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Revision as of 17:40, 28 February 2023 by fenna#7522 (talk | contribs)
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In office
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Profile Information
Aliases Fenna
Nation Central USA
Town FortGeuzeveltFlag.png Fort Geuzevelt
Towny Rank Mayor
Political Party
Religion Christian
Spouse(s) Ærøn Pågof Sjørvic
Discord 𝓕𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓪#7522
Signature SignatureFennuhh.png
Spawn Information
Date of Spawn
Place of Spawn
Physical Information
Nationality Flag-nl.png Netherlands
Gender Female.png Female
Blood Type Bloodtype-ab+.png AB+
Zodiac Virgo
Height 169cm
Weight 67kg
Status Information
Status Alive, Soon to Be Married.
Server Role
Date of Ban
Nation History
Check Central USA.

After joining, she created an town in Ireland, known as Sutherbury, after some time she left Ireland, and renaming Sutherbury to Sutherbury Køzenhavæn and joining Norway, having massive backlash and hate from this, she decided to delete the town, and create a town in Central USA, called Fort Geuzevelt.

History of Fennuhh's Signature

Fennuhh's Signature has always been the same until 2021, when the Cross and the M where added as a memorial to her deceased sister.

"Fenna jongen, wees is blij dat Frans uitgevallen is." - Fennuhh's Deceased Sister, 2020

History of Fennuh in Real Life

Fennuhh currently works at an Military Base in the Netherlands, also being born in the Netherlands, she is currently 19, working for the Dutch Special Forces, while also being an Scout for 12 years as hobby.

Fennuhh never really had friends besides one person, who died in the beginning of 2023, after Fennuhh got released from the hospital because she broke her femur, Fennuhh is soon to be married to Ærøn Pågof Sjørvic, the date is August 28th, 2023, which is on her Birthday.