Neo-Wokism (Austrian)

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The Wokist Reformation

Wokism was established by runnerboy in Abkhazia, this ancient religion was devoted to the worship of Fix and Dirt. After converting to this religion 73beetle decided he wanted to create his own Wokist Bible so he declared the "Church of Bavarian Wokism" Or Neo-Wokism not to be confused with Neo-Wokism in Spain which thinks leftists should be allowed disgusting.

1st Crusade

The First Neo-Wokist Crusade when 73beetle declared that the communists must be rid from the earth! He set off with his Wooden Sword and Shield, Bible and holy dirt in hand to Ulm. Paperpikmin did not take to kindly to the Wokist intrusion onto Christian soil. paperpikmin killed 73beetle with a Dumb trap, everything was returned to 73beetle except for the Crusader Shield. Then a very short Estate war fired off because paperpikmin would no give it back. However 73beetle made a new Shield and made his way to Great Britain. Many bibles were distributed there. However the Leader of Britain rejected a bible. Many Baptisms were done on the British coast with France with the help of Waqit. Then 73beetle made his way to Russia where he handed out more bibles.