NorthWest Llamaism

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What is Llamaism?

Llamaism is a religion created in Yorktown

The Rules of Llamaism

  • WORSHIP LLAMAS (or else you will be thrown into a fire pit)
  • Don't Eat wheat (or else you will be thrown into a fire pit)
  • Don't Eat Chicken (or else you will be thrown into a fire pit)

How to Follow Llamaism

If you would like to Follow Llamaism try to build a Llama chapel in your town, build a fire pit outside of it to throw people in and give sacrifices to the Pope Llama I sacrifice wheat and pig and throw it into a pit of fire.

The Llama Bible


Life, Llama, and Sin. The three words that created this religion. Llamas dotted the landscape of the world. Llama the first added water to your seas. Land to your nations. Food for your crops, and animals for your people. The god Llama the First will become the pope. Only the pope will be allowed to eat wheat, and anyone else who eats it will be executed by being thrown into a pit of fire and lava. If you go near raw chicken you must throw it into the Pacific ocean to get rid of your bad luck you have now come across.

The Journey

Llamist (LA-mist) (LoganCreeper50) travelled all the way to a foreign land called Alania to find the sacred god Llama the first. They travelled down to Iran and into the Indian Ocean then Traveled to the Philippians and went on to the Pacific Ocean they kept travailing until they reached the United States, and travel to the sacred land of Yorktown.

The Llama Crusades

Llamaism had a struggle, they split into Northwest Llamaism, Midwest Llamaism, and Northeast Llamaism. They started a crusade to see who would be the better Llamaist Religion.