The Rhineland
The Rhineland is a young nation located near the Rhine. It has a history spanning nearly the entire year and has had countless events and things occur in it's history. The nation was formed on 30.11.2019.
The Rhineland's government is a constitutional monarchy under Emperor Amune. The president is the unofficial leader of the nation and holds more power than the Emperor in-game at least. Then you have the chancellor which is currently held by BlockForcer.
The Rhineland also has a council which is basically all the leading members who make decisions, and decide on what to do next.
Before Frankfurt and Bonne - Insert Dates
Before the times of Frankfurt and Bonne, there was Israeli Chad, a town formed by DanielPoli and BlockForcer in Africa. No one joined and even fewer joined due to a large number of people in EarthMC hating Israelis, who DanielPoli was. They soon sold the town and left for Europe.
Rhine Confederation and Early Days - Insert Dates
Sometime in April, the town of Frankfurt was founded near the Rhineland. A few days later the mayor of Bonne, Amune proposed a border between them and BlockForcer agreed. Soon after the Rhineland would start forming, if only they knew what would happen next.
Related Pages
Important People
Towns and Cities
The Battles of New Liechtenstein
Notable People
Amune - The rightful emperor of the Rhineland, mayor of Bonne, the co-capital.
DanielPoli - President of the Rhineland, one of the founding members and mayor of Frankfurt.
Blockforcer - A founding member, co-mayor of Frankfurt, Chancellor of the Rhine and much more.
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