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Template:Town Infobox (maybe to much info)


Winslow is a town on the Island of Anticosti. The town's building style is Native American.


Founding and Attacks

The town of Winslow was founded on December 31, 2018 by LoganCreeper50, becoming the last town to join the nation of Iroquois/Wabanaki in 2018. The town of Winslow was founded on the western side of the Island of Anticosti. When the town was founded the town on the eastern side of the island came over to Winslow and started attacking LoganCreeper50. LoganCreeper50 would go hide in the capital of Iroquois.


The player named DDime would join the town of Winslow the day after its founding. The town would start to expand a build a lot. Politics in Wabanaki started getting crazy. A government official that goes by the name of CrispyChipotle showed up at Winslow. He started attacking the people of Winslow. During this time the Winslownians hid under their wigwams and started constructing a tunnel system under the town. Then the Winslownians called for backup they called the player that went by the name of Proda. Proda showed up and killed CrispyChipotle easily.

The Vinnish Plan

CrispyChipotle was running for Hoyenah of Wabanaki, and he looked like he was going to win. The town of Winslow in the town of Acadia were planning on leaving if he did. They were going to create the nation of Vinland. They raised 300 gold themselves and took a 200 gold loan from Tibet so they have 500 gold saved. When the day came the leader of Winslow hesitated, he decided to wait instead of make the nation before the election results were released. CrispyChipotle didn't win Hoyenah and instead MylesRatliff became Hoyenah and The Vinnish Plan was abolished.

A Holder

After the fall of Washington D.C. the mayor LoganCreeper50 decided to place a holder in the town named Dinotrakker while he went and made Washington. LoganCreeper50 planned on going back to Winslow soon but soon turned into a long time. Once the player DDime was available to take Washington, LoganCreeper50 decided to take over Newark instead of go back to Winslow. LoganCreeper50 was even getting ready for Dinotrakker to disband it for LoganCreeper50. During this time the town Anticosti which was on the eastern side of the island fell. Newark was getting boring for LoganCreeper50 so he planned his return.

The Return

LoganCreeper50 decided to return to Winslow on April 13, 2019, after 59 days. LoganCreeper50 would start building more buildings and designing more on a different server. He also continued the tunnel system underground.

The Underground

The Tunnel system that existed under Winslow for a long time was redesigned, now Winslow wants to have every single farm in Minecraft that is available on EarthMC.


The Geography of Winslow is a Dark Forest Biome, the local tree is Spruce, and Birch wood. It has a small hilly terrain.


The Economy of Winslow consists of only voting gold, and the mayor is a town raider going to falling towns and taking items to the museum and to storage.


The culture of Winslow would change through out the era's of the towns history. The words in parentheses are their technical name, while the ones that are not are their official name.


The Original Culture of Winslow was the Canadian culture that existed from the Classic server. This Culture was associated with friendliness,and kindness. Some people in the nation would opress the Canadian culture saying that they aren't patriotic to Wabanaki.

Vinnish (Canostacaninnishian)

The citizens of Winslow would slowly change into a Nationalistic culture, but they weren't patriotic towards Wabanaki. The people of Winslow wanted to leave and create their own nation. They didn't believe that Wabanaki was going in the correct direction. This culture went on strong for all of the Vinnish Revolution in Wabanaki, and a lot of this culture still exists in the modern culture of Winslow.

Vinslownian (Vinncandiadian)

As the Vinnish Revolution came to a close, and the mayor hesitated on leaving the nation the Vinnish culture fell into a distant memory. Canadian culture was brought back to Winslow along with the Acadian culture. the culture of Winslow would become a mixture of Vinnish, Canadian, Acadian, and small bit of Wabanaki, the Culture became a Friendly, Patriotic to Wabanaki, Military active, and a strong giver to the community.

Antioslownian (Antinniscandianvia)

The difference between Vinslownian and Antioslownian is the slow subtraction of Acadian and Vinnish Nationalism. This culture is semi-patriotic towards Wabanaki, Giving, and friendly but more like a retired-farmer culture. They normal stay in their town and don't go out and fight.

Buildings (In Order of Creation)

LoganC's Wigwam

As soon as Winslow was founded on western Anticosti, LoganCreeper50 built his Wigwam in the center of the town. Being the first building and the oldest building in Winslow. This building was used as a safety shelter during the Siege of Winslow.

Potato Terrace (Wheat Terrace)

The Wheat Terrace farm was originally created right after Logan's wigwam was created. He used the terrain that was already there to create the farm. The farm was raided during the Skirmish of Anticosti when the people from the eastern Anticosti attacked Winslow. The farm was later turned into the Potato Terrace after the regional plant of Winslow became Potatos.

DDime's Wigwam

After the Skirmish of Winslow, LoganC wanted to make the town able to occupy another citizen. He knew that DDime planned on joining but Dime was busy in Sea_Berlin when Winslow was created.

Socialist Hall {(Communist Hall) Storage Hut}

The Storage Hut was built after DDime joined the town. They wanted to bring back more buildings from Anticosti on EarthMc Classic. The Storage Hut was built and they started sharing items by putting them in the hut, this is why its name was later changed to the Communist Hall as a joke. Winslow would ban Communism later so it was changed to the Socialist Hall.

Totem of Flight

The Totem of Flight is a totem pole that is a, Beaver, Bear, and an Eagle on top. It is called the totem of flight because of the Eagles big wings.

Dino's Wigwam

Dino's Wigwam was built when the citizens of Winslow wanted to expand the town so they squeezed Dino's Wigwam in between the Socialist Hall and the Totem of Flight.

In-Ground Animal Pen [Covered Up]

The In-Ground Animal Pen is a animal pen that goes into the ground and is covered by a glass roof. It can be accessed using the Winslow tunnels. The Glass was removed from the Animal pen and it was covered with Grass, this was so that a new building could be built.

Anticosti Town hall

Once the Vinnish Revolution started in Winslow the town hall was built to discuss succession from Iroquois / Wabanaki. This is the place that they would hold national meetings. The most recent use of the building was April 21, 2019, This was after the Vinnish Revolution ended.

Anticosti Flag Pole (Vinnish Flag Pole)

The Vinnish Revolution brought around tons of nationalism towards the new Vinnish culture, so much that they errected a 12 meter Vinnish flag right in the center of the town outside the town hall building. After the Vinnish Revolution ended the old Vinnish flag was taken down and put in storage and a new Winslownian flag was raised.

Anticosti Museum

The Anticosti Museum was built because of the Mayors love for history, in the Museum things are held from all across North America, from the ruins of the first Quebec, to Tikal in Mexico, all the way to Winnipeg in North Canada.

Wigwam (simon7625's Wigwam)

This Wigwam was an vacant Wigwam when built, it was just there to take up space. It was used for less then an hour by the brief citizen simon7625 but he soon left and the Wigwam was left Vacant.

Anticosti Library [Demolished]

The Anticosti Library was a failed Project, It was where all the books in Winslow were going to be held. The first thing that caused this to fail was the Library Llama, Knihovnik, was stolen from the Library. This left the Mayor heartbroken, but he still wanted to finish it. Once Book and Quills were disabled on the server the library was left vacant. Then the Mayor decided that the Library was too small to fit what he planned and it would later be destroyed.

Winslow Tower [Demolished while Building]

The Winslow Tower was a Tower that was going to be erected next to the Town Hall. Its construction started but it was later demolished for unknown reasons.

Tipi 1

A Vacant Tipi made of wool and wood that is just there to look nice and to take up space.

Tipi 2

A Vacant Tipi that is a duplicate of Tipi 1 except it is made of spruce wood and wool that is just there to look nice and to take up space.

Llamaist Museum

The Llamaist Museum is the same building as the Anticosti Museum, but it is for the Llamaist Religion and all of its history.


Notable People