Valencia (Nova)

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Revision as of 21:58, 17 July 2017 by >Zqppy (This post describes the history & town of Valencia.)
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Valencia is a town located on the Iberian Peninsula where the real life province of Valence & city of Valencia is located. The town is a coastal town and's flag is similar to the Aragonese's flag. The leader of Valencia is Zqppy, who registered on July 2.

An Image of the Iberian Peninsula


  • ===Starting days:===

The starting days of Valencia was rapid, as soon as the Leader Zqppy ran off from the glorious city of Taipei, he arrived at the Iberian Penninsula in seek of refuge, he was wandering the coast looking for settlement, when he ran into a German citizen, after that moment, Germany aided Valencia till the end of the period., with Germany's collapse. Zqppy found an area unsettled, & formed the towwn of Valencia.

  • ===The days of peace:===

During these days, the city was bustling, being a newly formed town. It was weak, from invaders, but few knew of the town's existance at the time. Players joined who were active, buildings were being raised rapidly, a farm was constructed & a dock was confined to the beach.

  • ===The days of chaos:===

Alass, peace has to come to an end. During this periode Valencian citizens were devistated, as the marking of this periode came when Maracaibo attacked the port & residential houses, a house was damaged severley, as it was made of wood. The port was blown, & only recently repaired. The citizens became less active, & eventually didn't show.

  • ===The reconstruction:===

In Valencia the reconstruction zone started with the remodeling of the industrial sector, the houses were taken down & replaced by a better neater area, with a road & plots to make things more orginized, as of writing this article, the town is in this periode, & plans on making peace & claiming their own land.

The Valencian flag


The government in Valencia, is an absolute monarchy, & is set up in a way that if Zqppy the leader ever leaves the server, his heir will take his place. The government is completley ruled by Zqppy, in this government, he can apoint administrators, diplomats, merchants, & missonarys. In the event that the leader leaves without an heir, the advisors will rule the town, in regency. The town follows the principles of Feudalism, meaning that the town claims vassels, & gets gold & military troops off the vasals.