Constitution of Kimberley

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Constitution of Kimberley
Original title
Jurisdiction Kimberley
Subordinate to
Created December 13, 2022
Presented December 30, 2022
Ratified January 1, 2023
System Constitutional judicial mafiocratic republic
Government structure
Branches 2
Chambers None
Executive Godfather,
President of the Government
Judiciary Supreme Court
Federalism No
Electoral college
First legislature
First executive
First court
Amendments 0
Last amended
Commissioned by Supreme Court of Kimberley
Author(s) Java_Wolf and Cah30verfl0w
Signatories Cach30verfl0w, Java_Wolf
Media type Google Document (online)
Full text
Link to full text

The constitution of the Republic of Kimberley was made to find a good point between power distribution and power concentration. This constitution was made by the Supreme Judge Cach30verfl0w and the Godfather Java_Wolf to create a base of laws. The document was written from December 13, 2022, at 21:16 to December 16, 2022, at 20:30 with active communication between the Supreme Court of the Republic to the Godfather. You can find the constitution document here.

Summary of the Republic constitution

This is a summary of the articles in the constitution. In this part of the article, you see all articles, the creation dates and the meaning of the articles in the constitution.

Article Number The meaning of the article
Article I Article 1 describes that the Godfather is the head of the Republic of Kimberley, his power over the Government, the Supreme Court and his successor. And this article shows that he has the right to veto decisions
Article II Article 2 defines his position as the head of the Government, his power to the ministries, his veto rights and his right to an office after his work as President
Article III Article 3 defines the position, power and structure of ministries in the government. Article 3 shows that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Development and the Ministry of Finance have to exist in every government in the Republic
Article IV Article 4 defines the legal system with the establishment of the Supreme Court, its rights and limitations, and the majority principle in the court
Article V Article 5 defines the distribution of power to the city and district administrations, the rights of the administrations and the conditions for the administration
Article VI Article 6 defines the republic's right to protectorates and colonies around the globe, the right to have their political presence if they say that in a treaty, and the structure and organisation of the administration
Article VII Article 7 defines the officer structure in the royal army of the Republic. This article shows the right of the Prime Master of the House of Despot to announce titles and the military administration organisation
Article VIII Article 8 defines the extra rights and the conditions in the case of war in the republic and that the case of war can declared by the Godfather and the government
Article IX Article 9 defines the integrity of the constitution on the ground of the Republic of Kimberley, the punishment if you try to undermine the current state and the autonomy of Kimberley
Article X Article 10 defines the existence of an intelligence service infrastructure, the rights of that infrastructure and the difference between the intelligence service and the secret service
Article XI Article 11 defines the rights of citizens of the republic and politically tolerated persons in the republic. This article also says who can give someone citizenship of the Republic of Kimberley
Article XII Article 12 defines the right of every guy in the Republic of Kimberley, like the right to create their organisations or the right to file criminal complaints to the courts against a person or organisation in the Republic

Legitimacy of the Constitution

Since the Republic is de facto and de jure independent, they also have the right to have a constitution. This constitution will be discussed in the Family Council on 17 December 2022.