George Grosvenor

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George Grosvenor:

George Gerald Hohenzollern Grosvenor, 1st Duke of Westminster

is a businessman, political-active aristocrat who resides in Grosvenor House, London.

Early Life: The Duke Of Westminster was born in the outskirts of Devonshire in Plymouth, being that he was related to the The 1st Duke of Devonshire, George Cavendish. The Duke would live in Devonshire House, spending his time studying art and music at Plymouth Marjon University receiving degrees in literature, art and music with his diploma in 1820. The Duke did not obtain any other title than '' Lord Cavendish-Hohenzollern '' until his adulthood.

Adulthood: When he turned 18, the duke moved to London to watch the flourishing capital of Britain at its architectural rising, it was at this time where he received the heraldy title of '' Duke of Westminster ''. As the years went by the Duke contributed to the city with his architectural ideas and plans. He drew the Slyprince Opera House, The National Museum of Britain, and many more buildings within London. But the very finest that he drew was his own residence, Westminster House, a 34 roomed neoclassical gilded building of quartz-terracotta decorated rooms and interiors facing Buckingham Palace; The Duke spent the rest of his days in London, Westminster and met a woman which name no-one knows and produced a new heir to his title, Alexander Julian Spencer Hohenzollern Cavendish Grosvenor. The Duke was banished from Britain for national treason as he was found walking around the streets of London griefing the many beautiful buildings in a sort of coma. His heir is currently an infant and is guarded by his nurse in Westminster House.