Nova:Hong Kong

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Hong Kong is a town by kcod.


Pre-Hong Kong

Hong Kong was a sandy patch of land consisting a crafting table and nine cobblestone walls.


kcod arrived in Hong Kong by walking from Central Russia and built a base there at the 17th of December. And built it underground as protection from invaders. He contacted Igdibahu and asked to be part of Edinburgh. And Igdibahu agreed, so kcod stated leaving underground and built the town of Hong Kong.


kcod and Igdibahu started building Hong Kong bit by bit. First was claiming the first chunk of Hong Kong which was at 21st December 2017. By three days, the whole of Hong Kong was claimed by Edinburgh as an outpost. While this was happening, Britain fell at the 27th of December, causing Hong Kong to have a discussion about independence.


Hong Kong held a vote on Independence and everyone from British towns voted yes for Hong Kong Independence. So the Hong Kong Independence Ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Conference Center. And the town of Hong Kong was established at the 29th of December 2017. (BeeCow, Igdibahu, Coffeetom and GeneralRhombus attended the event)

In new years, Hong Kong got 3 new members and joined the United Kingdom


Hong Kong got into the Siege of Kowloon where United Empire and French_Union decided to take Hong Kong.


Unofficial Flag

There are 2 flags for Hong Kong. One is the unofficial flag of Hong Kong (非官方香港國旗) which is a purple banner with a white filled flower in the middle.Template:Infobox Flag

Official Flag

Hong Kong's official flag (香港國旗)  is a blue banner with a yellow flower and a white dot.

Evolution of the Flag of Hong Kong

Anthem of Hong Kong

Beyond - Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies

Places to see

Hong Kong Obelisk 香港塔

The Hong Kong Obelisk is built to commemorate the original underground base which is now used for farming. Its height is 128 blocks high with four observation decks. You use a ladder to go to different levels of the obelisk

Hong Kong Hotel 香港酒店

It would house anyone passing by or wanting to stay in Hong Kong the night. It would have a view of the Pearl River Estuary and the harbour. Rooms cost around 1-5 gold. With A garden and a beach resort on the roof.

Hong Kong Gardens 香港花園

It’s a small garden on the 2nd floor of the Lantau Tower. It houses a couple of plants to see.

Fort Robert 羅拔堡

Newly built fort, protected Hong Kong from the Siege of Lan Shek Wan.