and Nation Holder NaPeng saw the hopelessness of their situation and submitted, accepting the requests of the Coup d'etat and stepped down from their positions. They are appointed as National Elders by the new regime without no real authority. The nation was transferred first to Eimantas175 and then to KenDibnah, beginning the Ken Dynasty.

Ken Dynasty (September 2023-January 2024)

Golden Age of Korean Expansion

The beginning of the Ken Dynasty saw the unprecedented growth of cities all across the peninsula, with King KenDibnah providing subsidies to budding towns, as well as negotiating the transfer of towns under foreign influence to Korean hands. The growing culture and economic prosperity of Korea led to the development of expanded ice road infrastructure, an enthusiastic football community, ambitious construction projects, commercial districts, and much more during this time.

Rising Tensions and Mass Mobilization

The Golden Age at hand became largely overshadowed by concern regarding the influence of Ming, which had begun seeping onto the Korean peninsula. Citizens who took initiative in fending off Ming hunters were recognized by the Korean government, who responded by forming the Righteous Army (의병), a volunteer army with the objective of defending their fellow countrymen from encroachment by foreign hunters and invaders. Many attempts to make peace with Ming ended up in failure, with the majority of Korean grievances becoming lost inside the Ming bureaucratic system. To the Koreans, this meant they needed to get stronger through mobilization and diplomacy.

In attempts at extending an olive branch to the Japanese, King KenDibnah opened dialogue with Japanese Bureaucrats in attempts at drafting a treaty and forming an alliance. Disputes between the two, however, began after constant disagreements on where to draw their colonial borders in Manchuria. Failure to charter a proper treaty by both parties in the negotiations left a sour relationship between Korean and Japanese bureaucrats, which combined with an increasing war support from both Korean and Japanese citizens to create rising tensions which would soon cross a dangerous threshold into war.

On the 5th of January 2024 North Korean rebel leader dogmason surrendered to KenDibnah and unified with Korea marking an end to North Korea.

First Korean-Japanese War (December 1 2023-December 15 2023)

Tensions between Korea and Japan continued with Korea demanding Japan to recognize its borders with Japan refusing. Korea began border talks with Japan as a final hope for peace, however the talks broke down. On the 30th November 2023, King KenDibnah uncovered Japanese plans to invade Northern Korean regions with the opening of 3 new towns. 2nd December 2023 Japanese soldiers attacked Korean troops in the Northern Regions. In response to the attack, Korea opened 2 new towns in Japan, the following day Japan declared war on Korea and called for support from its allies. On the 7th of December 2023, the Japanese attacked Korea at the Battle of Daejeong. Korea had 3 soldiers (KenDibnah,Eimantas175 & RoseCidear) fighting off over 14 Japanese. Japan losses were 9 and Korean losses were 0. 14th December, Peace talks begun with Korea and Japan. A Peace treaty was signed on the 15th December which saw the Korean borders being extended 10 chunks North and Manchuria being a shared area with Korea and Japan. Mali also paid 15,000 Gold to Korea.

End of the Ken Dynasty

After the end of the Japan war, tensions began to rise with Ming. A declaration of war was soon passed by Ming on Korea on January 1, 2024. Korea begin the Invasion of Mainland China after Ming declared war and began opening towns on the mainland such as Shanghai_City, Yencheong, Sansiseong, Jeongjeousi, Jaxa and Osan. The Korean Army led by KenDibnah and Bulln began hunting down Ming players with 5 confirmed kills and zero losses.

As the war continued, Ken felt as though a transition of power was necessary. After the Unification of Korea (Still led by RejectedPluto99) in January 5, ending the year-old conflict, Ken stepped down on January 13, 2024, passing the throne to nidomas and ending the First Ken Dynasty. He transferred the nations wealth to nidomas and donated all of his personal items to his friends in Korea.

Korean Expansion under KenDibnah

Nidomas Dynasty (January 14 2024 - February 16 2024)

The Nidomas Dynasty saw a gradual decline of Korean power from the height of the Ken Dynasty, with nation members dipping under 150 and a couple towns here and there disbanding from inactivity. Due to his busy real life, King nidomas enacted several democratic measures such as elections for PM and senators, in which TheMagicTom, bulln, and Nxggetz were elected respectively. This era also saw the opening of the Korean Town Forum, which worked well to advertise the beauty of Korean towns and their happenings. Other notable events include the Coronation of King Nidomas at the Royal Palacr (Jan 29), Korean China's attempt at self-government flopping, and the celebration of the Lunar New Year led by Event Minister NixWolvercraft.

Second Ken Dynasty (Feb 16 2024 - Present Day)

A month after his exit, KenDibnah returned as King of Korea with Nidomas becoming Crown Prince again on the 16th of February, declaring the era of 천계 (Opening of the Heavens). During the first few weeks internal struggles between Ken and Nidomas (The Order faction) began with lots of arguments taking place.

Korean Civil War

The_Order Faction led by Crown Prince Nidomas believed that KenDibnah was not fit to be King following taxation disputes and wanted somebody else to take over. KenDibnah refused to step down and in response 7 towns connected to The Order left Korea and joined Japan, almost causing the nation to split into two governments. Some in The Order faction demanded a vote for who should be King, and on the 20th February a vote between KenDibnah and Nidomas took place with 18 and 6 votes respectfully. After around a month or so, relations began to improve with TheMagicTom and Eimantas175 (leaders of the towns Korea_Disneyland the_order) returning to Korea. All 7 towns rejoined Korea by the 31st of March 2024 and the Civil War ended.

Second Korean-Japanese War

With the Korean Civil War taking place, 7 The Order Faction towns joined Japan. Korea protested this as it violated the Korea-Japan Peace Treaty signed in December 2023. The Japanese side ignored Korean protests and used this to capitalize on Korean internal strife. Korea also protested to Mali, who was supposed to guarantee the Peace Treaty but they simply ignored Korea.

On the 21st of February, Japan officially recognized the breakaway Korean "rebels" and allowed them to stay in Japan.

3rd March 2024, the Japanese opened 5 new towns in Korean territory in the northern regions and began to plan further towns. In response Korea opened 2 towns in Japan.

The Battle of Incheon occurred on the 3rd of March 2024 with a massive Japanese army flooding the northern regions of Korea while they were opening towns. 4 Koreans (KenDibnah, mCurly, sjm_8 & RoseCidear) fighting over 25 Japanese invaders. The outnumbered Korean army killed over 13 Japanese players gaining a flood of armour and equipment and Korea having 0 losses.

On the 11th of March 2024 Korea and Japan signed Peace. The December Peace Treaty was resigned and Japan agreed to hand over 5 towns to Korea for 2 Korean towns inside Japan. Relations between Korea and Japan improved after this.

Korean Unification

After the Second Korea-Japanese war, KenDibnah wanted to try and improve relations with the Southern Chinese nations, such as Dian and Han. For the past 2 years Korea never had decent relations with any Chinese nation. Korea and Dian began becoming closer and closer with the leaders of both nations building strong ties. On the 1st of April 2024 Korea and Dian signed an official alliance. A few days later, on the 3rd of April 2024, Dian declared war on Ming and called on all of Chinese to rise up. Korea, who had been fighting Ming for 2 years, agreed to support them. Korea declared war on Ming on the same day and announced massive support for its Chinese allies. Korea would give 500 Gold to Dian and over 60 Double chests of potions. King KenDibnah and Eimantas also began hunting down Chinese players in the wild, scoring a kill each. The Chinese Civil war carried on for 2 weeks before Ming morale lowered. Korea overclaimed Ming in Qingdao which seemed to be the final nail in coffin. Ming began peace talks with Dian and Korea.

On the 20th April 2024, Korea was finally unified. Ming agreed to Korean terms and handed over CCTV6 which had long plagued Korea. For the first time in EarthMC history, Korea was united.

On the 4th of May Korea held its largest ever event to celebrate Unification. 26 Koreans, 25 Chinese and 8 Japanese players joined the event which included a Gold Drop and a group photo. Korean skins were specially made by Alex.

Korean Celebration.png

Korean Prosperity Era

After the nation was fully unified King KenDibnah declared a new era called "태화 or Grand Harmony". During this time a era of new players began joining Korea with many of them later becoming a important part of future Korea. Players such Rendiem, mCurly and Dutifulflame along with a great many others joined Korea during this time and began making a name for themselves. Rendiem, later RenDibnah, would often help brew potions for war materials and quickly became a central part of Seoul's structure under KenDibnah. mCurly too, quickly rose through the ranks to became a important part of Korea and was known for her skills in building Automatic farms. Dutifulflame, later DiggaDibnah or Dake, would also quickly rise. He was known for recruitment tens of players to his various towns especially in Bonguri.

KenDibnah in the background during this time spent a long time organising a regional Alliance with the Huaxia Union (China) and the Japanese Empire. An alliance was signed on the 18th of May 2024 with over 15 nations taking part making it one of the largest alliances on the server.

During the prosperity era, Seoul began to form a new identity with majestic palaces, a new State Council building, parks and other attractions being built. KenDibnah and RenDibnah spent a long time building the new areas of Seoul and hoped to transform it into a city of Jade and Quartz.

Democratic Era?

As KenDibnah started working in June, the idea was floated around establishing a secondary power position in Korea that would be fully democratic. The State Council was formed which included all town mayors. A Chief State Councillor was chosen for the name of the De-facto Prime Minister of Korea. On the 22nd of June mCurly became the first CSC in Korean history.

Later, Korea celebrated reaching 300 population for the first time in its history, thanks to the rapid expansion of Korean Manchuria.

During the summer months new players began flooding to Korea. Players such as Platnm/PlatDibnah, Mishidia, C_Micheal along with a great number of others helped make Korea more and more active.

Korea began to implement more plans for Korean Manchuria which seemed to be the final frontier for Korean expansion under King KenDibnah.

The Final Era of King KenDibnah

During the summer months, there was sometimes some infighting in Korea, which made the stability of the nation increase. Often arguments and different ideas were thrown around and caused issues. At one point, DiggaDibnah/Dake threatened the Government with a potential separate nation in Manchuria. However Peace was made and stability once again increased. Sadly for KenDibnah, more and more separations in Korea was forming with cliques such as "K-Cod" led by mCurly, RoseCidear and Nxggetz. Ken warned of a potential downfall should the nation not be unified in all areas. Eventually things would calm down and things would go back to normal.

During July 2024 massive Korean building projects were being undertaken. A new Iceline, new Auto Farms in Seoul and a brand new Palace in the Capital. Korea also began to play national Football in the world cup.

On the 10th of August 2024, King KenDibnah held a State Council meeting with 18 players attending. He informed the nation of his Retirement as King to take place on October 1st 2024. He chose RenDibnah to be his successor, Ken would continue to be the Mayor of Seoul after he retired and would become Taesangwang or Retired King and help Ren become the new leader.





Literary Arts


Notable Towns

This list is incomplete and details are sparse for towns with little recorded information. Please add to this section if you have any insights on the history of certain towns.

Seoul (서울)

Seoul is the first town to be created in EMC Korea, beginning the very day EarthMC was opened to donators. As capital of the nation, Seoul hosts the nation's casino, main shopping alley, and various historic builds.

Sejong (세종)

formerly Cheongju (청주)


Gyeongju (경주)

Gyeongju (경주) is a town located in the south-eastern region of Korea. Led by Mayor Alex70982. It has a population of 1, and is the site of many ancient ruins.


Gyeongju resides on the site of the ruined cities Silla, Pohang, and 284. With an emphasis on cultural heritage and tradition, many of these old buildings have been left in disrepair, and debates on whether or not restoration should occur remains unresolved. In the early weeks of Gyeongju's founding, the settlement struggled through border conflicts with Busan and Changwon, who both at the time belonged to Japanese nations, and wished to extend their influence into Gyeongju's path of expansion, but in due time, Gyeongju was able to expand west to neighbor the Korean town Taegu. As the city expanded, Gyeongju and it's architecture slowly matured and improved, leading to the eventual construction of the Half-Moon Palace.