Nova:Commonwealth of H.K.
Commonwealth of H.K.[邦聯香港] is a federal republic that is constituted by three states (Hong Kong, James Shoal, and Spectre Shoal) in East Asia, and where located in the South China sea in EarthMC server.
In the commonwealth, three states have different political systems. For example, Hong_Kong(香港城) is a Presidental constitution republic but James_Shoal(曾母暗沙州) is a weak-mayor form a council-manager government. In addition, the Spectre Shoal (幽沙島) is a territory in a commercial monopoly that was operated by the Ghastelli East Indian Company[魂母東印度公司].
The economic system is a mixed economy based on the social market economy and half-common ownership(only in James Shoal).
In James Shoal(HK), the Mayor has no formal authority outside the council. The Councilor is de facto responsible for establishing policy, passing local ordinances, voting appropriations, and developing an overall vision, etc. Council in James Shoal has a right to supervise the Councilor and Mayor. The members of the Council are assembled by citizens who paid more taxes in a month.
The official languages are English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
James Shoal WIKI: