Aurora:Korea Timeline

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Full and Detailed Korea Timeline (Aurora)

- April 21 2022 - The Korean discord server is created, with Atomica and NaPeng as founding members.

- April 24 - The Korean community rejects TheEarlofSkeen’s plan which was to establish a supernation stretching to Siberia and China.

- Koreans from NewEarth, Terra Nova, Planet Universe and various other communities come together to join the discord.

- April 25 - Korea takes part in an informal conference to lay out borders between various pre-launch communities.

- April 28 - Korea enters a formal alliance with the nation of Balhae(Bokkai)

- April 29 - Korea enters a formal alliance with the nation of Japan (As it exists today) Korea rejects the immigration of Andre751, the former Crown Prince of Japan to Korea.

- May 2 - Korea joins a pact between the nation-states of Japan and Balhae, as an inviolable pact aimed to create a new order in the North-East Asian world to bring peace and triumph over the warmongering tribes, and a prosperous future to each of its members.

Official opening of Terra Aurora to premium players. Mileway founds the city of Seoul. The Korean community collectively blows a blood vessel as Mileway had just left the discord after a minor conflict with community members.

- RejectedPluto99 founds the city of Pyongyang.

- May 4 - Korea enters a formal alliance with the nation of Central Japan (Heishi Clan, disbanded in 2022) Atomica is elected as King of Korea with 33 out of 47 votes cast.

- May 8 - A national census is held to determine the settlement of towns after the opening of the server for non-premium people.

- After a quick poll, the national slogan for the reign of King Atomica is selected as 개국 (Founding of the Nation)

- May 12 - Korea is declared a parliamentary monarchy after a national vote is held to determine the nation’s political system.

- May 15 - The population of Korea hits 20 residents.

- May 17 - The population of Korea hits 30 residents.

- May 21 - The population of Korea hits 50 residents.

- May 22 - The Korean Army kills several rogue Japanese residents who intended to settle in Hamhung.

- May 24 - Korea’s nation dynmap color is set as Dark Blue

- May 26 - The Rebel State of North_Korea is created, King Atomica declares a conflict to suppress the rebellion. RejectedPluto is declared KOS by the Korean Government.

- Jun 5 - First elections for the cabinet and Prime Minister. aMango of the Liberty Party gains victory with 15 out of 36 votes.

- Jun 6 - The term of each elected official is set as 2 months by popular vote.

- Jun 14 - Mileway transfers the ownership of Seoul and the ingame nation to NaPeng.

- Jun 15 - The Imperial Association, a political party led by Pro-Atomica Monarchists, disbands.

- Jun 18 - Korea joins the Yamato-led P.T.O, a defense organization.

- Jun 25 - Korea calls for a volunteer mission to fight in a conflict in Spain. Only limited Korean sand-mining operations take place.

- Jul 10 - Interim Prime Minister NaPeng sends out a desperate plea for mayors to stop their towns from being deleted.

- Jul 24 - Korea begins the redevelopment of Seoul, cleaning up the old city plagued with dirty streets and medieval cottages spread out everywhere

- Jul 28 - The Protestant Ministry of Korea has been established, making Korea part of the Protestant World Church.

- Jul 28 - Korea registered in the EarthMC Olympics and looks for potential players. The games are never opened.

- Jul 30 - Korea joins the Holy Catholic Church. A official Cathedral is constructed in Seoul and a priest from the Catholic Church, Park_Daniel is appointed as the Bishop of Korea working for his job to spread the word of Christ in the Penninsula.

- Jul 31 - Political Parties are disbanded by order of King Atomica. Second PM Elections are announced with candidates on an individual basis.

- Aug 3 - The Second Election for the Korean Cabinet ends successfully. Park_Daniel and Noir are elected as senator while NaPeng wins a term as Prime Minister.

- Aug 9 - Fall of Seoul. Unmaintained and derelict, the Japanese-occupied town soon starts to crumble into the sands of time. (Nova)

- Aug 10 - Town deletion due to inactivity (42daying) is disabled in Nova by Fix.

- Aug 26 - Korea enters a formal alliance, Trade Alliance with the nation of Afghanistan

- Sep 9 - North Koreans led by RejectedPluto99 invade Seoul and detonates explosives in the wilderness.

- Sep 29 - Korea joins the League of Nations.

- Oct 1 - Celebrating October, King Atomica officiates 건륭/建隆/ Gunryeong as the 연호/年號/title having the meaning 'Rising into the Heights'.

- Oct 3 - Kudokkun recreates Seoul and joins Daehan. The flag of Korea once again silently flutters atop the ruins of Seoul. End of Nova History.

- Oct 23- Korea declares support to Yamato and her allies on their war against the Ming.

- Oct 28 - A bid to get former Korean EarthPol PVP players to Korea fails due to real life being a thing.

- Nov 20 - Fall of Sokcho. The only functioning transport railway in Korea is heavily damaged, two villagers are rescued before the fall.

2023: The Stars Align

- March 31 - ryli22, a resident of Korea, spams Pro-Communist propaganda causing domestic issues.

- Apr 23 - Toblerone_Agent is elected in the position of Prime Minister. “Despite the fact that Korea has been in in disrepair and inactivity for some time, I believe we can turn this shit around for the better.” -Toblerone_Agent

- Apr 27 - Korea axes 300g worth of Rogue Japanese claims with Claimblock Tickets. Gyeongju is founded by Alex70982.

- May 23 - Kaseong is founded with ryli22 funding.

- May 27 - Prime Minister Toberone_Agent proposes that Korea join the North Sea Republic meganation.

- May 31 - Korea purchases the town of Kita_chosen (Site of the ice track today) from Yamato, bankrupting the national treasury with a cost of 1750g.

- June 3 - The current national dynmap color (red/blue) is set.

- Jun 12 - Korea joins the North Sea Republic as a member state.

- Jun 15 - Prime Minister Toblerone_Agent announces ambitious plan where each town in the Korean nation on the Korean Peninsula with an active population is entitled to a minimum of 128 gold, intending for all of Korea to be largely under control by the end of Summer.

- Jun 20 - Korea officially registers in the FIFA World Cup, held in Victoria.

- Jul 2 - The Korean Discord’s Hentai channel is deactivated.

- Jul 6 - Nidomas of the town of Lithuanian_Order is victorious in the Fourth Election for Prime Minister.

- Jul 7 - PM Nidomas proposes the establishment of a football league in Korea.

- Jul 9 - Korea is defeated by Sahara in the FIFA World Cup.

- Jul 17 - KenDibnah founds the town of Hirakata, financed by Nidomas.

- Jul 19 - King Atomica declares the implementation of a new title for the nation, although none is officially declared until the Coup d’etat.

- Jul 22 - Korea recieves 128 gold of funding from the N.S.R.

- Jul 24 - Mileway, former Seoul Mayor, mounts an attempt to return to the Korean Discord.

- Jul 30 - Korea holds a beauty pageant for its towns, led by PM Nidomas. Gyeongju is victorious and wins the 50g prize.

- Aug 2 - Former PM Toblerone fails to be elected in the North Sea Republic elections with Koreans mostly choosing to not vote. He is appointed as the government representative for Korea by the Countessa Government.

- Aug 5 - Korea is visited by luminaries from the North Sea Republic.

- Aug 20 - NaPeng holds the North Sea Republic Friendship Raffle with a prize money of 64 gold.

- Aug 23 - Fall of Busan. Korea claims the void left by the fall of the city.

- August 26 - NaPeng announces the September Elections in Korea and begins candidate registrations.

- Aug 31 - Mayor of Hirakata KenDibnah and Prime Minister Nidomas declares a Coup d’etat, demanding the inactive leadership of Korea to step down. The coup plotters plan to create a separate nation, Joseon, in case the Korean Leadership refuses the requests.

- Sep 1 - King Atomica and Seoul Mayor NaPeng accepts the requests of the Coup d'etat and steps down from their positions. They are appointed as National Elders by the new regime without real authority.

- Sep 2 - Kendibnah declares the Coup D'etat as finished and announces the change of leadership to the world.

- Sep 5 - The Special Administrative Region of Watatsumi dissolves and officially joins Korea.

- Sep 8 - Korea leaves all previously signed Alliances, Treaties and Agreements, including the North Sea Alliance and the Catholic Church. Korea is ejected from the League of Nations.

- King Ken announces a September Recruitment Drive.

- Sep 10 - Seishin joins Korea.

- Sep 11 - Itomori joins Korea.

- Sep 22 - Korea opens 3 new towns in Manchuria.

- Sep 27 - Official Korean mapart is created and sold in the National Shop.

- Sep 28 - Ulleungdo joins Korea.

- Sep 30 - Nidomas announces the second town beauty pageant.

- Oct 5 - For the first time in its history on EMC (incl. Classic, Nova), Korea reaches 200 Residents.

- Oct 6 - Korea holds a national meeting to discuss the future of Korea. A new State Council system is devised which all mayors and volunteers are a part of, together with a application-based minister system. 24 players were part of the historic meeting.

- Oct 16 - Korea announces its own Creative Build Server.

- Oct 17 - King Ken announces a zero tolerance policy on Hate Speech. Northeastern towns in Korea intitiates secession from Korea, forming the nation of Far_East.

- Oct 31 - Korea votes in favor to hold official fishing sessions.

- Nov 5 - It has come to my attention that some Soviet Larpers have announced that they will be "protecting" the nation "Far_East" against "Korean Aggression"

- November 22 - After being axed sometime in October, NaPeng, Atomica, and Toblerone are re-awarded the position of National Elders.

- Nov 5 - Korea signs a Treaty of Friendship with the F.E.F.

- Nov 12 - Chili Bean Soup is selected as Korea’s favorite Heinz Soup.

- Nov 25 - King Ken donates 128 Gold to Far_East allies who experienced a terrorist attack.

- Nov 3 - King Ken unveils Japanese plans to ignite a war with Korea by conducting a “false flag operation” and looking to frame Korea as an aggressive country due to border disputes.

- Dec 2 - King Ken call on all Koreans to prepare to defend our Nation from the Japanese after secret messages about Japanese expansion in Korea are revealed.

- Dec 3 - Korea declares War on the Yamato Federation.

- Dec 7 - King Ken announces the construction of a Christmas Market in Korea.

- Dec 8- Battle of Daejeong. King Ken and Generals Rosecidear and Eimantas175 defeats over 14 Japanese players with zero casualties.

- Dec 14 - Several Japanese-Built traps are discovered in Korea and announced by King Ken.

- Dec 15 - With Mali being the mediator, a Cease-fire is announced between the warring parties.

- Dec 16 - A Peace Treaty is signed with Japan

- Dec 17 - A second national meeting in Korea is held.

- Dec 19 - End of Year Recruitment Drive is held.

- Dec 27 - King Ken declares reforms in government, introducing the system of ministers in Government. Nidomas, Alex, Eimantas, Enigma731, Nixxie, and Gyuri now hold the position of minister.

- Dec 31 -King Ken uncovers plans by Ming to declare war on Korea to expand further into the Korean Peninsula. Korea condemns Ming for their planned attack on Korea and condemns Ming occupation of parts of Korea. In response to this threat, the government declares Martial Law in Korea and orders a full mobilization off all Korean Soldiers.

2024: Korea Ascendant

- Jan 5 - In response to the Ming Declaration of War on Korea, -- Korea formulates a plan to defeat Ming. King Ken declares that the war will not end until Ming surrenders, leaves Korea and leaves all of Liaoning, which is historically* Korean territory.

- Jan 5 - North Korea unifies with South Korea.

- Jan 14 - King Ken abdicates the Korean throne. Nidomas is crowned as the new monarch of Korea. Nidomas reintroduces elections for Prime Minister and senators, and opens registration for voting.

- Jan 21 - Tom is elected as Prime Minister with 40% of the vote. Nxggetz and bulln are elected as senators. The Korean town forum is officially opened.

- Jan 22 - Minister Alex70982 issues a statement against the establishment of regional authorities within Korea.

- Jan 29 - The official coronation of King Nidomas is held, alongside a grand Winter Ball.

- Feb 8 - The last Queen of Joseon, TessSeymour (Alertray), is banned from EarthMC.

- Feb 10 - King Nidomas restarts the national recruitment campaign.

- Feb 16 - Korea celebrates the Lunar New Year with a event held by Event Minister NixxieWitchy.

- Feb 16 - King Nidomas abdicates, handing the throne back to King KenDibnah.

- Feb 18 - King Ken declares that the ‘Opening Up the Heavens’ era has started under his new reign.

- Feb 22 - King Ken reshuffles the nation’s ministers.

- Feb 23 - After an unknown altercation occurs, a national vote confirms that a supermajority of town mayors prefer King Ken as their monarch. Nidomas and his associates leave Korea, joining the Yamato Federation.

- Feb 23 - Seoul Station is rebuilt by Enigma731.

- Mar 1 - Japan recognizes the Nidomas government as a legitimate separate Korean Government. Korea denounces Japan’s actions, including harboring them in their nation.

- Mar 3 - Korea and Ming signs a ceasefire and agrees to co-operate against the Yamato Federation.

- Mar 3 - Battle of Incheon. The Japanese suprise attacks the Manchurian areas of Korea with hundreds of claims made in a span of a fortnight. King Ken and his troops defeat Japanese forces heading into Incheon causing 13 Japanese deaths while outnumbered five to one.

- Mar 3 - Korea occupies Hokkaido, with the Korean flag flying proudly over the island.

- Mar 5 - The Korean Recruitment Campaign ends.

- Mar 5 - Korea and Japan signs a ceasefire.

- Mar 6 - The Korea United football team plays its first match.

- Mar 9 - Korea reopens its build server.

- Mar 12 - Korea and Japan reaffirms the prior peace treaty, ending the brief second Korean-Japanese War. Territory taken by Japan and Korea during the war is returned or sold, returning to prior borders.

- Mar 14 - King Ken announces the East Seoul Redevelopment Project.

- Mar 17 - Minister dutifulflame flies the first ever aircraft in Korean history, creating ‘Bonguri Air’.

- Mar 18 2024 - Korea reaches 200 residents once more. Multiple associates of Nidomas return to Korea.