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Personal Information
Spawndate August 19, 2022
Place of spawn
Citizenship Union Of Laurentia
Gender Male
Pronouns he/him
Alias(es) FieldsofTrees
Residence New AmsterdamLaurentia
Town Rank Mayor
Political party
Other affiliations Republic Of Cascadia, Yamato
Language(s) English
Religion(s) Unknown
Discord loser_tylenol

Sir TylenolEC (spawned August 19, 2022), alternatively known as FieldsofTrees, is a Cascadian diplomat and politician who served as the 3rd President of Cascadia from December 18, 2022 to January 15, 2023. Prior to his election as President, he served as Secretary of State of Cascadia in the Cabinet of President ViolentVampire, member of the House of Representatives, and as an ambassador to East Asia. Having been the founding mayor of Freewater, he currently serves as the Ranger of Kootenai National Park and as a member of the Cascadia House of Representatives since June 18, 2023. Prior to joining Cascadia, he was a diplomat for the Japanese Government. Known for his knack for diplomacy and solving issues via pacifism rather than violence, he has since become a significant figure within progressive politics in Cascadia in his post-presidency and to date. On the ----- TylenolEC left Cascadia to create his own nation. This nation was called Vinland which was later changed to Laurentia. Over time he established an organized government for Laurentia and became the first Chief Governor (leader) of Laurentia. He then moved to establishing many laws. After serving 2 terms as Chief Governor he decided to step down from Chief Governor and served as Secretary of State from October 1st to November 1st. Aurora:Laurentia (Aurora) Template:Union of Laurentia (Aurora)