Boat (Town)
Boat is a town that is located in the Atlantic Ocean, approximately 600 blocks from the western-most point of mainland Ireland. It was created on the 9th of July, 2022, by the first mayor of the town "conormayxd". It is a part of the North Sea Republic, associated with the nation of Ireland within it. The architecture of the town is based solely on boat and boat-like structures, the closest thing to typical builds being a barge with a house on it, and most of the buildings are normal boats. It currently has a population of 2 as of early September, but had peaked at 7 people in July, 2022.
It is now owned by Goosetavsson, both residents are working on expanding and making Boat a better place.
The Fleet of Boat, under the banner of Ireland and The North Sea Republic, had set off from the shores of Limerick on the 9th of July, 2022, after deciding on the creation of an Atlantic base for the Irish Kingdom. On the 10th of July, Conormayxd, Boats' soon-to-be founder, set up camp approximately 300km (600 blocks) away from the coast of Ireland. - Excerpt from "A Concise History of Boat", written by it's first and current Admiral, conormayxd.
On the 3rd of January 2022, Goosetavsson decided to continue with the construction of the Boat Church, since it hadn't been changed in months. The Grand Church of Boat was finished on the 5th of January.
On May the 1st, the mayor of Boat, Goosetavsson, announced he would be quitting EMC indefinitely. On May the 2nd, Goosetavsson made RoverRoat the new mayor of Boat.