Classic:United Kingdom

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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Overseas Territories

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Overseas Territories is a kingdom of British peoples and towns, started on the 31st of December by GeneralRhombus in order to recreate the British nation. It is the 3rd incarnation of the British nation, The nation is the spirit of the Reconstruction of Britain.

It has a very rich history and once had a Great Empire, but currently in March of 2018 it has become obsolete, but with a new monarch soon it could change.



  • Battle of Perth
  • Battle of Edinburgh
  • Siege of Kowloon
  • Siege of Lan Shek Wan
  • Battle of Fort Elizabeth


Pre-United Kingdom

The modern history of the United kingdom began on June 18th 2017 when the player General Rhombus had joined with the sole intention of uniting Great Britain and possibly the British Isles. He traveled across Europe and landed on the mostly empty island, there were only 2 towns in the isles at the time, There was Manchester, a town on the West coast of the Irish Sea, owned by a player named Mathsminer. It German owned for most of its history with the intention to put all of Great Britain into German hands. The other town that is currently known as Twin Cities, owned by Doughboy. For a long time these were the only players on the island of Great Britain. General Rhombus had instantly had some distaste for Manchester, but ignored it. He lived in Central Ireland for about a week, until he had gathered enough gold to make London, its original date of founding has been lost to history, but it is estimated to have popped up sometime in between June 20th-June 25th. It a brand new town in the region. Soon after London popped up, talks with Twin Cities about forming the United Kingdom began.

First talks of unification

The United Kingdom had began taking some amount of shape, a constitutional democracy under the rule of Doughboy. When Twin cities and London began talking about unification, Manchester wasn't invited, they wanted great Britain to be unified, but under the rule of Germany. After about 2 weeks of talking, everything political about the United Kingdom was decided, the only issue in the way now was Gold, and Manchester. Manchester had the self interest of draining the Irish sea and flattening wales to support a population, London was very against this, and founded a company known as British Heritage, to keep the isles landscape well.

Area's of London (Yellow), Manchester (Green), and the Irish Town (Purple).PNG

Around this time another town in Ireland had popped up and became severe enemies with Manchester, with battles breaking out frequently. London supported this Irish town against Manchester in somewhat of a Proxy War. Now, town in Africa which had wanted to be a colony of the UK had enough gold to make the United Kingdom in early July 2017. Unfortunately the mayor of the Ivory Coast never came online to give the gold to Doughboy or General Rhombus. Shorty after, General Rhombus fell inactive, any hope of an early UK was gone and London sat empty for a long time.

New Towns and First Nations

After London had lost activity in July, nothing happened (except the eventual collapse of Manchester) on the island until the towns of Edinburgh and York popped up on the 9th and the 10th of September 2017, the mayor of Edinburgh Igdi, and the mayor of York Bennysifi, AKA John Wilfred. On October 7th, the first nation pushing for the United Kingdom was created, with a union of Edinburgh and York under Bennysifi. Another nation by a new town called the Scottish Empire popped up too, with the towns of Conwy and Elign, which is now known as Stornoway (Under Japanese occupation). The Scottish empire was under beecow and had the same intentions as Britain, to unite the island of Great Britain, except they couldn't agree under what system or leader.

The return and more Unification talks

Around December 10th of 2017, General Rhombus had returned to a very different political situation then he had left off of. Only a few days before he returned London had collapsed and it had been looted and out posted by Wilfred of York. The first thing Rhombus did was talk to Wilfred about the history before Britian or the Scottish empire, and that he was mayor of London, Wilfred removed the outpost and funded London to be remade and joined the nation Britain. Wilfred and Rhombus wrote the Magna Carta, laying out plans of a united Constitutional Monarchy. on December 16th, DragonTrainer of Conwy hosted talks over unification of Great Britain, which may have only been attended by the Scottish nation, or only 1 British. Many arguments and talks over unification had occurred, but abruptly, Wilfred of York disbanded Britain and urged London and Edinburgh to join the Scottish Empire. With all of Britain being absorbed into the Scottish Empire, it was renamed to the United Kingdom and it united all towns on the island (except Twin Cities).

British Fools Gold

The island of Great Britain had been united under Beecow of Elgin, it was seen as an amazing achievement by most of the world and it was also considered a victory by the people inside the nation. It really would have been the Golden Era if the mayors could agree on anything. General Rhombus and Wilfred disputed Beecows monarchy status, Igdi and Dragontrainer had disputed territory, Beecow, Coffeetom and Dragontrainer, Igdi, General Rhombus, and Wilfred all were divided on how the nation should run.

The internal image of the United Kingdom was a mess, but the external image was extraordinary. The UK grown an empire comparable to Spain's, which took months to make, the British Empire took off to superpower status in days. It had colonies over multiple continents. It was described by paperpikmin as "nothing like the server has seen before, and probably will ever see again". With all of the expecations set by the server and the Government officals, it was known that the nation had to be agreed upon. a meeting was scheduled for the 26th of December to internally fix the United Kingdom, it was rescheduled multiple times and hours before it was supposed to happen. The meeting turned out to be an absolute disaster. Instead of progress, it had multiple long drawn out arguments of officials. it ultimatley resulted in the Collapse of the United Kingdom on December 27th 2017.

The Collapse of The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom had collapsed due to people being loyal to the idea, but not the nation. The UK broke into peices and Beecow left for Africa. Instantly, General Rhombus, and Igdi still continued working on having the UK. One nation came out of the collapse of the UK, The United Empire. Most towns pushing for the United Kingdom were still nationless, towns like Conwy, Kerala, Perth, and Port Elizabeth joined the United Empire. Several towns left the UE due to thinking it was a dictatorship, the towns Conwy, and Port Elizabeth created another new nation called the United Union. The United Kingdom was recreated on December 31st of 2017, Perth joined the UK, Port Elizabeth joined the UK from the UU.

Beecow, who was the king of the UK when it collapsed had said stuff like "stop trying" "your trying to unite a nation that cant be united", this really didnt help the morale of the UK, on December 31st 2017, the UK was recreated under General Rhombus, but it would never really recover.Germany had a plan to invade the island of Great Britain and all towns on the island (except London) to unite the island against a common enemy, but the day the were planning to do it the UK was recreated.

The Disbanded British Wars

After the UK was recreated, discussions between Conwy and the UK began for integrating the rest of the UU into the UK, Dragontrainer had said he didnt want to participate in talks anymore so the UK government postponed all talks of it until "further notice". The UU threatened war, DragonTrainer had secretly called several European powers, such as Russia, Germany, and Spain. This caused lots of worry inside the United Kingdom. Germany stated that they would support the United Kingdom in a war with the United Union, the United Union said that Spain would support them multiple times, which to all the British and Germans knew, it could be the cause of an armed conflict of Germany against Spain. Spain issued a statement that they would support the United Kingdom in the event of a war with the United Union. DragonTrainer had stated that he would abandon the idea of an invasion of the United Kingdom.

In something of a joke, General Rhombus asked Lord whopper of the United Empire for his bow back, Whopper offered an alliance to General Rhombus and it was accepted. This instantly got backlash in the UK, so General Rhombus pulled out of the alliance, and for whopper it was enough for war. "France" and the UE were up against the UK. More info on the Disbanded British Wars wiki page. The UK ended up as the victor after the UE signed the Treaty of Edinburgh. and soon after the UE joined India.

The Era of Reconstruction

After the UE and the UK signed the treaty of Edinburgh, the UK finally had time to focus on the political part of the nation since the Fools Gold. General Rhombus shaped the current political system of the United Kingdom. After the United Kingdom got its poltical situation sorted out, it had an election to decide the monarch, who would then pass the monarchy on in the future. The people elected Beecow, who reigned form January 21st-February 2nd 2018, only pushing the "Neutrality act" through parliament, then resigned and gave Igdi reign over the nation. Igdi began organizing the Royal Army when Port Victoria and Hong Kong left the nation. The UK is currently now very inactive and still hasn't recovered from its collapse in December. It is not longer relevant on the world stage. General Rhombus should be taking over as monarch soon, as of March 25th that seems to be the plan.

Government System


The United Kingdom is split into three states

  • The Scottish States (Edinburgh and Conwy)
  • The English States (London and York)
  • The World States (New Glasgow)

National Parties

London Party

The House of George


Name Reign Party Capital
GeneralRhombus December 30th - January 21st London Party London
BeeCow January 21st - February 2nd BeeCow's Party Port Elizabeth (Victoria)
Igdibahu February 2nd - ?? n/a Edinburgh