Moscow (Classic)
Moscow is a town owned by TheNakedSnail_YT in central Russia.
It was created on August 2, 2017 with his friend Tailz8003 was
taking him on a trip. It started on August 1, 2017 and when
Tailz8003 made his house, he claimed it as the town spawn.
The town grew extremely slow but in Mid-September,
he got his first resident SomeRandomName11.
He joined a nation in the August 7 - 11th week,
Russian_Empire. Then he left Russian_Empire and joined
Alaskan_Empire in Mid-September. Alaskan_Empire's
King nino175 gave him tons of gold these days.
But on October 9, 2017, he joined Mughal.
He enjoyed life in the Mughal Empire but it
all changed when Mughal's King Waqit disbanded Mughal.
Then, he join the European_Union and now enjoys a happy