Nova:Patagonia Kingdom

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Flag of Patagonia.png
Coat of Arms

Flooding Era

National Information
Full Name Patagonia Kingdom
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem File:Anthem of Patagonia.ogg
Motto "Independence and freedom"
Capital City
180px-Rio Gallegos - Coat of arms.svg.png

Coa el calafate.jpg
Largest City
Coa el calafate.jpg


Oldest City
180px-Rio Gallegos - Coat of arms.svg.png
Government Information
Political System Dualistic Monarchy
Economic System Capitalism Capitalism
Army Size
Shield Patagonia.png
Part of Unionatlantic.png Union of Atlantic States
Historical Information


это нация, образованная 19 апреля 2019 года и расположенная в основном на территории реальных патагонцев, Санта-Крус, Чубут и Магалланес.

Население страны составляет около 210 человек, входит в / п список 1, имея около 1000 заявленных площадей в кусках

Патагония раздор - или


В настоящее время в Патагонии всего 12 городов.

Столицы (2)

  • Гальегос
  • Калафате

Города (15)

  • Ушуайя
  • Пунта-Аренас
  • Niemark
  • Санкт-Sevilia
  • Пуэрто-Deseado
  • Рио де ла Плата
  • Порт Калин
  • Riffburg
  • Mamajka
  • Генерал Каррера
  • Фолклендские острова
  • Комодоро Рив
  • Patagonia_Base
  • Лозанна
  • Annecy


  • Аристотка (умер 7 октября)
  • Патагония (мертв, июль-август 2019 г.)


  • New_Gallegos
  • Патагония-город (возрождается)
  • Эскель (от Arondight_)

Ледяная дорога

Патагония в настоящее время имеет ледяную дорогу. В настоящее время он соединяет четыре города: Линия - Ушуайя> Гальегос> Пунта-Аренас> Калафате . Весь лед был взят с ледника Перито Морено, недалеко от города Калафате .

ИДрамаМаном (мэром Ушуайи).

Второй лед линия была построена из Гальегос в Калафате по IDramaMan, Ferrarinu и mikolllaj60. Он идет на запад, а затем поворачивает на север, соединяя эти города.

Третья линия была проложена до Прента-Аренаса по пути из Гальегоса в Калафате. Игрок Сяо сделал станцию.

Финальная линия идет в город Патагонии. Станция тоже почти готова!

Ушуайя и Гальегос раздают бесплатные еловые лодки на своей станции. Планируется также строительство ледовых путей в Немарк и Сен-Севилию.

Игрок Marshalleeluv86 сделал ледяную трассу из Пуэрто-Дезеадо в Нимарк и планирует закончить ее в ближайшее время.

В настоящее время строится новая линия Феррарину (Ferra) и IvanSmirnov777, между Калафате и Сен-Севильей.

Известные лица

  • mikolllaj60 (бывший президент, премьер-министр)
  • Феррарину (нынешний король)
  • IDramaMan (великий человек, бывший канцлер , который во многом способствовал росту Патагонии, пожертвовал 200 золотых для создания Патагонии)
  • Marshalleeluv86 (канцлер и мэр)
  • AlexoMarcvs (Алексо Марквс, канцлер, мэр)
  • Иван Смирнов777 (канцлер, мэр)
  • Сяо (мэр)
  • Stone_ColdSober (в настоящее время неактивен)
  • MarxTv (Chancellor, mayor, Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of CPP)
  • theregulator123 (mayor)
  • Ilia_Malkov (mayor, leader of Patroads company, Left Patagonia)
  • HadesxPluto (mayor)
  • _Mr_ded_ (Chancellor, mayor and Transport minister)
  • Ajwid (Chancellor, mayor and Minister of defence)


Republic of mikolllaj60

(19.04.2019 - 19.05.2019)

Patagonia became great country with mikolllaj60 and it gained majority of its towns and citizens. It was democracy Everything was fine. However, mikolllaj60 held "unfair" elections, was taking wrong democracy, was been in some conflicts and finally ended up. Last elections were held, Ferrarinu won and mikolllaj60 became chancellor.

Kingdom of Ferrarinu

(19.05.2019 - current moment)

Патагония стала королевством, исполнительная монархия превратилась в дуалистическую монархию. Все войны закончились, когда Феррарину стал лидером. Патагония все еще улучшается. Патагония в настоящее время находится в / п списке 1 и считается лучшей страной в Южной Америке.

Nation rename

United Tierra del Fuego was renamed to Patagonia as it was more correct name, and also Patagonia lost Tierra del Fuego island. From now on, UTF is Patagonia. Some players and wiki pages still call it UTF which isn't right.

Премьер-министр Патагонский миколллайдж60 и король Ферра решили решить вопрос с IDramaMan, чтобы оставить свой народ, чтобы вернуться в Патагонии. IDramaMan, не долго думает, решил снова присоединиться к Патагонии. Страна Tierra_del_Fuego была продана Pierronus_21 за 350 золотых, бывшая столица TDF присоединилась к Патагонии. Это означало еще один город в Патагонии.

Conflicts and wars

  • Patagonia had its second conflict with, mainly, Trinidad and Tobago, ciao000000 and mikolllaj60. ciao000000 declared war on Trinidad-Tobago, which wasn`t right and it all started as some player didnt find mikolllaj60`s democracy very nice. Everything ended up nice, as Ferrarinu and mikolllaj60 apologized for their former war minister. ciao000000 was killed 12 times and he was humbled totally. However, 20 gold were given to xPadpai for apologizes (Ferrarinu - 4 gold, mikolllaj60 - 8 gold, IDramaMan - 8 gold).

  • Patagonia also had its third conflict with Trinidad and Tobago. It was similar to the second one, but now players really wanted fair elections. Player were threatening Patagonia with war if mikolllaj60 didnt make fair elections. But at the end, there were held beforehand elections where Ferrarinu player was approved by many players and won. Patagonia, after Ferrarinu became King, changed its government form and changed almost entirely. mikolllaj60 was still hated by many, but everything ended glad and now peace is everywhere.

  • Patagonia-Tierra_del_Fuego conflict (ALREADY SOLVED) was border conflict with Tierra_del_Fuego nation, which was made by former chancellor of Patagonia, Tierra_del_Fuego, which ALSO caused rename of nation from UTF to Patagonia. Gallegos town planned to expand further south, on Tierra_del_Fuego town and made a bridge here. There was planned stadium and there was small historical object - medium farm and house - it all stayed here even before creation of Gallegos. mikolllaj60 argued with IDramaMan a lot - it seemed to keep like that. The only way to end it was summit. On June 30, there was held Patagonia - Tierra del Fuego official first summit, and it was held in capitol of Tierra del Fuego, in Ushuaia. There was big white building, which looked like mansion. Players who took part in it are: Ferrarinu, IDramaMan, mikolllaj60, Marshalleeluv86 and king of Ellsworth, Imperium Polaris - Wilabum. Partially it was about announcements, news and some words, but at the end of summit they all tried to solve border problem which later was solved by idea given by Wilabum - on map of Patagonia the disputed area will be Patagonian, and on map of Tierra del Fuego - it will be official territory of Tierra del Fuego. Also, the area would be under guard and no one can build on it without special agreement - the treaty was named Peace and Friendship Treaty. Therefore, all conflicts ended and Tierra del Fuego became really close ally with Patagonia. No further conflicts were seen.

  • Fourth conflict of Patagonia is the most recent one. After creation of new allied nation Tierra_del_Fuego made by former chancellor of Patagonia, IDramaMan, Patagonia needed new land in order to expand. At the moment, Patagonia was crushed by northern inactivity of Argentina and Chile. Patagonian Great King Ferrarinu decided to peacefully break the treaty with Argentina, as Argentina was inactive a lot and Patagonia couldnt handle this anymore. SoyGalletita was against it, yet it wasnt critical. One-two days after, a new Chilean town appeared at Patagonian territory - the town name was Puerto_Natales. It made Ferrarinu very angry, yet he wanted to end it all peacefully. It wouldnt be such a problem if the new Chilean town was on border, not so close to Patagonia - but making a giant "panhandle" which splitted Patagonia by two halves was actually wrong. A bit later, Ferrarinu decided to talk with Chile and Chilean leaders, and he wanted to end it all. Cristul12 (chancellor of Chile) acted violent and kinda extremely patriotic. Later, he named Ferrarinu (leader of Patagonia) "kid", "mf cuck", "сuck" and many other bad things, while Ferrarinu didnt say a single bad word. Chile always acted violent and greedy to Patagonia, but this time it was awful - Patagonia declared war on Chile. Day after, Entente (more than 15 nations worldwide) and Imperium Polaris declared war on Chile. Entente members made a siege on Chilean technical capital. At the moment, at least 6 players were fighting Santiago, but at this time it was useless - Chile was always inactive and there was only 1 player online who was staying AFK. It seems like this conflict isnt gonna end, as Cristul keeps offending Ferrarinu. Patagonia is thinking of creating massive attack on Chile with at least 15 players, while Chile is staying inactive and without allies. It all ended good, since Cristul12 and LightTHC asked for new border which was good for both countries. Мир был согласован.

Интересные факты

Патагония - вторая самая южная страна в Южной Америке.

  • Программа по увеличению населения в Патагонии. Каждый новый игрок может получить дом по очень низкой цене или получить территорию для строительства. Каждому игроку дают блоки и материалы.
  • Патагония граничит с Чили , Аргентиной и ледником Спартанец.
  • Патагония является частью UON, SAU, UAS, НАТО и Антанты.

- Mikolllaj60 ( разговор ) 08:50, 1 сентября 2019 (UTC) mikolllaj60