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Profile Information
Nation Canarias
Town Tenerife
Towny Rank King, Mayor, Chancellor
Occupation Fisherman, Ice road maker
Organization TRK, Wizard of Tenerife
Political Party
Spawn Information
Date of Spawn 23rd August, 2019
Place of Spawn Southern Siberia
Physical Information
Nationality Italian, Moroccan
Gender Male
Blood Type
Zodiac Virgo
Height 173 cm
Weight 56 kg
Status Information
Server Role
Date of Ban
Nation History
Tenerife | 23rd August, 2019 -

BreachDGates is an Italian player who resides in Tenerife, Islas-Canarias. He is currently the town's mayor and nation's chancellor. As of March 2020, BreachDGates is the only active player in the whole nation, and achieved the King rank after long time.


The beginning

(work in progress)

On August 6th, 2019 BreachDGates returned from a trip to Denmark, he was so amazed about the architectonic style and the city design of Copenhagen that he wanted to recreate it in Minecraft singleplayer. 17 days later, he searched "Minecraft Denmark" on Youtube and found this video. He was shocked, never thought that there would be an Earth server with lots of buildings and a dedicated community. Breach's idea was to be part of that community, so he joined the server and waited for 2 hours of queue before getting in game.

BreachDGates spawned in southern Siberia, close to Omsk, Novosibirsk and northern Kazakhstan. He walked all the way through Russia; visited the entirety of Italy; sailed to Spain, voted and lost 5 gold because he died to restore hunger; put a sign in Gibraltar where he met the first person who gave him food (unknown name), headed towards Agadir, Morocco; went mining westward and eventually surfaced near Tenerife.

Breach got helped by the only Tenerife citizen, xXChatonXx who gave him food and survival items. She told him that she created Tenerife two days earlier and was invaded by Warriorrr and Aitonater the day after.

He built a house in the southern tip of Tenerife in an unclaimed zone because he didn't know about how chunk protection worked. The house got partially destroyed by random players who invaded Tenerife.

Got invaded by the Brits. Got invaded by the Norwegians. Got invaded by random people.

Finished house. Became friends with xXChatonXx and doudoudou_Fr (Islas-Canarias' king).

Mayor of Tenerife

He was given the mayor role as a birthday gift on August 27th, 2019.

He built a lot of stuff, especially in September, December and March. [insert what I built]

He transformed Tenerife into a red sandstone volcanic island.

BreachDGates became king in March 14, 2020 after doudoudou_Fr gave him this rank because of his disinterest in joining EMC.

Grinding periods

He started farming exp inside doudoudou_Fr's blaze spawner during his spare time while splitting his game screen in two so he could watch videos. He reached lvl 300 of experience 4 times and lvl 426 once.

In mid December 2019 he started fishing. Breach is currently Rank 2 in /mctop Fishing. He has earned his "Fisherman" title.

Transcontinental Railway Key (TRK)

Transcontinental Railway Key is an underground ice road system that connects the world. It was officially established in January 2020 by the only tunnel miner, BreachDGates. The hub is located in Tenerife and currently links all the continents except Antarctica. All the ice roads are set in 3x3 tunnels at Y:12.

Inside TRK1, the only TRK ice road which includes a railway and is covered by netherrack.

TRK1: from Tenerife to Florida [Completed] [5 min 6 s by boat]

TRK2: from Tenerife to Iceland [Ice road in progress]

TRK3: from TRK1 at X: -11400 to Trinidad Tobago, New-Spain [Completed] [2 min 5 s by boat]

TRK4: from Tenerife to Midas, Madagascar [3x3 tunnel completed]

TRK5: from TRK4 at Z: 1375 to Bali, Indonesia [3x3 tunnel completed]

TRK - Western Hemisphere Map (as of March 16th, 2020)

TRK6: from TRK2 at Z: -7425 to Madrid, Spain [Completed] [put time here by boat]

TRK7: from TRK2 at Z: -6475 to Larach, Moroccan Kingdom [Completed] [put time here by boat]

TRK8: from TRK5 at X: 20000 to Antofagasta, Peru-Viceroyalty [3x3 tunnel completed]

TRK - Eastern Hemisphere map (as of March 11, 2020)

TRK9: from TRK8 at X: -28500 to Kodiak [3x3 tunnel completed]

TRK10: from TRK3 at Z: -3900 to Hawaii [3x3 tunnel completed]

TRK11: from TRK9 at X: -10350 to Alberta [???]

[Maybe a table with origin, destination, distance and time by boat is better]

McMMO Rankings

Updated: March 15, 2020 17:16 UTC

Skill Level Rank
Power Level 7730 15
Mining 3014 11
Fishing 1974 1
Excavation 1887 14
Herbalism 265 285
Alchemy 160 218
Swords 148 298
Repair 138 414
Woodcutting 130 740
Archery 34 276
Unarmed 25 160
Taming 1 805
Axes 0 Unranked
Acrobatics N/A N/A


The name "BreachDGates" was chosen after a popular phrase used by Trick2g, a famous League of Legends streamer Breach is a fan of.

Has reached Diamond 4 in League of Legends in 2019, maining Udyr, Nasus and Yorick. He has 932k mastery points on Udyr.

Breach has thought several times of leaving Tenerife to settle in Bali, but doesn't want other players to destroy Tenerife's buildings and attracions. However, he spent IRL days fishing in the wilderness in Bali until he reached level 1000.

Lost 500 gold by giving it to xXChatonXx, she went offline for more than 42 days and got unregistered.