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Vanuatu (formerly known as The Solomon Empire) is a sovereign nation located in Papua New Guinea, Australia and Vanuatu. The capital City is Port Olry.


Early History

The Solomon Empire was formed by a youtuber called IanSpace71 on November 18th 2018 after mining and voting for 512 gold.

One of it's biggest contributor to the nation is DanTheOneAndOnly who donated 300 gold to the nations funding followed by IanSpace71.

The Solomon Empire continued to grow rapidly until the Qin raids which lead to the Micronesian succession. After the Micronesian succession the Solomon Empire faded into obscurity.

The Micronesian Succession

On December 30, 2018 Half of all Solomon towns left the Solomon Empire and declared independence. They created the state of Micronesia. The only cities that left were: Port Orly, Townsville and Lae. The capitial and leader of the succession was New Britian. The succesion was due heavily to Solomon-Qin conflicts including Qin raids. Port Mobsby, despite not being part of the original succession, also left soon after on the 31st December 2018


The political system is currently an Constitutional Monarchy.


Military service is mandatory. KalebTheTurtle also urges his citizens to have an enchanted armour set to prove that his nation is capable fighting any foes or enemies of the nation itself.

Buildings and Infrastructure

  • PortOlry Town Hall
  • National Security HeadQuarters of Vanuatu (NATSEC HQ)
  • Mt. Tabwemasana Cathedral, PortOlry

Notable People

  • IanSpace71 - Original Founder & Former King
  • ElectricEel - Mayor of PortMobsby, Former (Major) Solomon town
  • KalebTheTurtle - Current King & Mayor of PortOlry
  • LostSoul03 - Chancellor, Founder of PortOlry
  • Kelsey_Summers - Home Secretary, Co-Founder of PortOlry
  • IGZInfinityGame - Mayor of Lae




Papuanism is a religion in Vanuatu. It was predominantly seen in the city of Port Mobsby and it is the main religion there. Papuanism believes that the island of Papua is special and Papua is the perfection of the earth and all goodness and joy is spread from the island of Papua. The closer you are to the island the closer you are to perfection. Many things are worshiped in Papuanism because it has many gods. The gods have no names because it is believed names reflect human possession and greed. The gods are refereed to the god of their nature (Example: God of defence, God of fertility, God of Papua). The gods are different animals found on the island of Papua. The most important god is the God of Papua, also known as the Common Tube-Nosed Fruit Bat which is believed to be the essence of Papua. Many things are worship including many different gods and even the land of Papua itself, although the worship of the land and the God of Papua are the most popular. Papuanism looks down on the destruction of Papuan blocks, trees or passive creatures. Despite Port Mobsby leaving the Solomon Empire its religion is still popular in the country.

The symbols of Papuanism consist of: The Island of Papua, The Common Tube-Nosed Fruit Bat and the Bird of Paradise


Vanuatu uses manly wood and stone for its buildings. Leaves can also be seen in some buildings. Oak and jungle is the most common wood used.


  • Lae
  • Port Orly

Diplomatic Relations

  • United States (Ally)
  • France (Ally)
  • Australia (Ally)
  • Ming (Ally)
  • Malaysia (Ally)
  • New Guinea (Ally)