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Revision as of 03:50, 11 May 2021



The planning of who the successor of the Panama Union would be was first initiated before the announcement of Terra Nova. The first idea of settling in the Philippines was co-made by founders Ayagad, Bluehunter, and Shirazmatas. A discord together with the announcement in general chat did not lead to a huge enthusiasm which would eventually lead to the sparse population noticed today. However in late 2020 early mid 2021 the Philippines would see a massive resurgence in both population and activity not seen since the early days of the monarchy, The nation would thrive as many nations around the world saw the South as Imperialist's and a far less favorable choice then that of the peaceful Northern Monarchy.

Beta launch

As both Bluehunter and Shirazmatas had blue ice donator status it was.[REDACTED].


Recent History

A spy in the Philippine Discord had found out of all the Philippine Governors were planning for a revolution against Skylordvoxaco. Because of this Skylordvoxaco had found out as the spy told him, a few days later news of the revolution being leaked reached illidanlestat (The owner of the Philippine Discord) and announced the leaking to the governors. 20 minutes later, Pagong City (Masbate) secceeds starting the 2nd Philippine Civil War. A few hours later all towns left the Philippines except for Manila. The Initial Insurrection had however failed making it three total failed Uprisings Until the creation of the F.R. Additonally the Catholic Church would begin playing a significantly larger role in the Spring of 2021.

New leader

Around May of 2019, Shirazmatas handed leadership to the Philippine's current leader, Skylordvoxaco. During his rule, the Philippines grew from one of those other nations into one of the largest growing nations on the server. Wars that the Philippines has participated in are the Qin War, The War Against Norway, The Liao War, The Han War, and the war on Terror Along with multiple failed Uprisings and the Filipino Civil War.

Civil War 2019-2021

On the 12th of February 2020 civil war was announced by illidanlestat a spy had leaked revolution plans to Skylordvoxaco. When illidanlestat (The owner of the Philippine Discord) was told about this, he announced it to the governors and that it was now or never to revolt, several towns left the nation and declared that the nation was undergoing a Civil War against Skylordvoxaco led by YetI_MC. This is due to Skylordvoxaco's inactivity and the lack of communication he has with his nation and he is a fascist and has terrible relations with his neighbors. When the Civil War progresses, the nation opposing the Philippines is called the Philippine Federal Republic, as of now they are in a stalemate making walls and trenches around there claims. As of Mid March 2021 For a long while the guns had fallen silent It seemed the North and Southern halves would know peace and independence, For a time talks of trade and commerce had been discussed and territory had been carved up. However The Philippine Insurrectionist's Violated a treaty that their acting representative Yeti_Mc had agreed to by inviting the town of Sunnyvale into the F.R Causing a rogue Militia to spawn from the chaos and engage unarmed catholic church missionaries, And Several RPMP Officers killing them, The resulting fallout escalated into the activation of the Emergency powers act granting the government war-time powers and re-engaging of the state of conflict into the Border wars.

The Border Conflict of 2021- As a result of the Violation of the treaty signed at the end of the Civil war surrounding re-integration and re-unification, The southern democratic government decided to downplay the agreed upon terms stated and largely ignored them along with pagongs inactivity and the constant badgering of Loyalist citizens by Federalist's, This would eventually reach a boiling point in Mid to late April when DTK69 Invited the Northern hamlet of Sunnyvale into the Southern Democratic F.R sparking a rebellion. Resulting in 6 dead and the activation of the WADS Pact *Citation* and a formal declaration of war on the Now Invading southern nation Which rages today.


The Government is Absolute Monarchy.



Conscription is for all males ages 15 and up. Women are exempt from the draft but are welcome to enlist voluntarily.


The marines operating as the armed ground forces as per the military reorganization act consists of several companies each city joining the Philippines is required to provide either a military unit in the Naval Reserve or the marine corps, If special exceptions are made then cities are allowed to only operate a Police force, However, such special territories and autonomous regions such as Genetic city being comprised largely of French-speaking citizens have been authorized to form the Philippine foreign legion which operates as a defensive ground force for our French autonomous territories Operating independently of Filipino Pacific Eastern Command. As of 2021 the Marines and Navy have been Inactive as for a larger part de-mobilized as a force though various Installations still exist in memory of their valiant service to the Nation.

Military/Police Unifications Act: As of April 2021 The Provisional parliament of the Northern Half of the Philippines had unanimously voted during the peacetime following the aftermath of the civil war to dissolve the Marine corps and Navy in-order to keep budget low and keep things easily manageable, To collapse the Former military organizations and independent police into a singular dual responsibility organization, A Paramilitary Gendarmerie force known as the Royal Philippines Military Police would be charged with defending the nation's city's and in times of conflict taking the role of a Military force and defending the Nation as a whole, As a requirement for entry, Each city admitted to the northern half of the Divided Nation would be required to house their own precinct or unit.



  • Manila (Capital) | Leader: Skylordvoxaco
  • Marikina (Town) | Leader RealJay007
  • Pamplona(City) | Leader Yoda2301
  • SunnyValle(Hamlet) | Leader Layhey *Contested*

Former Towns/Towns that Seceded

  • Dumaguete | Leader: illidanlestat
  • Naga | Leader: Jayisa
  • Coron | Leader: DTX69
  • Masbate | Leader: Pagong04
  • Greater_Manila | Leader: YetI_MC
  • san_fernando | Leader: Louis_Legs
  • Bacolod
  • Tandaya
  • Samar
  • Cagayan_De_Oro
  • Mindoro
  • Bruzon
  • Aparri
  • Takeo

Events and Images

Special Events in History

  • The changing of leadership from Shirazmatas to Skylordvoxaco
  • Emperor Skylordvoxaco and Empress ImPolska wedding
  • The Philippines becomes a viceroyalty of Spain
  • The Philippine Civil War Ends After a brutal 2 years.
  • The Philippines succeeds from Spain and no longer is a viceroyalty.
  • Bacolod goes under temporary military occupation.
  • Manila Becomes 2 years old.
  • Creation of the Philippines Constitution and Rights for all citizens.
  • Crowning of __Jxstin_ as Prince of the Monarchy and Yoda2301 As Prime Minister.
  • Officiation of CorsairCrusader as General of the Royal Military Police.
  • Restoration of Various Churches and beaches.
  • Grand Opening of the Manila Zoo.
  • Creation of the North/South Border wall and militarization of the border.
  • Kalashnikov The Polar Bear turns 2!

Yearly Events

  • Filipino Anniversary
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • Passover.


Parliament Building with Victory Fountain Est. 2019

Parliament shot.png