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LanternVille is a town that was created on May 26, 2022 by a user known as JackTheBunnyMC, the town was originally called Furland and was ment to be a town for furries but after furland joined the Nation of America, the creator recieved critsm due to being furry related, eventually after a few weeks furland was renamed to Lanternville, the point of Lanternville was to be a halloween themed town.

The town itself wasnt that big due to the owner being too lazy too invite new players, but the town had several project for it, the projects included a giant jack o lantern shaped pumpkin farm, because the owner was the Secretery of Agriculture and had the job to feed the nation of America, eventually America decided to merge with the nation of Louisiana and so Lanternvile joined the nation of United_States, after the merger the owner became largely inactive, though there were a few projects after the owner got obsessed with ships and so all over the earth he created memorials for ships like the RMS Titanic, HMHS Britannic, Wilhelm Gustloff and several others.

After a few more months the Nation of United_states made a deal with the owner of Atlanta for them to change their name back too Louisiana and the town of Atlanta to Become the capital of the NEW United_States, and so the owner decided to join the NEW United_States, since many of his old friends from Terra Nova moving on too other nations and or quit.

This is how the town of LanternVille is today.