EarthMC Olympic Games

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The EarthMC Olympics has been held occasionally throughout the history of emc, with more recent iterations reaching participation levels of 50+.

History of the Olympics

EarthMC Classic

EarthMC Classic was the first EarthMC map, where the Olympic Spirt truly began. From Jerusalem to the ill-fated Kingston games, players have always tried to recreate the famous competition on emc. Although the server was admittedly smaller, quite a few games were tried and tested over the 2 year run of classic.

Jerusalem - July 2017

The earliest known form of the EarthMC Olympic Games began in July 2017, run by a small organisation based in Jerusalem. The “first Olympics” was a gathering of diplomats and fighters from around the globe who competed in a PVP-style event. No other events were recorded, and the details of the 2017 games have been lost.

St Petersburg - March 2018

On March 10th 2018 the hard work of the Olympic Committee paid off. Most of the 6 events ran smoothly, however luck run out for the final event. Peranio of the CCCP launched an attack, calling it the “Red Terror” around 4 died in the attack before Peranio ran off, burning down the Russian forest on his way out. Around 15 people turned up, and Russia left as the winners of the games.


left: picture taken of the winners’ ceremony at the Petersburg games

Kingston - May 2018 & America - July 2018

The ill-fated Kingston Olympics never began. Although originally hopeful, the sudden departure of Kingston mayor, mod and much loved player Brendan brought the games to standstill. The Olympic Committee attempted one last revamp of the games before its end, with the final EarthMC classic host chosen as America (the town). Terra Nova was announced around this time causing widespread inactivity and decay for classic, eventually resulting in America 2018’s cancellation and the end of the EarthMC Classic Olympic movement,