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The Philippines is a conservative market republic currently lead by President Yoda2301/"Extreme Super Leader"

Mainland Philippines

The Federal Republic of the Philippines maintains claims to all territories claimed by the real life Philippines. This swath of land is considered Core Territories. The population numbers around 150 (as of mid July).

The Territory of Philippine McMurdo

The Philippines also claims the territories of McMurdo to be an integrated, autonomous entity of the Philippines, it is lead by Governor-General TheSalamiGamer. The population numbers around 1

The Joint Territory of Mozambique

The Philippines possess half of the nation of Mozambique, (the other half is governed by Zanzibar), the Territories of Philippine Mozambique are highly autonomous, led by Governor-General Vippyyy. The population numbers around 2 (as of mid July 2021).

Territorites on Earthcraft


Background and Revolution

By the turn of year, many Filipinos throughout the nation were tired of the failing state of the Philippines, her emperor, Skylordvoxaco, was largely inactive, totalitarian, and ethnically non-Filipino. The nation saw rapid decline throughout 2020, falling from her peak at nearly 200 citizens, to a small 6 (There was a 2 month 2nd Golden Age where the Philippines had 89 Members for awhile and all towns were active it ended after Bacolod fell and Dumaguete being inactive) By the later part of January however, several new citizens began joining the Philippines, seeing the creation of Pagong City and Coron. Plans began to brew as the discontent began to overflow, a constitution was drafted and the revolutionaries swore to create a democratic Philippine nation that reflected the conservative values of the Philippine People and to restore the nation back into its hayday.

Rumors however spread that Skylordvoxaco had uncovered the conspiracy against him, in response, on the 12th of February, 2021, Pagong City declared itself in a state of revolution to restore democracy to the nation after illidanlestat announced succession, followed by Greater Manila, Naga City, Coron, New Masbate, the Omani Sultanate, Dumaguete, and San Fernando in order (Many were kicked by illidanlestat). That very day, a battle broke out in Manila, owned by Sky, revolutionaries broke into the Parliamentary Building, several citizens also participated such as Flux from Indochina (Pro Democratic), and Fruitloopins (Pro Imperial), the day is now largely known as the Lunar Day Battle of Manila.

Political History of the Philippines (Categorized in order of Presidents)

The Federation of the Philippine Republic has undergone great change since the inception of the Republic, the internal history of the nation will thus be divided into several sections, closely following the administrations of each president.

Revolutionary Period

From the Early Parts of January until February 13th, the nation was without a President, the Revolution had roots in the previous Philippine Civil War which ended 2 months prior. Throughout these 2 months, the nation was unified, but obscure, poor, and largely hated, the each mayor of the Philippines, outside of Manila, which was owned by Sky, hated the established government and wanted reform. It was this group of Revolutionaries like Jayisa, Illidan, and Yeti, who plotted a revolt, new players like Minister Miong and Pagong04 contributed to this enlightened philosophy, a meeting took place in late January, secretly swearing to declare independence, it outlined that this new state would strive for total democracy, that the nation would not fall into tyranny once again, and that the nation will unify the archipelago in the name of Liberty for all Filipinos. On February 5th Pagong04 began drafting the Constitution, on the 6th, Yeti would become an editor of the constitution, and on the 8th Jayisa began writing as well becoming the 2nd Co-Writer. By the 12th of February, with rumors that Skylord had uncovered the revolutionary conspiracy, Pagong City declared independence, followed by Greater Manila, Naga, Coron, San Fernando, New Masbate, then Dumaguete. Elections were held and Yeti won by a landslide election (NCP: 82% Liberal: 18%). (There are rumors that been staged and that illidanlestat was lying about the uncovering.)

The Yeti Administration

YetI_MC was the first president of the newly born Republic, he won the electorate by a landslide, picking up every province in the election. His Presidency was not one without strife however, the first month especially proved to be the most turbulent period, arguably, in the entire nation's history. Within the first week, the revolution was able to save enough money to create an entirely new nation, the Philippine FR. The victory however, was short lived, as the Civil War continued, and internal strife grew. Major political problems arose during this first month, key politicians continued to butt heads, most notably Godlyeriss (NCP) with other members of the nation, including Jayisa (BLP), Pagong (BLP), and Illidan (BLP), topics like taxation, separation and distribution of powers, property disputes became heated arguments. Godlyeriss' aggressive nature towards foreign powers and domestic politicians caused the following key events to occur. 1. A conflict to break out with neighboring Indochina 2. A severe rift between the powers of the Senate 3. A war between the Federal Republic of the Philippines and the Xia Empire (now known as the ROC [Republic of China]) These severe injuries committed against the new nation were too much, by the third week of Yeti's administration the powers of the Senate created the Kalayaan Coalition (the Freedom Coalition), to combat his influence and prevent further damage. Strong action came too late however, in the following 2 days, the Overseas Territory of New Masbate declared independence and formed the Holy Antarctician Christian Confederation (HACC, now known as Victoria Land), and Dumaguete re-created the Negros Republic. The Senate had enough, and almost unanimously voted to expel the Omani Sultanate and Godlyeriss from the Philippines. Immediately afterwards, Godlyeriss aligned himself with the Xia, officially making the Omani Sultanate a protectorate of the Chinese. This event would mark the end of the bad times for the Philippines as the powers in Congress became more cohesive allowing her to preform incredibly more efficient. Dumaguete would re-enter the Philippine Republic, and relations between the Philippines and Victoria Land improved, to this day Victoria Land remains one of the Philippines' strongest allies. It was also during this period that several cities, including Davao and Coron were founded, allowing for the population of the Republic to double. Near the end of Yeti's administration, the Skylord's Philippines and the Federal Republic of the Philippines would reach an armistice with goals of eventual re-unification.

Achievements of the Yeti Administration

- Joining the Rajasa Pact (mostly done by illidanlestat)

- Doubling the Population

- Creating the nation of the Philippine FR

The Election of April '21

By the time the second election cycle came, internal politics within the Republic had relatively settled down, Yeti joined the Bagong Lipunan Party (BLP) and in the party primaries lost re-election. Pagong04 had won the BLP nomination and choose Yeti to be his Vice President, the National Christian Party (NCP, now known as the National Conservative Party) was led by Vippyyy, the election was arguably the most dull out of all of the elections and resulted in a landslide victory for Pagong04 and the BLP. This election was most notable for poor voter turnout. (BLP: 75% NCP: 25%)

New Parties Founded

New parties were founded during the election (MORE INFORMATION COMING SOON)

The Pagong Administration

On the first day in office, a rebel city was established, a quick round of negotiations were laid out and the following treaty between the Philippines and Oman was signed.

Oman would withdraw from the Philippines, economic trade would resume, the with held debts held by Pagong04 to Godlyeriss were to be released amounting to 100g, Oman would be allowed to move off Philippine claims on the island of Talaud Islands, and both parties could declare victory.

The emotions were mixed in the Philippines as its citizens felt confident in war effort but the deal was held, the peace would not last long however as Manado was declared a rebel nation by allied Majapahit, restarting the conflict against Oman, this time several key allies including the Rajasa and nations throughout the Middle East joined the conflict against Oman, and the situation looked bright. (Cite the Majapahit v. Manado War for more details)

On the domestic front a series of economic reforms were quickly introduced set on balancing the budget, creating a way for the government to earn stable income, and to overall benefit the wellbeing of the general population. This by far was on the greatest achievements of the first term of the Pagong Administration, business deals levied by the Philippine Government introduced 3,000 gold to the general population, these projects were largely simple labor done in foreign nations. Automatic brewing stations were build, farms established, and the nether expeditions commissioned all brought vast quantities of wealth to the nation, haste pots, gun powder, leather, wool, quartz, netherite, and rare nether items became leading exports, along with terraforming and litematica-based building projects which fueled the economy. The government used its newly found wealth to subsidize claims in all cities, establish new settlements, and a number of other projects, which numbered a value of ~2000 gold.

Foreign relations also significantly improved during this period, the Philippine Government wanted to create deterrence via her allies, it was her goal to establish friendly relations with nations around the world to ensure her longevity. Ties between Victoria Land and the Philippines were strong, and it was during this time that relations blossomed, Minister_Miong would later go on to say that, Victoria Land succeeded from the Philippines was primarily the fault of political instability and Godlyeriss. It was during this time that another great pivot towards Africa was made, bonds were swiftly created between Vippyyy and the Government with foreign citizens. Ghostkiller1744 was of an interesting character, and soon he would often come to the Philippine Discord VC, StarKiller1744 joined him soon after. This was the start of close ties with the nations of Katanga and Nubia, and later with Zanzibar and Greco-Bactria.

Achievements done by the Pagong Administration

Being Brown -Vipor 2021

Amogus -illidanlestat 2021

The Election of June 21'

The Election of June 21' was more contentious, the incumbent President Pagong04 had received re-nomination, the NCP re-organized again and nominated Marangal as their candidate. Criticisms with the way the Philippine-Omani War ended the first time were raised and became a deeply heated talking point but overall the incredibly growth the nation had seen both economically and population wise ensured Pagong's landslide re-election, although by margins closer than anyone expected. (BLP: 68%, NCP: 27% BP 5%)

Political Parties

Bagong Lipunan Party (BLP)

The Bagong Lipunan is a center right party which drew inspiration from the actual Bagong Lipunan Party in real life. Fundamentally speaking, the BLP strives for - -Laissez-Faire Conservative Economics -Emphasis on Philippine Identity and Assimilation

-Revitalization of the Government through more active citizen participation in the Philippine FR government

-Sweeping Institutional Reform to ensure that Citizens of the Philippines are assured the most civic freedoms possible on EarthMC

-Reviewing and Expanding the Philippine Diplomatic Scene, emphasis on expanding diplomatic channels the Americans and North Africa

-Strengthening the RAJASA Pact Treaty-Economic Reforms that propel our nation into the global stage including setting up a modern shopping center in the planned Nation Capitol Region

-Seek peace with belligerent nations and improve the international opinion of our nation

The Party has been in the held the House uncontested since the birth of the Republic on February of 2021, has held the Senate since March, and has been the ruling party since Pagong04's election on April. The BLP also is the largest political party in the nation by far boasting 40+ registered members, more than all of the other parties combined.

Liberal Party (DEFUNCT)

While the Liberal Party was the political party to be created it quickly died down and lost support, while 2 attempts were made to revitalize the party both attempts failed as their leaders went inactive or abandoned the project all together. Currently there is no politician, in the Senate, the House, no Supreme Court Justice, nor Cabinet Member who affiliates with the Liberal Party, the Party also has no registered voters leaving its future bleak and unpromising.

Philippine Progressive Party (PPP)

The PPP is a center left party founded by Yoda2301. It’s primary goals are:

- Keep the Philippines a democratic republic and continuing to expand on it’s governmental system.

- Stop colonisation and start integrating our existing colonies as into the federal republic.

- Strengthening ties with the RAJASA pact and it’s members.

- Staying neutral when it comes to global affairs, and mainly focusing on East Asia.

- Expanding towns on the Philippines until the islands are completely claimed.

The party was founded right before the August presidential election. It won it’s first election, winning 55,2% of the votes. The PPP has been in a state of rivalry with the BLP over the dual citizenship crisis. At one point, the fighting got to a point where people were mentioning the idea of ‘civil war’. This crisis prompted the president, Yoda2301 to concede under certain terms limiting the power of dual citizens to keep it fair. Things are calm now and the two parties are striving to keep it that way.

Banana Party (BP)


Its not a joke however, they have been spreading propaganda to support/join the Banana Party, they are growing slowly with a member every week or 2 or 3. The leader of the party is Viper/Vipor/Vippy and the vice-president is Illidanlestat.

Colonies on another server

Starting in March Secretary Of Foreign Affairs illidanlestat suddenly became inactive from EarthMC, nobody knew but he had been making a colony on another Earth Server which is a 1:200 scale of Earth. He had gain a wealth of 4,000 gold on the server and nobody knew about it until he invited Pagong04, Vippy, and YetiMC, he helped them make towns most were successful but Yetis fell due to inactivity - for 20 days and to this day his colony still stands and many on that 1:200 Earth Server dont even know that the nation even originated from EarthMC. As of July 26 2021 Pagong and Vippys city fell because of an admin abusing his powers and wiping many of the Servers towny data, there towns data could not be restored.

Fall of Manila

Skylordvoxaco had been banned for 42 days causing Manila fall on July 25 2021, Greater Manila was quick to claim everything but it unfortunately many of the valuables were stolen by an assistant a week before the fall and the Polar Bear was killed for a "sacrifice" for the Banana God (Vippy) even when he had said to not kill it since he wanted it as his pet. Thankfully the Palace, Zoo, Museum, some houses and a Turtle was saved from the anarchy due to claiming. YetiMC had stole many art collections including Skylords explicit hentai collection which illidanlestat had discovered before the civil war (he burnt some of it).

Flag Of The Philippine Republic