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Revision as of 14:53, 26 November 2017 by >Hasanas83 (Created page with "==Overview== Alesund is a town located on the archipelago of Svalbard (Norway), part of the European Union. The current mayor and founder of the town is hasanas.[[File:2017-11...")
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Alesund is a town located on the archipelago of Svalbard (Norway), part of the European Union. The current mayor and founder of the town is hasanas.

Alesund as of 26 November 2017


The town was founded in late October 2017 by hasanas. It started off as an independant town but soon decided to join the European Union. Alesund is one of the most northern towns on EarthMC and because of its remote location, it's relatively safe from outsiders.Over time the town grew and soon became the most powerful town within the arctic circle.


Area 51

The first conflict was with the town of Area 51, part of the Soviet Union. They put an outpost near Alesund because hasanas (mayor of Alesund) killed too many soviets, hasanas has since then been the #1 enemy of the Soviet Union and has been put on a killist (unsuccesfully). Because of this outpost, members of Area 51 have been continuously harassing members of Alesund.


The second major conflict was with EinfrierenBurg, part of Germany. They made a town also located on Svalbard, but Alesund was planning to claim the entire archipelago of Svalbard, so this was unacceptable. Alesund first tried solving things peacefully but since EinfrierenBurg did not reply to these solutions, action had to be taken. Alesund made a gigantic wall that they claimed so that EinfrierenBurg would not be able to expand their town further, this was effective as EinfrierenBurg could not expand in any direction anymore.

The wall


Alesund is part of the European Union and has been so since the first day the European Union was made, Alesund is extremely loyal to their nation and would never leave them without good cause. Within the town of Alesund the only form of government is the mayor who hands out plots, other than that residents are completely free to do as they wish. Alesund is 100% tax-free because the mayor strongly believes that taxation is theft.