Australian Constitution (Classic)

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Revision as of 07:22, 11 February 2018 by >DragonIsHere
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The Australian Constitution was drafted for the first time in mid January, by DragonTrainer9 for the nation of Australia . Dragon proceeded to allow anyone with the link edit the constitution, sharing it in the Australian discord for feedback and edits.

The Constitution

The Australian Constitution is a formally written book of laws and explanations on how the Australian Government will work.

Three Levels of Government 

1.1. Local. Local government is a town government. In most towns, the Mayor is the main decision decider, with the chancellors as close advisors and ministers. The Australian Nation WILL NOT interfere in any local government affairs unless a substantial threat to the nation or other towns. 

1.2. State Government. State Government is the government for each State and Territory. The states are: Victoria, New a South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Northern Territory and Western Australia.

1.3. Federal Government. Federal Government is the nationwide government. The Parliament House is in Ben Nevis City, Scotland, due to ties back to the UK in real life, and ingame. The head of the Federal Government is the Prime Minister, Who is Elected to the position every month. You cannot be PM more than 3 months in a row.

B. Freedom Of Speech

2.1. You may protest against the government and its decisions, However only Speech will be heard and listened to. Violence is a crime which is punishable with a fine, or in extreme cases, prison. This charge is known as “Anti Government Sentiment”

2.2. Using the ANY sort of racial swear is illegal and punishable with imprisonment or being reported to staff. 

2.3. Defaming Australia in any way, including stopping towns joining, is illegal under the charge of “Anti Government Sentiment”.

C. Fair Trials and Punishment.

3.1 Everyone is entitled to a trial, smaller crimes will result in a trial with just one judge, while larger crimes will result in up to 10 players in the jury.

3.2 If anyone in the jury (or the judge) is found to have been bribed in any way, they will be fined anything from 64 to 128 gold.

3.3. Charges. These are the Charges you can be charged with in a trial.

Murder (killing a player, fine or prison)

Manslaughter (accidental killing of a player, fine.)

Mass Killings (killing more than 5 players within the space of 10 minutes, prison or fine.)

Anti Government Sentiment (as stated above; being anti Australia, fine or prison)

Terrorism (destroying or killing many players, this can also be an extreme version of grief, imprisonment, execution)

War Crimes (unlawfully killing in a war, war grief, Fine)

Robbery (stealing items from a player, Fine)

Trespassing (abusing rank and stealing or destroying private plots)

3.4. Burning the Australian flag can also result in a fine.

D. Banned players and/or towns from Australia.

4.1 Banned players include, but is not limited to:



Lord Whopper


4.2. Banned towns include:




4.3 Allowing access to any of these towns if strictly illegal and can result in a fine of up to 128 gold.

4.3.1 Aiding these towns in anyway (trading is excluded) will be documented you shall be fined 24 - 48 gold.

4.3.2 Spreading secrets on the nation discord mentioned towns or players will result in execution and a fine of 24 gold.

E. Punishment.

Punishment will only ever occur after a trial and will NEVER occur before one.

5.1 Punishments.

Fine (a payment of gold to the government)

Execution (without putting gear away, the charged must be burnt with his gear,

Imprisonment (in prison for an amount of time)

The UK incident

On January the 10th, Dragon opened the Constitution to find a threat from the UK and been typed. Dragon went into the UK discord and immediatly told GeneralRhombus about the act of agression. GeneralRhombus claimed of no knowledge of this act and agreed to stop anymore acts. Dragon deleted the message and believed General would stop anymore of these acts.

The Second UK incident

On the 11th of January, the entire constitution was deleted by a UK member. Luckly, GeneralRhombus had a backup and the cons