Nova:Madagascan Navy: Difference between revisions

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(Adding categories)
(Updated carrier names, added colonial defence force + ships)
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|RMNS Indian Ocean
|''Undefined'' Fleet Carrier
|Ocean Class Fleet Carrier
|RMNS Mozambique
|''Undefined'' Fleet Carrier
|Ocean Class Fleet Carrier
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== '''Convoy Escort Fleet''' ==
== '''Colonial Defence Force''' ==
This group of warships are classed as a Fleet for logistical reasons, however in reality they usually operate independently or in small groups. The primary role of these ships is to protect merchant vessels and fleet supply vessels outside of coastal waters from attack by convoy raiders such as submarines. Certain ships from the Main Battle Fleet and Coastal Defence Fleet may be assigned to this Fleet if there is a shortage of dedicated convoy escort ships, these ships are listed in italics. For certain highly important and/or highly vulnerable convoys, more powerful warships such as cruisers and capital ships may be used to assist in convoy escort duties.
The Colonial Defence Force is a collection of smaller forces scattered throughout Madagascar's Colonial Territories and not a single unified Fleet. Hence why it is classed as a Force. Their role is primarily to carry out colonial policing, while during wartime they're also required to fight off small craft such as motor boats and to deter enemy forces from trying to invade, such as laying mines around the colonies and torpedoing any fleet warship that may try to attack and occupy a colony. This Fleet consists of just the ships permanently stationed in Colonial Territories, not every ship that could be used to defend the Colonial Territories.
{| class="article-table"
|Eritrea Class Sloop (Colonial Gunboat)
|Delta Class Gunboat
|Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
|Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat
=='''Convoy Escort Force'''==
This group of warships are classed as a Force as they usually operate independently or in small groups, not as a combined Fleet. The primary role of these ships is to protect merchant vessels and fleet supply vessels outside of coastal waters from attack by convoy raiders such as submarines. Certain ships from the Main Battle Fleet and Coastal Defence Fleet may be assigned to this Fleet if there is a shortage of dedicated convoy escort ships, these ships are listed in italics. For certain highly important and/or highly vulnerable convoys, more powerful warships such as cruisers and capital ships may be used to assist in convoy escort duties.
{| class="article-table"
{| class="article-table"
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|RMNS Fire
|RMNS Fire
|Coral Class Corvette
|RMNS Bubble
|Coral Class Corvette
|Coral Class Corvette

Revision as of 12:13, 3 March 2021

The Madagascan Navy, officially called the Royal Malagasy Navy, is the largest navy on the server by an ever increasing margin.

Main Battle Fleet

The Main Battle Fleet is the main force of the Madagascan Navy. It consists of the bulk of the navy's strength as well as the vast majority of the navy's Bluewater Warships. This Fleet alone is larger than the entirety of the second largest navy on the server, the British Royal Navy.

Name Class Status
RMNS Indian Ocean Ocean Class Fleet Carrier Planned
RMNS Mozambique Ocean Class Fleet Carrier Planned
RMNS C.Eagle Malagasy Class Battleship In Service
RMNS Poppykai Malagasy Class Battleship Planned
RMNS Explodingmelons Admiral Class Battlecruiser Planned
RMNS Sainte Marie City Class Heavy Cruiser Planned
RMNS Tsalbarivo City Class Heavy Cruiser Planned
Unnamed Town Class Light Cruiser Planned
Unnamed Town Class Light Cruiser Planned
RMNS Sophia National Park Class Anti-Air Cruiser Planned
RMNS Jacob van Heemskerck Tromp class Flotilla Leader In Service
RMNS Musketeer M Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Marksman M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Might M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lemur L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lightning L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lancer L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lion L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Liberty L Class Destroyer Planned

Main Battle Fleet Sub-Divisions

These are smaller units within the Main Battle Fleet that can be formed to carry out independent operations or combined operations with the rest of the Main Battle Fleet.

Destroyer Flotilla

Consisting of all of the current generation Destroyers and the navy's Flotilla Leader, the Destroyer Flotilla is capable of operating as an independent force, operating as the fleet screen for the Main Battle Fleet during a major fleet engagement as well as manoeuvring and carrying out massed torpedo attacks as a single unit during a fleet engagement. It is commanded from aboard the RMNS Jacob van Heemskerck.

Name Class Status
RMNS Jacob van Heemskerck Tromp class Flotilla Leader In Service
RMNS Musketeer M Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Marksman M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Might M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lemur L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lightning L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lancer L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lion L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Liberty L Class Destroyer Planned

The Fast Response Task Force

This unit consists of the fastest class of each type of ship and would normally be formed in the event that a substantial Madagascan naval force is urgently required somewhere in the world. It only consists of the fastest class of each type of ship so that the Task Force isn't held back by a slower unit, enabling it to travel at a higher than usual speed.

Name Class Status
RMNS Explodingmelons Admiral Class Battlecruiser Planned
Unnamed City Class Heavy Cruiser Planned
Unnamed City Class Heavy Cruiser Planned
RMNS Lemur L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lightning L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lancer L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lion L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Liberty L Class Destroyer Planned

Coastal Defence Fleet

The Coastal Defence Fleet consists primarily of short-ranged craft and older warships that are not as capable as the current generation warships in the Main Battle Fleet. It operates primarily around the coastline of Madagascar and its territories such as Reunion and Mozambique to a limited degree and is primarily tasked with the defence of Madagascar, although some units are capable of operating along side the Main Battle Fleet if an engagement were to take place in regional waters. The short-ranged craft and ships tend to be fairly powerful for their size.

Name Class Status
RMNS Reunion Coastal Defence Battleship In Service
RMNS Haste H Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Kingfisher Kingfisher Class Minelayer Planned
RMNS Mangoky River Class Gunboat In Service
RMNS MGB-01 Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat In Service
RMNS MGB-02 Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat In Service
RMNS MTB-01 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-02 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-03 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-04 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-05 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-06 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
Unnamed Unidentified Class of Submarine In Service

Coastal Defence Fleet Sub-Divisions

These are smaller units within the Coastal Defence Fleet that can be formed to carry out independent operations or assist the Main Battle Fleet with operations in regional waters.

Long Range Torpedo Boat Flotilla

This force consists of 4 MTBs which can either carry out fast torpedo attacks as a single independent unit or support the Main Battle Fleet during a major fleet engagement in regional waters. Because of their short range, a modified Kingfisher Class Minelayer is required to serve as a Motor Torpedo Boat Tender on prolonged voyages. Because it is based on a Coral Class Corvette, the Kingfisher Class has limited capacity and can only support a maximum of 4 MTBs for any practical duration of time.

Name Class Status
RMNS Kingfisher Kingfisher Class Minelayer Planned
RMNS MTB-// Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-// Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-// Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service
RMNS MTB-// Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat In Service

Colonial Defence Force

The Colonial Defence Force is a collection of smaller forces scattered throughout Madagascar's Colonial Territories and not a single unified Fleet. Hence why it is classed as a Force. Their role is primarily to carry out colonial policing, while during wartime they're also required to fight off small craft such as motor boats and to deter enemy forces from trying to invade, such as laying mines around the colonies and torpedoing any fleet warship that may try to attack and occupy a colony. This Fleet consists of just the ships permanently stationed in Colonial Territories, not every ship that could be used to defend the Colonial Territories.

Name Class Status
Unnamed Eritrea Class Sloop (Colonial Gunboat) Planned
Unnamed Delta Class Gunboat Planned
RMNS MGB-03 Tortoise Class Motor Gunboat Planned
RMNS MTB-07 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat Planned
RMNS MTB-08 Turtle Class Motor Torpedo Boat Planned

Convoy Escort Force

This group of warships are classed as a Force as they usually operate independently or in small groups, not as a combined Fleet. The primary role of these ships is to protect merchant vessels and fleet supply vessels outside of coastal waters from attack by convoy raiders such as submarines. Certain ships from the Main Battle Fleet and Coastal Defence Fleet may be assigned to this Fleet if there is a shortage of dedicated convoy escort ships, these ships are listed in italics. For certain highly important and/or highly vulnerable convoys, more powerful warships such as cruisers and capital ships may be used to assist in convoy escort duties.

Name Class Status
RMNS Musketeer M Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Marksman M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Might M Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lemur L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lightning L Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Lancer L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Lion L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Liberty L Class Destroyer Planned
RMNS Haste H Class Destroyer In Service
RMNS Azure Bluet Flower Class Type-E Frigate Planned
RMNS Lilac Flower Class Type-D Frigate In Service
RMNS Allium Flower Class Type-C Frigate Planned
RMNS Tulip Flower Class Type-B Frigate Planned
RMNS Horn Coral Class Corvette In Service
RMNS Fire Coral Class Corvette Planned
RMNS Bubble Coral Class Corvette Planned