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Icelandic Commonwealth
National Information
Full Name Icelandic Commonwealth
Towny Name
/n list
Formed 1 September 2024 (Independence Declared)
National Anthem
Motto "Glory to Iceland! Glory to the Commonwealth!" (stylized in all caps) (unofficial)
Population PopulationSymbol.PNG ~150 (September 2nd, 2024)
Capital City Reykjavik
Largest City Vik
Oldest City Vik
Language(s) No Official Language
Religion(s) No Official Religion
Government Information
Political System Representative Republic
Leader Cubz__
Jarls Proser, Oce_78, EmpressChloe
Economic System Giving Economy
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

The Icelandic Commonwealth, commonly referred to as Iceland, is a nation located in Iceland, the British Isles, as well as regions of North America and mainland Europe.

The Icelandic Commonwealth is a successor state of the defunct North Sea Republic. The community and government is a continuation of what came before.


September 2024

On September 1st, 2024 the nations of Iceland, Scotland, The Commonwealth of Monaco & South California, Illinois in addition to the towns of Limerick, Cork, Dublin, Waterford, Boston, and Oban declared independence from the North Sea Republic and formed the Icelandic Commonwealth.

With declaring independence, the community, which consisted of government members of the North Sea Republic, officially moved to the Icelandic Commonwealth, voting to uphold the results of the 85th election on September 2nd, 2024 and continue government operations as normal.


The Government of the Icelandic Commonwealth is a 3 chamber system. The government includes the Leader which is elected by the public and leads the physical nation. The Jarl which typically has 3, 5, or 7 members. The Leader and the Majority of the Jarls have equal power, and if neither branches agree the public acts as a tie breaker in a public vote.

The republic was founded in September 2017 on EarthMC Classic under the nation of Canada and has had zero breaks since.


This list only contains the Leader's of the Icelandic Commonwealth

Leader Name Term
65 Cubz__ September 1st, 2024 - Present


The Jarls are the second branch of government. They can exist in a group of 3, 5, or 7 individuals. Similarly to the Leader they are elected by the people in monthly elections. When a majority of the Jarls disagree with the Leader the issue is presented to the public who then votes on it.

Appointed Positions

Within the republic's government there are 2 appointed positions. The Secretary of Interior and War Chief (commonly referred to as Military Leader). The War Chief is someone who manages offensive and defensive matter, though the Leader remains the Commander-in-chief. The War Chief was originally elected at the start of republic but sometime in early 2018 it became appointed. There typically has only been one War Chief at a time.

The Secretary of Interior is a much more expansive position with a lot more possible duties. In the republic's constitution the job of the secretary isn't set in stone, with the needs of the government taking priority, but typically the Secretary of Interior focusing on internal Infrastructure, like building roads, ice rails, and stocking the community warehouse. Other times the Secretary of Interior was used as a way to get people interested in the gov a low responsibility job so they can view the inner workings of the government. There has been anywhere between 1 to 3 Secretary of Interiors at any given time.


The elections of the Icelandic Commonwealth begin at the end of the month. The process begins with campaign chat being open a week before the last day of the month, in the channel people announce their running for Jarl, Leader, or both, and include a short campaign message. The actual elections open on the last day of the month and are open for 24 hours. The Icelandic Commonwealth uses ranked choice voting, this is where you rank the candidates from first to last on how much you would like them in the government.

Emergency elections occur when a Leader resigns or is impeached while in office, and can also occur when there isn't enough Jarls when one is impeach or steps down. When a Jarl leaves office it goes down to the person who was next in line during the election, though when a Leader resigns there is automatically an election. Typically with an emergency election there is a campaign chat open for 1-3 days, with a 24 hour election following. Normally an emergency election only occurs if there is over a week left in the month after they stepped down. Throughout the history of the republic there have only been 4 emergency elections.