Nova:Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa

Offical Flag of Addis Ababa FlagofEthiopia.png Unofficial Flag of Addis Ababa
(More commonly used)

Town Information
Full Name
Economic System
Official Language
Official Religion
Government Information
Mayor JackJackson
Councillors Recruit4Days, John_of_Aus, Triangle_Square_
Political System
Historical Information
Past Nations Nubia
Past Mayors Recruit4Days, John_of_Aus, Triangle_Square_,
Past Councillors


Addis Ababa is a town located on the horn of Africa. The town belongs to the nation of Ethiopia. It is also one of the largest towns in the Horn of Africa area


Before Addis Ababa 

Before the creation of the Modern-day Addis Ababa, there had been previous town before which belonged to the nation of Ethiopia (Imperial). The former town was used as the basis of the creation of the New Addis Ababa, with theme used in the old town being carried into the new sections of town. The Original Addis Ababa was disbanded on the 6/4/2019.

The Creation of Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa was created by Recruit4Days on the 10/8/2020. Recruit4Days would gain many members during the first week of the town including the core three; JackJackson, Triangle_Square_ and John_of_Aus. Following the creation of the town, JackJackson and Recruit4Days were approached by Twomoo1119 asking if they would want to join Nubia. Recruit4Days would refuse saying that "he wanted to go on his own path".

Addis Ababa would expand claiming the entirety of the old Addis Ababa. A new district was created called "West Addis Ababa" mostly referred to as Western Addis, being a parody of Western Sydney due to their likeness in being "slums". Recruit4Days would recruit the first residents of the town during this period.

After refusing to join Nubia, Addis Ababa would be subjugated to many raids from Nubia which lead to the rise of anti-Nubia sentiment among the citizens of the town. Addis Ababa reluctantly joined the nation of Nubia to help growth of the town and to prevent the town from being raided.

Addis Ababa in Nubia

On 13/12/2019 the town would join Nubia and quickly expanded to 26 residents, making it the 4th largest town in the nation. Recruit4Days would step down from his leadership role after acceptance of Nubian rule, giving the town to JackJackson to run. Expansion would be developed southwards creating an another district known has Southern Addis Ababa. JackJackson would also eventually stepped down from his leadership handing the town to Triangle_Square_, which quickly lost all activity under his rule. This would cause large tension between Triangle and Jackson in the future.

Nearly 3 months after being handed the town, Triangle_Square_ would buy the nation of Umayyad creating Ethiopia on the 13/03/2020. Triangle_Square_ would state that "After the raids on Addis Ababa which I did not forget and the current leader of Nubia, Vlad, being undemocratic, I decided it was time for us to leave". The nation was help funded by the King of Nyasa and the President of the Congo including many United Africa officials.

Communist Addis Ababa

Triangle_Square_ would establish People's Republic of Ethiopia and the People's City of Addis Ababa. This would see little to no activity until the return of JackJackson would disbanded the communist Government and established a Monarchy.

Addis Ababa today

Addis Ababa today is a semi-dead town in Ethiopia.

Notable Buildings 

- Addis Ababa Council Building

- Addis Ababa Town gate

- Ethiopia N Spawn

- Lion of Judah Statue

Notable People 

- John_of_Aus (Previous Mayor, and previous Coup leader)

- Recruit4Days (Previous Mayor)

- Triangle_Square_ (Previous Mayor)

- JackJackson (Mayor)

-cheetossssss (Previous Mayor)