Tsugaru shi
Why? Starting A New Nation
DitheryGames set out to create a town of his own in North Japan. This town (Hirosaki) was the start of one of the biggest things to happen to Japan in its early days.
HIrosaki would soon become Tsugaru_shi, a decision that was made after the "election" of a Japanese Emperor. All of the biggest towns leaders came together to decide on the Emperor of Japan, however it was the way this decision was made that lead DitheryGames to leave the nation and create his own. Instead of debating who was best fit, all the leaders yelled at each other for quite some time, until using an RNG wheel to decide.
After this DitheryGames got some friends to join Hirosaki in an attempt to create a more peaceful land in Northern japan. He and one of his friends spent countless nights and days mining for Gold so they could create the nation debt free. Finally on November 27th 2018 they had enough!
Thriving / Golden Era
While Japan didn't like this, Dithery went on to build most of the capital building in HIrosaki; a giant pagoda. Seeing how serious Dithery and his friends were on making this nation Japan decided to work with them on creating boundaries and deciding Hirosaki would help form the JR East Shinkonsen Railway system. Everything was looking up!
FenZenyatta and Niigata did not like this however and decided to go to war with Tsugaru_shi, however due to trying to be peaceful Dithery decided to dug a flood canal around the border to separate themselves from this attack. Eventually all of DitheryGames' friends left the server and Tsugaru_shi was abandoned.