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Gaochang(高昌, also known as Qocho) is the capital of Huihu.


When Huihu were preparing to found the nation, the founding players decided to build a new town in the deserts of western China as the capital of the new nation. The location of this new town is in Qinghai Province in modern-day China, so it was originally named QingHai.

Since Qinghai is the name of a province rather than a town, it is not appropriate to use it as the name of the capital. After Huihu reconstruction period began, the name of the capital was changed from QingHai to Gaochang. In history of the real world, the capital of the Qocho Kingdom was Gaochang.

The location of Gaochang in EarthMC is some distance from the actual location of the ancient city of Gaochang in the real world. The main reason for naming the capital Gaochang is to pay homage to history, and to hope to recreate the splendor of the ancient Western Regions in EarthMC.


When preparing to establish Gaochang, Crui96727 was the mayor of WenLing, so he asked xuanbiao to help create the town. After the founding of Huihu, Crui96727 served as the mayor of the capital, Gaochang.

After Huihu divided, xuanbiao joined Dian with the town of Yushu and stole spawner and trident that Crui96727 owned privately, and xuanbiao was added to the exile list of Gaochang.



When planning the construction of Gaochang, Crui96727 and Noname_awa visited many cities in EarthMC and eventually decided to build Gaochang as a city that blends natural scenery with desert architecture.

Giant Tree

The first building in Gaochang, and also the current central building of Gaochang, is a giant artificial tree. The town spawn is located in the crown of the tree, and the nation spawn is located at the roots of the tree. Under the giant tree are Gaochang's warehouses and some production facilities.

The residential areas of Gaochang are mainly distributed on the east and west sides of the big tree. Large public buildings will be built in the north of the big tree in the future.

Production Facilities

Gaochang's production facilities include several mob farms built around spawners, basic crop farms, animal farms, etc. Gaochang also has high-speed smelting facilities, brewing facilities, and enchanting facilities.

Notable People