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Quarters allows for much finer control over properties within a Towny town.

Because residents deserve the bare minimum.

Players can use a wand or a series of user-friendly commands to subdivide their town into 3D areas. The advantage this provides over stock Towny is not being limited by the perms applying to an entire town block, you can give players permissions to much more specific areas and stop wasting your land.

The wand item is flint by default, this can be used to select two corners that form a rectangular cuboid area that can be turned into a "quarter" (as in "living quarters") by a player using /q create. The flint also makes a handy tool to covertly scratch your tenant's floors to ensure you keep the security deposit.

While a player is holding the wand item, both their currently selected area and quarters that currently exist within the town they are standing in will be displayed with an outline of particles.

Creating a quarter

The most intuitive way to create a quarter is to use the wand item, this is by default flint. If you cannot get access to a wand, the commands /quarters pos1 and /quarters pos2 will suffice.

Selecting a region

Click on the two opposing corners of where you want to create a new quarter, left for pos1, right for pos2. Ensure the positions you select form an area that is entirely within a singular town with no wilderness inside it's bounds. On a server with a default Quarter's config your selection should be highlighted with a series of particles, adjust your selection if it is not correct.

Once you have the area you want to turn into a quarter selected, type /quarters selection add, this will add that cuboid to your currently selected cuboids and the particle outline will change to reflect this. If you would like to add more cuboids to your selection to create a custom shape select another area and add it to your selection with that command again. Keep in mind that cuboids within your selection are not allowed to overlap, but they are allowed to be separate from each other.

If you have made a mistake with your selection, you can stand within a cuboid you have added already and type /quarters selection remove to remove it from your selection. Additionally, you can send /quarters selection clear to completely remove all cuboids you have currently selected.

Keep in mind that while creating a quarter some servers may impose certain restrictions such as a maximum number of cuboids per quarter, max number of quarters per town, or max block volume per cuboid.

Making a quarter from your selection

With your quarter selected, type /quarters create and if your quarter is still in a valid location it should be created without issue. It will be given a default particle colour that you can change with /quarters colour {r} {g} {b}.

Quarter Types

Quarters comes out of the box with a few different quarter types to choose from. You can change a quarter's type with the command /quarters type {type} or by using the admin command /quartersadmin type {type}


This is the default quarter type, it can have an owner and the owner can set trusted users. The owner, anyone they have trusted, and anyone with perms in the underlying Towny plot have permission to alter this quarter type. All other quarter types have this behaviour and are additive to this functionality.


The commons quarter type allows players to switch and item use within the quarter. By default these extra permissions are only granted to residents of the town the quarter is in but this can be extended to non-residents by setting the quarter to an embassy using /quarters toggle embassy.


This will allow players to create shops within the quarter, keep in mind that the functionality of this relies on the shop plugin itself supporting Quarters or support for the shop plugin being added into Quarters.


The station type allows players to place, destroy and use boats and minecarts within the quarter. By default this only applies to residents of the town the quarter is in but much like the commons type, this functionality can be extended to all players by setting the quarter as an embassy using /quarters toggle embassy.