Veligrad (Classic)

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Revision as of 19:37, 6 January 2018 by >MAIXOR
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Veligrad je malé městečko uprostřed Evropy. Je součástí německé říše.

Here was the center of Great Moravia!



History of the Veligrad:

Founded - 16.12.2017

HISTORY (July - August 2017)

Once this place was dominated by the Persian Virmuni, but it took a long time, and the first leader and the king called ImNotEN came to this place. It was from the small Persian settlement that the first Czech city was built. He called it Prague (Prague). His economy prospered so much that he could afford to establish a nation called Czech-Israel. After ImNotEN resigned, he fell with him and the kingdom.

TODAY (December 16, 2017 - now)

One Slavic player, called MAIXOR, commented with a comment: "So this is the land paradise?" He wanted to make a stop and near the former Prague (Prague) founded the first Moravian town called Velehrad (Veligrad). The translation means "big city". He settled down and founded the first Moravian roots. He called his region Moravia (Moravia). The economy is growing slowly but surely. Today Veligrad is a small and quiet town.