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Flag of Malaysia.svg.png
Coat of arms of Malaysia.svg.png
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto "Unity Is Strength"
Population 5
Chunks 61
Capital City Ipoh
Largest City Johor Bahru
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System Constitutional Monarchy
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

Malaysia is a nation on Mainland Southeast Asia. Most of the nation is found exclusively in the geographical area of Malaya. The capital of Malaysia is Ipoh.


Malaysia was founded on October 25th, 2020, by the first King of Malaysia, ENLS. The capital city of Malaysia is currently Ipoh.

Significant Events

The Creation of a Sovereign Malaysia:

Being increasingly tired of the constant, looming threats on the horizon in the nation of Sweden, the former King of the Swedes, ENLS, decided to create a nation far from the tiresome politics which is Europe. The birth of the idea was after a voice call on the previous Swedish discord (now defunct). After a short discussion with _CrA6914, both players had decided to create the nation of Malaysia, in a rather sparse and uninhabited area of Malaysia. To have sufficient gold to create Malaysia, ENLS had decided to sell Sweden to the Germans at a cost of 3000G.

Before the nation was sold, both player had asked Dalalius whether he wanted to join in the action (all 3 had previously joked about creating a new nation in Iceland if a reset were to happen), and he promptly agreed. All three players were unmotivated to play while in Sweden due to the hopeless state of recovery of Sweden, and thought that a fresh start was what they need, leading to the creation of the sovereign nation of Malaysia.

Tense Conflict with the Indochinese:

As the nation of Malaysia was located in the previous claims of Indochina, this has resulted a strain in relations even before relations were established. As the nation of Vietnam was created recently, Indochina felt that their influence over the region was threatened, declaring both nations 'rebellion states' funded by other parties, leading to declarations of war on these newly created nations, which includes Malaysia.

Malaysia was indifferent to the declaration of war as there was no ill will in creating Malaysia in Malaya, as immediately after Malaysia was created, it had sought to establish diplomatic ties with its immediate neighbours, and would not have expected hostile intentions by the Indochinese Government.

The war is currently still ongoing, and though Malaysia have repeatedly shown disinterest in it, the Malaysians are for the most part, forced into conflict by the hostile Indochinese, especially by a specific group of Indochinese. However, lukewarm to heated exchanges have been made between both nations in regards to verbal diplomacy with the aggressor nation.


Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN):

Relations with member states of ASEAN are very warm, with many diplomatic missions sent with encouraging signs of peace and prosperity, as well as a mutual respect for the sovereignty of the other states in the economic alliance, and a common vision of economic growth for all.

The United Atlantic States (UAS):

Malaysia was officially inaugurated into the alliance a day after its creation. However, due to the physical distance between the states of the UAS and Malaysia, there has been very little communication of late. However, relations are considerably well and positive with most of the members in the alliance.


As Indochina feels that Malaysia is a rebel state and refuses to recognise Malaysian sovereignty, there was no positive relations established to begin with and shortly after its creation, Indochina had voted to wage war against a new Malaysia and Vietnam. As such, diplomatic relations are very sour between the two mostly due to Indochinese aggression towards Malaysia, who had no ill will.

Notable Architecture