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Yukon is a nation located in the Alaskan region of EarthMC. The nation of Yukon (formally known as Central Alaska) was founded February 27th 2020 by Sponkies during the time of the 1st Alaskan Empire and currently run by Tsar KarlRaven06. Currently this nation is part of a Alaskan Tsdarom as of march 20th 2021.

Central Alaska

Before Tsar Karlraven06 and brother Kallus66 took over Yggdrasil as the capital of Yukon, it was known as Yggdrasil of Central Alaska, This nation was created around late February 2020 and was known to of started the spark of rebellion in the region. Founder Sponkies was disliked by many the Alaskan leaders who lived there at the time because of making the nation when asked not to and the rebellion ensued and because of this and being formal resident in Quebec, Central Alaska almost joined with the Canadian Empire. During this time the nation of Cascadia was the Mega Empire that the Alaskan Empire was a part of and when this nation was formed in the borders it sparked some issues. With time like many towns and nations experience is the AFK leaders and the population collapse.  During one of these periods Kallus66 came into the picture.

Kallus66 joined in August of 2020 and the first town he made was Yggdrasill (2 Lā€™s). his idea was to make a world tree but to his chagrin he was told that there was an already established town by the same name.  When he was able to, he made the trip to the nation of Central Alaska to see first hand the town that came up with the idea first.  His expectation was nothing close to what he saw and instantly knew he had to be in this town.  Constantly in the lookout to see when Sponkies would log in, which was pretty random and for only a short period of time, he was finally able to get a hold of him and join the town on 11/17/2020.  In a month's time Sponkies felt the town was in good hands and decided to hand the town over to Kallus66.  A week later KarlRaven06 the leader of North Greenland, with an up and coming shop and mayor of Nord sold the nation and moved to Yggdrasil on 12/10/20.

Yukons Beginning

After KarlRaven06 took over in becoming the emperor of central Alaska many changes started to happen, the town name was capitalized to Yggdrasil and central Alaska was changed to Yukon.  A massive shopping district opened up in the capital city of Yggdrasil and then later became a part of the Neo-Alaskan empire (aka 2nd Alaskan Empire) led by Sgt. Cartoon, consisting of nations such as Yukon, Kodiak, Anchorage, Fairbank, North Alaska, North Kodiak and Alaska.

Yukon in cascadia

On December 17th 2020 the nation of Yukon and the rest of the Neo-Alaskan Empire joined in the nation of  Cascadia. Four days after joining Cascadia borders were being drawn up and Blood Fort was discovered to be a part of the Alaskan Union and not part of the Empire. Blood Fort was added as a part of the Empire and Alaskan Union took offense. Negotiations did not go well with the town and war was declared. The empire took to the offenses with help of their new allies Cascadia.  A new border wall by the AU (Alaskan Union) was in the process of being built to make a new demarcation line and the builder were targeted and killed before it could be started.  From there the defenders began falling back to their lines from one town to the next until only the capital was left. At that point it became a battle in and out of claims. There was 3 defenders to the 8 on the Alaskan and Cascadian side. After a few hours the battle was officially ended.

   The next day the mayor of Blood Fort (Daddy Stirner) decided to join Yukon and soon afterwards Port Bering with Mayor Obama are joined also.  Port Bering was far from any nation but still within reach of Yukon and so they joined so that they may once again be part of EarthMC as a whole (TP.) There were deep ties with Port Bering and the AU and KarlRaven06 hoped in time a true peace would occur between both nations.

Alaska (Neo-Alaskan Empire) begun getting involved in Casacdia politics. Having at the height over 150 in population they represent a large portion of Cascadia as a whole.  With this many senators were formed and 2 to 3 Alaskan residents would always be represented in the cabinet.  

Alaskan Civil War

On 1/23 an event the shook the Empire and broke it was the Alaskan Civil War.  A few mayor's were not too keen in being part of Cascadia and wanted to form nations of their nation of their own.  This did not stand well with the Empire leader (Sgt Cartoon.) Remembering the past most notably Sponkies with Central Alaska (present day Yukon) that more nations would cause more turmoil, he completely disagreed with that plan.  KarlRaven06 supported Cartoon in this relaying on Cartoons experience and fully backed him.  Some of the grievances with this towns was not only not fully excepting the new Mega Empire Cascadia but they also looked at Yukons economics. There belief was any town can become "rich" if they would only need to be a nation.  KarlRaven06 tried for many days to convince them that nation don't become rich over night and there a hard road to do so.  Having a shop doesn't make you "rich", it having a shop that people want to shop at can pit you on the path.  Different strategies were brought up so that those town connected to Yukon can also share in its success but it mostly fell on deaf ears. Eventually what it led to was 3 towns, Koyuk, Innucisai and Newburn left the Empire. With this happening, Yukon and Kodiak both closed their nations so that they may not join up just so they may have access to TP when they needed to use it.  Two of the towns Innucisai and Newburn requested to stay with Cascadia and Koyuk left all together. For the next few weeks Yukon experience small messages throughout the perimeter of Yukon in showing the displeasure of Cascadia being within Alaska (Killercabbage.)  This was taken as light hearted and was never dealt with and instead it was just a reminder of how Alaska in the past has felt about Cascadia.  Some of those signs are still being found to this day.  Another battle that happened during the Alaskan civil war was known as the 3 hour potato war.

Time of Peace

A few days later The Grove asked to rejoin Yukon and was welcomed with open arms.  On 1/12/21 the Ruins of Nome was rebuilt with a new name of seward by Arcaplays also all negative effects of the AU was over in done with, they also joined Yukon as a state. Fairbanks of North Kodiak fell to ruins because of the banning of _HB6 and within hours was reclaimed by Kallus66 so that there would be no griefing or another player would claim a town that was literally on the border of Yggdrasil. The new town was named Jotenheim to follow the theme of Yggdrasil.

On 1/23/20 the Civil War was over and after many talks once again both Innucisai, Newburn and even Koyuk joined Yukon. At this point Sgt Cartoon did not want to lead the empire as it stood and passed the mantle of Emperor to KarlRaven06.  With the wait of responsibility for the people of Alaska he new that things would have to change soon.  Discussion of how to set up the new Empires government began but nothing was made until much later.

Time of Peace

A few more cities joined Yukon, the purchase of Pavhutskygraad and the joining of Calihan Manor.

During the time within Cascadia a few things happened that cause some rumblings within Alaska, one of which was the Potato War.

Time of Peace

2/28 Dornan Island with Corrupted Soul took control of the fallen town of Mimos Island

3/2 The new town of PI with Teidem (original national leader of Terra Mariana, which was purchased by KarlRaven06)

Ligma Station with iEatYumYums

The creation of the Alaskan Tsardom

For a time KarlRaven06 believed that Alaska could benefit in the continued involvement with Cascadia and maybe even attain presidency but many factors would of made it impossible with Yukons growth and Alaska as a whole.  Some of which was many players still remembered Cascadia as being an invader of Alaska in the early times, the Potato War where we had to defend ourselves, the handling of the US War, the handling of Scrabs during his time of insanity and how they were looking into controlling trade in some of the nations. This led to many discussion and then later an exit strategy.

3/13/21 A meeting of the minds between many of the mayors of Yukon began and the flesning of of the government began.  Over the period of a few days  the main points of how the government will run was hatched out and the rest of the nation leaders of Alaska also joined in the discussion.  At the end of a few days The Alaskan Tsardom (3rd Alaskan Empire) was formed consisting of Yukon, Kodiak, Alaska, Anchorage, North Alaska, Fairbanks and the Alaskan Union..  The next step was to have an exit strategy.

3/20/21 Things were beginning to take form in how to become independent  when the mayor of North pole (formally known as Blood Fort), Daddy_Stirner decided to try and push Corrupted Soul out of Alaska his reasoning was the Fractured Soul was not a true Alaskan. Daddy_Stirner eventually leaked the information that Alaska was leaving and that it has already formed their own empire .  Put on the spot and not being fully prepared KarlRaven06 broke the news and it was not well received.  During this time, Scrabs of Klondike and the Klondike nation had left and they were not ready to let go Alaska. At the same time Fractured Soul did not understand the true extent of what it meant to be a part of the Alaskan Tsardom also meant he would not be part of Cascadia.  This was something he did not agree at all with.

The next few days discussion of what to do with Dornan Island began in earnest.  Karlraven06 wanted Alaska to be complete and part of that was Dornan Island.  Fractured Soul did not want to leave Cascadia and began looking how to become a nation so he may rejoin Cascadia.  During this time KarlRaven06 was negotiating to purchase the nation of West Alaska and little did he know Fractured Soul was also negotiating.  At the end due to Fractured Souls involvement KarlRaven06 was forced to double his bid for the nation and later purchased the Dornan Island. The nation was transferred to Dornan Island with MinesomeMC as the nation Leader. Alaska for the first time was fully integrated since the first Empire.  

Some may say that Alaska During the time with Cascadia was already whole but there were some nations in Alaska that due to them being AFK most of the time, didnt even know they were a part of Cascadia until after the formation of the Alaskan Tsardom.

With that no battle happened other than the battle of words and the exchanging of golds  The Alaskan Tsardom was formally invited and joined the NAPact and also the PP (Pacific Pact.)

Time of Peace

No mayor occurrences occurred and the Empire continued to grow:

4/15 The new town of Chugach joined with mayor CookiesSurvival

4/28 The new town of Kasegauk with mayor Yoshigamer1298 the right hand man to  KarlRaven06.

4/29 Port Bering fell to ruins

5/4 The Grove fell to Ruins

5/5 Ljosalfheimr with mayor SlothofSin formed from the ruins of High Garden and protected one of if not the largest build in Alaska.  He with Hagey21 and eventually TheCliffCommander joined after the sale of Island and Ioslainn to KarlRaven06

5/10 Volcan joins with CatCatCatDog

5/14 Nautica joins with TheRealBobMarley

5/15 Ender City joins with RadicalImpala79

5/15 Chicken City joins with Kentriken and within hours WAR

Nunavut War

5/15/21 Soon after Chicken City formed and joined Yukon, found himself defending himself against one of the more powerful Pvpers in EarthMC, Dictiooo. This was a surprise to many Nation Leaders throughout not understanding why this occurred.  Yukon is known to be a Trade Nation where peace is the economic life blood of Yukon.  Right away Karlraven06 was bombarded with pms wondering what the situation was.  During the initial few minutes Kentriken died at the hands of Dictiooo and also BlueSupreme, the land also suffered from griefing of both these players. Bonzil added to this with a propaganda campaign to make Yukon look weak.

That was an outpouring of support from many nations.  Some defending Yukon within the general chats, other in PMs.  Some were more than willing to join the war and have fighters to join the cause even though knowing they would be far outmatched.  To all of this, it was well received but Yukon only said to not be concerned that they will play it out with a little patience.  Some nations that also had experience war with Nunavut, just said dont fight, nothing to gain and plenty to lose.

Knowing the enemy the only message that could be sent is simply from KarlRaven06 is to stay within claims.  There are not many if any within EarthMC that could fight the tag team duo of Dictiooo and BlueSupreme.  Three days passed and no more was heard from either players.  The war ended just as quickly as it started.  The nation is still regarded as an enemy and closed to Alaskan TPs.  KarlRaven06 still hopes that one day Nunavut would declare peace and once again borders can be reopened.

Time of Peace

5/21 The newly formed Republic of Alaska joined the Alaskan Tsardom, soon after negotiations started to have the nation add North Pole under Yukons control to be passed to the vice president of Republic of Alaska and be added under their banner.

Relations with nations (W.I.P)


United state pact-


Economic (W.I.P)

Political standing
