Daddy Stirner

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Daddy_Stirner (Spawned Sometime Unknown in the winter of 2018, True original spawn date was reset multiple times in /res), who has also been known as SamuelElmazi, and Sargon2002, has been the mayor of North Pole since January 9th, 2022, and was also the mayor of North Pole from August of 2020 to March 22, 2021. As Sargon2002,

Pre-civilization experiences

Sometime in December of 2018, Daddy_Stirner (then Sargon2002) spawned in South Africa and traveled north to Mesopotamia. He found an open terraced sandstone house alone next to an artificial river in the middle of the deserts of Northern Iraq. Sargon2002 eventually saved up 64 gold ingots to start a town, after building a 40 chunk large detailed stone Ziggurat, which served as Sargon2002's new house and eventually became the Citizen Assembly of Nineveh.

First Town; Nineveh

At the time of Daddy_Stirner/Sargon2002's founding of Nineveh somewhere in December of 2018, he was already in communications with the then Shahanshah of Persia CorruptedGreed. Daddy_Stirner was reluctant to join the Shah's Persian Empire, an Exarchy within the Greater Roman Empire at the time of Turkish settlement in Anatolia coordinated by TurkDarthJoker, because Sargon2002/Daddy_Stirner was heavily in favor of forming an Assyrian Empire with Nineveh as its capital. Unfortunately, the town was unable to engage in economic activity needed to generate the money to form a nation without joining a nation to teleport and sell items in, and the town of Nineveh was very close to the west of the capital of the Islamic State under its most brutal leader, watergod. CorruptedGreed's preoccupation with Greater Roman affairs made him often unable to protect the growing number of Nineveh's nooby citizens from ISIS or Turkish pvpers, leading to a massive wave of support for Nineveh's local directly democratic citizen assembly and its local Nineveh Army throughout the towns history. The town continued to claim more territory, recruiting more players into the town, and incorporating them into a discord community based around bi-monthly meetings in the Citizen Assembly over voice chat. The common occurrence of pvp nation raids led to the creation of a complex system of sewage tunnels underneath all the roads throughout the growing town. A strong community grew around the city of Nineveh, placing more trust in their local government then the Persian or Roman ones from the beginning out of want for their own Assyrian nation.

March 10th 2019

By the time Justinian stepped down as Roman Emperor and CorruptedGreed took control over SPQR as the new Greater Roman Emperor, AD31 became the orientalist "sand queen" of the Persian Empire, immediately angering Nineveh's large Greek racist population. A rapid influx of Assyrian and Greek and Armenian nationalist players into Nineveh had brought Sargon2002 and his citizens into Anatolia to kill future staff members such as "TurkDarthJoker" while still in iron armor in their original Turkish towns during the GRE-Turkish Conflict. This atmosphere eventually led to a period of intensely nationalistic and racist laws in the directly democratic citizen assembly of Nineveh by meetings of its citizens, including the somewhat badly recorded and undated tormenting of JACOB171w by the citizenry of Nineveh. It was throughout this time that Nineveh had become widely recognized as one of the most active towns on the map, drawing far too much attention from neighboring pvp states such as watergod's ISIS, which slaughtered the entire Nineveh Army in the Saudi Arabian deserts during a fight with Turkish players.

April 2019

First Chancellery

Summer 2020

Reign in Nova Scotia

Winter 2020

Second Chancellery



The Squamish Debacle

The Excommunication Controversy