Aurora:United Front

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Name or Description

This is where you can write general details on your alliance, such as location, the date it started, basic history, member nations, etc. You may want to put specifics only in the infobox of the alliance, but it's totally up to you. Because alliances are larger and more importantly they also have much higher standards than town or player articles. alliances need a flag and or banner on the wiki, however, there are no standards as long as it's not edgy for no reason or otherwise randomly retarded. It's lenient though and at moderator discretion. Infoboxes are required.

Purpose, Ideology, Common Theme

The United Front was founded with the purpose of challenging empires and monarchies across EMC [TA]. While the United Front does not uphold, nor obliges its members to follow, one single ideology, it’s members unite under the banners of anti-imperialism and national liberation for oppressed peoples and nations.


This section is NOT optional, as it will end up being the bulk of your article. It is however lenient and not much has to be written, as long as it has some subdivisions. Subdividing should be done in longer, broader time periods, and then smaller specific ones. How long or short you want each period to be is totally up to you. At first, using only one subdivision if fine, but unlike player articles alliances tend to have a lot of history so it's required to eventually add more. If you have trouble making more subdivisions or writing about the history of the town contact a mod.

Subdividing has always been really inconsistent so this is not final, but it's better to use headings as intended. So for example:

Have a Sub-heading 1 as the first one in a group 

And Sub-heading 2 for specifics 

Italicizing or bolding the first group makes it a lot easier to see in different to the smaller ones so its recommended.

I would not recommend subheading 3 because it looks tiny and makes things weird

otherwise, feel free to write whatever history you want here

Heres an example:

Early History 


After extensive talks with EchoOcelot Paperpikmin established a new German state in order to recreate the German alliance. Initially, success was seen, with a new town established and Berlin regained. This slowed as Paperpikmin became incredibly busy off the server. Nonetheless, as November arrived the alliance saw continued legitimacy and growth, however, it is slow due to the major towns of Leipzig and Hamburg proving an enormous obstacle. Many new alliances were quickly established, and diplomatic talks were made initially.


As you can see, it looks relatively neat when there is enough text in each subdivision, so this is the recommended route to take.


Describe how the alliance functions. Obviously, anything secretive can be left out entirely, but outright wrong information is not okay. If this creates conflict contact a wiki mod about the issue.


Additionally, it's important to write about the military, whether there is one or not. Like government, this can be very simple or very complicated at your discretion. If a alliance only uses militia, feel free to just write that or detail them. If a alliance has no military whatsoever and refuses to ever fight, that's another relevant point and should be discussed here.

Buildings and Monuments

These are buildings associated with this alliance, for example, headquarters and monuments. Alliances can use buildings from any member nation, town, or any "territory" it owns.

Member Nations

This is a list of the member nations and their geographical area.

Nation Geographic


Date Joined


Date Left


Notable People

This is a required field to detail important members of the alliance. This can be organized in a list, for example:

Name Role in

the Alliance

Nation Notes