Polish Kingdom

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Revision as of 21:40, 5 April 2019 by >MlecznySernik
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Polish Kingdom - one of the oldest ountries on EarthMC founded 9th of November 2018. In February 2019 it deleted by xHyper20 and anexed with Gdansk by Polish_State because of the civil war.



Poland was founded on November 9, 2018 by MlecznySernik (now mlecz_). Work on establishing the state was started already in August after the announcement of Terra Nova. Mlecz_ for a long time was looking for players to create Poland. The first capital was Gdansk, which was then the largest polish city.

1st Betrayal of Szczecin

Before the terra nova start, 3 players decided to overthrow john and take power in the kingdom, they were: kacp222, Panciast (Kokuczuwek) and Tymkowsky. Because of that Mlecz_ decided to put them all in one city - Szczecin.

Bornholm Conflict (2nd Betrayal of Szczecin)

Shortly before creation of Poland, one one town was rebellious, it was Bornholm with Mogion at the head. Szczecin decided to leave Poland too and together with Bornholm joined to the Denmark. There was an unofficial war between Poland and Denmark, Sweden has declared help to Poland in the event of open conflict. Later Szczecin was occupied by Poland and returned to its borders, and the city was punished with 200 gold for treason which were never paid.

Polish-Prussian War


Coronation of xHyper20


Polish-Romanian War


Polish Civil War
