East Anglia (Classic)

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1st Age of Independence

In Wessex as United Kingdom

Doughboy1102 wandered to the middle of the southern coast of Great Britain. Their he founded his town the United_Kingdom. His initial plan was to build a full scale version of Westminster palace. As he made an outline just to the North of the United_Kingdoms Home Block he came to realized that a full scale palace would be larger than the Isle of Great Britain. He then decided to just create a successful town. As he began to explore the area he found that a castle bordering his Home Block was protected but not in a town. Finding this frustrating he decided to move his town.

In Dover as United Kingdom

He moved the United_Kingdom west to Dover were he found a long abandoned burned out house. He made this place his home for a long time. After he raided his neighbor in Flanders after his town collapsed, he used his new wealth to build a Inner and Outer Bailey surrounding the burnt out old house. At this point he converted the burnt out old house to Keep and Named the new fortification Dover Castle. He would continue to live in the keep for a long time. Later in the age he built the Freeman's Bridge after an old wooden bridge in the same place mysteriously disappeared. Later still he built the Castle Prison and the Castle Inn inside the Outer Bailey. At this point

Age of the United Nations

In Dover as United Kingdom

Age of the British Federation

In Dover as United Kingdom

2nd Age of Independence

In Dover as United Kingdom

Age of Prestige World Wide

In Dover as United Kingdom

3rd Age of Independence During British Union

In Dover as United Kingdom

Age of Canada

In Dover as United Kingdom

In Dover as East Anglia

In Dover as Ordo Lily

In Dover as Twin Cities

In Dover as East Anglia