Current Day
The current Oregon is a nation headed by Bon_Kranch with it's capital being Astoria. It was founded on April 9th, 2023. Oregon is a territory of Cascadia.
Oregon Empire was a mega-nation in North America. It's Kings were OriginalDogster, Wdym(now Presidentpico) and finally Bon_Kranch, and it's capital is Salem, Oregon. The
nations that made up the empire at it's peak were Oregon headed by the King, Washington headed by Bon_Kranch until it was sold and joined Cascadia, and Great_Bear headed by Jax_Everling which never officially left but the nation did fall. The empire ended after Bon was scammed by the leader of a Washington revolt against Cascadia, which joined Cascadia the day after, and had the nation of Oregon be transferred away. Oregon was part of the Crown of Texas for it's final months.